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Tree Care Services

Working with an accredited tree care company can give you peace of mind that only the best practices and highest standards are being used. While arborist certification proves an individual’s proficiency, accreditation provides assurance that a company as a whole is proficient at proper tree service and business practices.

At Maier Tree & Lawn, we offer a variety of tree care services, including:


Get professional advice about tree care services in Rochester, MN and surrounding areas.
The arborists at Maier Tree & Lawn have extensive knowledge about trees and shrubs in Southeast Minnesota and the various things that can affect their health, beauty, function, and safety. Opinions are a dime a dozen, but accurate, expert advice is worth its weight in gold. With this kind of advice on your trees and lawn, we can accomplish your goals. Here are some of the tree consulting services that we offer in the Rochester and Winona areas:

General Tree Care Advice - Proper planting and tree care are essential for the long-term health and beauty of your landscape. Questions like, "What tree should I plant here?", "Should I water my mature tree?", "How can I protect my tree from deer?", and "How should I treat a wound on the trunk of my young tree?" can be answered so you can continue to care for your trees with the certainty that you are doing the right thing.

Insect and Disease Diagnosis - Misdiagnosis of pest problems will lead to ineffective results and higher expenses in the long run. The consulting arborists at Maier Tree & Lawn are trained and educated to make a proper diagnosis with treatment recommendations that keep your trees, shrubs, and lawn healthy and beautiful.

Tree Preservation Plans - Good planning during the building process can add decades of longevity to the trees on your property, while poor planning will decrease tree life and often lead to unsafe situations. Involving us from the start of any project is vital for protecting the health and safety of your property’s trees. We can create a plan that will protect your trees, yet also be manageable for the builder during the construction process.

Tree Value Appraisals - The beauty and function of a tree can add significant value to your property. An appraisal of this value may be needed in the case of accidental tree damage, tree removal in new utility easements, and for establishing a value for the sale of land. Our consulting arborists will consider the species, location, and condition of the tree or shrub to determine an accurate value.

Hazard Tree Evaluations - A hazard tree evaluation could be very important to protect your family and property. While large deadwood and broken branches can pose a significant threat to your home, even more important are the subtle signs that indicate interior decay that threaten the health and safety of your family and home. These signs take good diagnostic tools and professionals with years of experience to catch. This information is absolutely essential to guarantee the safety of your home.


We offer tree pruning services in Rochester, MN and surrounding areas. At Maier Tree & Lawn, we know that tree pruning is essential for the long-term maintenance of your landscape in Rochester, MN. Pruning, when done correctly, can greatly enhance the health, beauty, and safety of your trees. However, when done improperly, the life of your tree may be jeopardized. Only certified arborists following proper pruning practices should prune your trees. Certified arborists, like those employed by Maier Tree & Lawn, are familiar with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) tree care and safety standards (A300 and Z133.1). Don’t leave the fate of your landscape in the hands of amateurs. Trust the professionals at Maier Tree & Lawn to ensure your yard is clean, safe, and professionally cared for. We offer our tree and lawn services in Rochester, Winona, and all over Southeast Minnesota


Tree pruning is the science of limb removal to reduce risks, encourage strong form, clear space around important structures, and remove the 4 D’s; dead, dying, damaged, and diseased limbs.

Dying / Dead / Damaged / Diseased Limb

The most common pruning that we practice on trees includes:


Selective pruning to remove dead, diseased,and/or broken branches.


Selective pruning to provide vertical clearance.


Selective pruning to decrease height and/or spread (consideration must be given to the ability of a species to tolerate this type of pruning).

Structural Pruning

Selective pruning to improve tree and branch structure, primarily on young and medium-aged trees.

Did you know?

IT’s better to remove a tree before it can damage property


Providing tree removal and stump removal services in Rochester, MN.

Tree Removal and Stump Removal
While Maier Tree & Lawn focuses on promoting the health, beauty, and longevity of your trees, sometimes removal of a tree is required. To ensure the overall health and safety of your entire property, it’s better to remove trees that may pose a threat.

Maier Tree & Lawn has years of experience in both simple and complex tree removals. The proximity of the tree to homes, landscaping, roads, and other obstacles poses no problem to our expert staff. With the use of ropes, pulleys, proper rigging gear, and even cranes, we find safe and efficient solutions for every tree and stump removal process. We take into account all the surroundings of the tree to be removed, whether it’s your property or your neighbor’s. Our tree consultation services guarantee that we tailor every tree removal and stump removal plan to your lawn’s unique landscape. Maier Tree & Lawn is accustomed to removing a variety of trees. Whether you live in Rochester, Winona, or anywhere else in Southeast Minnesota, we’ve got the expertise and professional equipment to keep your landscape looking its best.

Forestry Services
While arboriculture is the art and science of caring for individual trees, forestry is the art and science of caring for groups of trees, or forests. Forestry takes into account the whole ecosystem: the relationship between plants, animals, fungi, water, and people. Urban Forestry looks at this relationship in the city, town, or other developed setting.

Urban and community forestry programs
An urban forest is simply a forest in an urban area. Like in a natural forest, there is a functioning ecosystem present that includes things like soil, trees, and wildlife. However, in this ecosystem, people and buildings, with all their associated byproducts, are key players. In this ecosystem, trees function to shade buildings and streets, which reduces energy costs. They also help clean the air, which makes our bodies healthier. They add beauty and character to otherwise ordinary buildings and streets. Trees provide numerous benefits to our communities. These benefits add up to dollars, both in savings and added value.Unfortunately, many communities do not have the luxury of a staff forester. It is still vital that good forestry decisions are made so the community remains safe, beautiful, and sustainable. Maier Tree & Lawn can help in several ways. As a consultant, we can first assist in developing a forest management plan. This would involve a tree inventory and a tree risk assessment as listed below. We can also develop specifications and/or administer contracts for the planting, pruning, or removal of trees; education and staff training; and involvement in community forestry awareness programs such as Arbor Day.

Disease Management
Disease management is important in making the forest sustainable. If left unmanaged, diseases can devastate a community forest. This was very evident in the 70's and 80's with the rapid spread of Dutch Elm Disease. Those communities that had management programs still have, to this day, beautiful elms on their boulevards and in their parks.

At Maier Forest and Tree -
What we don't know is what disease will be next. Like inventory and risk management, disease management needs to be incorporated into the planting and maintenance programs.

Tree Risk Management Programs
Where trees and people coexist, trees must be monitored closely. Their towering form can become the very thing that ruins property or injures people. Communities need to know which trees are more likely to fail or cause other problems. Balancing the goals of public safety with a healthy urban forest is extremely complex and should only be done by a trained forester. A tree risk management program should be incorporated into every phase of a community's forestry program, from planning and planting to pruning and removal.

Tree Inventory
The first step involved in managing is to find out what you have. For a community forest, this is done through a tree inventory. At a very minimum, this inventory tells you the number, species, size, and condition of your trees. Maier Tree & Lawn can perform this inventory on software that is compatible with other city planning software. This information can be used in planning and/or in the daily operations of tree and landscape crews.

Tree Preservation during Construction
As a community grows, there is inevitably construction around trees. A plan needs to be in place to protect those trees, both on the boulevards and in forest developments. If there is no plan, many dollars may needlessly be spent removing valuable, beautiful trees that could have been saved.




Tree Identification - Pictures and Facts

The University of Minnesota Extension Service: Diagnosing Problems

Sustainable Urban Landscape Information Series (SUSTLAND)

The University of Minnesota Extension Service provides practical information to people who need it when they need it. The goal of SUSTLAND is to provide sustainable landscape information to the public and to the horticulture/landscape industry.
By using Maier Tree & Lawn tree care services, you can have long-lived, beautiful, safe, and healthy trees. We proudly offer our tree care services to Olmsted County and the Winona area, including Rochester, Byron, and other surrounding areas. For more information, call our office today at (507) 286-8733 to talk to one of our Certified Arborists, or click here to request a consultation.