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How Well Did Your Trees Weather the Winter Storm?

May 2nd and 3rd of 2013 will probably exist forever in the weather records as the snowiest May “winter storm” to strike our area. Like an extreme application of shotcrete, the wet and heavy snow stuck to everything and only got heavier and wetter as the snow finally changed to rain. Power poles and lines, buildings, outdoor furniture; nothing was safe from the extreme weight of the driving snow. Thousands of trees in Rochester were damaged, and many types of plants, from decorative bushes and lilacs to mighty oaks and towering pines, felt the effect of this storm.

When there are broken or cracked limbs and branches, the damage needs to be removed to prevent additional injury to the tree or bush or potential damage to nearby structures or people. Some trees and plants were stressed, bent and twisted in ways you might think damaged them, but many species are quite hardy and will recover on their own. If you’re in doubt, let us check it out – our trained and certified arborists can assess your trees, shrubs and bushes and give you recommendations that best fit the needs of the plant.

The amounts of heavy, wet snow from this May’s storm are an unusual phenomenon, but the severe spring and summer storms yet to come with high winds, hail, and torrential downpours aren’t. As the season progresses, look for branches that are hanging or browning. That is a sure indication of a limb or branch that is damaged and no longer alive. This type of dead wood will eventually come down; how and when is uncertain. It is far safer for your tree, property and structures if the dead wood is professionally removed before a summer storm tears it from the tree and possibly causes additional damage. Our professional, experienced staff uses their expert skills and safe equipment to cut and remove damaged or dead limbs with minimal impact to the tree or the surrounding environment.

We Also Specialize In Lawn Care

We’re less than two weeks from the start of meteorological summer. If we’re lucky, there will be no more snow this season. But, you never know. After all, it is Minnesota. Our lawns could all use a little help this year! Check out our lawn care services and service packages to help make your lawn green and lush. Maier Tree and Lawn, The Green Care Company, will assist you with the trained and experienced professionals and superior products to make your yard the lush and thriving environment you desire!  Sign up online or give us a call and we’ll gladly help you decide which services or package will best suit your lawn’s needs and your budget.