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Treat Trees Early to Defeat Bugs Later

Which of these statements is true: a) The best time to get a flu shot is after you’ve gotten the flu; b) The best time to get car insurance is after you crash your car; or c) The best time to treat your trees against an infestation is after you actually see bugs attacking them. Common sense should tell you none of these statements are true, but if you’re a bit hazy as to the best time to treat your trees, here’s a few tips regarding the when and why.

Like getting a flu shot before the flu season hits, the best time to protect your tree from an infestation or attack is before it occurs, and that time is early spring. Spring brings warmer weather which serves as an alarm clock to every creepy crawly bug out there. Mature bugs emerge and begin the cycle of life once again, and the top item on their preferred menu – your tree!

Treating your trees to maintain their health is a beneficial preventative measure. The Emerald Ash Borer is making news all across this part of the country, and it’s not a question of if it will get here anymore; it’s exactly when. It’s already killing thousands of trees across many states; including Minnesota (Winona and Twin Cities). Other pesky invasive insects also call our area home and put their preferred trees of choice in yearly jeopardy. A treatment plan for your trees can and will save you money down the road. You have car insurance because you know that replacing a totaled uninsured new car would be horrendously costly. Trying to save a tree injured by years of infestation can also be quite expensive, or worse. If left unattended, can result in the death of the tree and require removal.

But let’s focus on the positive – Maier Tree & Lawn has treatment programs available which will help keep your trees safe and strong. One of our preferred treatment products is Xytect™, which is a broad-spectrum systemic insecticide that is applied to the soil. Xytect™ targets the tissues within the tree where the insects feed. That’s why it’s imperative to initiate a treatment program in early spring to begin attaining a sufficient level of uptake into the tree tissues before the insects start actively feeding in late spring and summer. Xytect™ provides protection against Emerald Ash Borer, and is exceptionally effective against a broad range of other invasive insects as well.

Maier Tree & Lawn has the staff, knowledge and experience to help you with your tree treatment needs. Our ISA Certified Arborists will inspect your trees and provide you with the care and treatment options specific to their needs. So, as spring approaches, please give us a call and schedule a time for one of our consulting arborists to visit your home and discuss a program of care and preventative services for your trees. Treat you trees early to defeat bugs later – be proactive, and let us help keep your trees green, beautiful and safe for years to come!