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Is Your Yard Ready for Spring?

It’s that time of year again – springtime is upon us, and in Rochester, MN, it’s almost a full month early! If you haven’t already done so, it’s time to pull the lawn mower out of the shed, unearth the gardening tools from the dark depths of the garage, and uncover the grill.

As you’re enjoying the warmth of the sun, the heady fragrance of blooms and the char-broiled scent of grilled food, take a look around you and take stock of your yard.  How did your trees and decorative bushes fare over the winter?  Do the bushes look a bit misshapen or on the verge of taking over more than their allotted space?  Do the trees hang low and have dangerous limbs?

While puttering in the yard can be a soothing and rewarding task, the big stuff can be time consuming, physically demanding, and sometime just plain dangerous for the untrained or unskilled homeowner.  And it should not be taken lightly!  There are precautions to take when firing up a chainsaw, or standing on a ladder (but never do both).

If the do-it-yourself stuff is getting out of hand, or diminishing the pleasure you get from gardening, give Maier Tree & Lawn a call!  We specialize in maintaining the overall health and beauty of your trees and lawn, and will gladly give you a free estimate on how to enhance your great outdoors!

Treat Trees Early to Defeat Bugs Later

Which of these statements is true: a) The best time to get a flu shot is after you’ve gotten the flu; b) The best time to get car insurance is after you crash your car; or c) The best time to treat your trees against an infestation is after you actually see bugs attacking them. Common sense should tell you none of these statements are true, but if you’re a bit hazy as to the best time to treat your trees, here’s a few tips regarding the when and why.

Like getting a flu shot before the flu season hits, the best time to protect your tree from an infestation or attack is before it occurs, and that time is early spring. Spring brings warmer weather which serves as an alarm clock to every creepy crawly bug out there. Mature bugs emerge and begin the cycle of life once again, and the top item on their preferred menu – your tree!

Treating your trees to maintain their health is a beneficial preventative measure. The Emerald Ash Borer is making news all across this part of the country, and it’s not a question of if it will get here anymore; it’s exactly when. It’s already killing thousands of trees across many states; including Minnesota (Winona and Twin Cities). Other pesky invasive insects also call our area home and put their preferred trees of choice in yearly jeopardy. A treatment plan for your trees can and will save you money down the road. You have car insurance because you know that replacing a totaled uninsured new car would be horrendously costly. Trying to save a tree injured by years of infestation can also be quite expensive, or worse. If left unattended, can result in the death of the tree and require removal.

But let’s focus on the positive – Maier Tree & Lawn has treatment programs available which will help keep your trees safe and strong. One of our preferred treatment products is Xytect™, which is a broad-spectrum systemic insecticide that is applied to the soil. Xytect™ targets the tissues within the tree where the insects feed. That’s why it’s imperative to initiate a treatment program in early spring to begin attaining a sufficient level of uptake into the tree tissues before the insects start actively feeding in late spring and summer. Xytect™ provides protection against Emerald Ash Borer, and is exceptionally effective against a broad range of other invasive insects as well.

Maier Tree & Lawn has the staff, knowledge and experience to help you with your tree treatment needs. Our ISA Certified Arborists will inspect your trees and provide you with the care and treatment options specific to their needs. So, as spring approaches, please give us a call and schedule a time for one of our consulting arborists to visit your home and discuss a program of care and preventative services for your trees. Treat you trees early to defeat bugs later – be proactive, and let us help keep your trees green, beautiful and safe for years to come!

Help Your Lawn Survive the Salt Assault

What a winter it has been! We’ve seen almost every type of winter weather possible, from sub zero nights to above freezing days, and storms that threw the entire gamut of possible winter precipitation at us – snow, hail, sleet, rain, freezing rain, and that could all fall in just a 10 minute period! Along with the previous winter, we’ve seen more icing situations than usual, and where there’s ice, there’s salt. Salt is the economical choice for melting and clearing ice from roadways and sidewalks. There are different types of ice melting products available, but most contain sodium chloride (NaCl), which is simple salt. When the plow truck goes by it is treating the road with a combination of sand and rock salt. If you buy a bag of deicer to toss on your driveway and sidewalks it may be regular rock salt or a product that combines sodium chloride with calcium chloride or magnesium chloride. Salt is a necessary evil when battling icy winter conditions, but an unwelcomed evil when we get into the grass growing season.

The good news is that most grass varieties sown and grown in Minnesota are generally resilient against the effects of salt. So what is the bad news? Salt and other chlorides can accumulate in the soil over the years. Although these nasty substances can be leached from the soil by adequate rain and watering, we entered the winter in a drought condition with a serious moisture deficit. Currently, we are still in a drought and over 7 inches below the usual moisture we should have received since January 1st. As the snow along the streets and sidewalks melt, the salts and sands applied will settle onto and into the ground. How many times have you put down salt only to find yourself shoveling or snow blowing a few hours or days later? Depending on where you live, the plow truck may have thrown a fair amount of snow, sand and salt into your yard many, many times. If you use a snow blower, you’ve probably distributed salt products across your yard as well. The grass may be resilient, but the continuing dry weather and constant assault of these salt items doesn’t help your lawn or your urban ecosystem. However, there are solutions to this problem which can save your lawn and help preserve and enhance the ability of the grass to survive.

Maier Tree & Lawn can help you with this challenging problem. With our expert green care services we can test your soil, determine what your lawn requires to regain and retain a optimal level of support, and help your lawn by applying the required products and nutrients to help your lawn recover quickly and remain adequately nourished. Our green care services provide many stand alone options which are also available in our Multi-step Lawn Care Packages. Give us a call and we’ll be happy to discuss your concerns and help you set-up the best lawn care service to benefit your yard. Don’t wait until the last of winter’s white has melted away – contact Maier Tree & Lawn today so we can give your yard the boost it needs to become the lush and luxurious lawn you desire!

Is Your Crabapple Tree Healthy or Infected?

There are few trees that offer the phenomenal beauty as a crabapple tree in full bloom. From dazzling whites to intense reds, a flowering crabapple is an unforgettable springtime sight to behold. For most folks, crabapple trees are an ornamental delight in the spring and then simply exist once the show is over. Some use the crabapples to make jams and jellies, but most consider the tiny fruit a nuisance that requires extra yard work and attention come fall.

Apple Scab is a disease that owners of these trees should be mindful of. This condition is caused by a fungus, Venturia inaequalis, which infects the leaves and fruit of a crabapple tree. Infected leaves will exhibit an olive green to brown spot on them and can turn yellow. After a leaf has turned yellow it generally falls from the tree. An infected tree can drop the majority of its’ foliage, sometimes only a few months after the infection begins. In severe cases, a crabapple tree may lose every leaf prematurely.

Sanitation is crucial in helping prevent apple scab. Since the fungus exists on the leaves, proper disposal of leaves from an infected tree is very important. Another, more permanent solution is having the tree sprayed yearly with a fungicide to protect new leaves and fruit from the fungus.

Maier Tree & Lawn offers crabapple spray programs that generally begin in mid-April. If you have a crabapple that has shown signs of an apple scab infection you need to take action to ensure the infection does not ultimately kill the tree. Some untreated trees can survive a yearly onslaught of apple scab, but it severely weakens and stunts the growth and vitality of the tree. A tree which blossomed abundantly one year and then becomes infected may have fewer flowers the next year followed by an early drop of yellow leaves.

The arborists at Maier Tree & Lawn can determine the best treatment program to protect your tree. Our certified application specialists will spray your tree to provide the maximum protection affordable with the minimum of impact on the surrounding vegetation. It isn’t just a matter of “Spray and walk away.” Effective application is determined by factors including the size of the tree, what stage the tree is in for producing leaves, weather, and relative dryness or dampness.

If you have noticed in previous years that your crabapple tree has yellowing and spotted leaves that drop pre-maturely, call Maier Tree & Lawn now to schedule one of our arborists to come out and give you a quote for our preventative spray program. The only protection is by being proactive and spraying while the leaves are emerging. Once the leaves have yellowed, the tree is infected and there’s nothing you can do until the next year. Contact Maier Tree & Lawn today so we can schedule an early spring treatment and help you keep the beauty of your flowering crabapple vibrant and thriving!