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Start Planning Lawn Care Services Today

Your lawn is part of a complex urban ecosystem. The particulars of each individual system varies, but it may be made up of any number of interconnected processes and organisms, including your trees, turf, soil, and everything in between. Through symbiotic support, each level of the system interconnects and sustains the others. In particular, the soil in your lawn functions to redirect and absorb runoff, sustain plant life, and to harbor animals, insects, and microorganisms essential to a healthy lawn and healthy shrubs and trees. Maier Tree and Lawn takes a unique approach to lawn care services that considers the entire urban ecosystem, and for Rochester, MN, residents, this can mean excellent lawn health that lasts a lifetime.

Remember that every part of your lawn’s ecosystem is vital when administering effective lawn care services. Too often in lawn maintenance, factors like turf roots are addressed without also considering the roots of shrubs and trees as well. Without attending to all aspects of your turf, you may be neglecting areas that need attention or missing opportunities for better comprehensive lawn health. An ecosystem that promotes great lawn health does so by treating all components as equal contributors to a healthy whole.

Our first consideration when it comes to tree, turf, and lawn health is soil building. Maier Tree and Lawn’s lawn care services utilize green techniques to build the soil beneath your lawn and improve the growing conditions for your grass, trees, and shrubs. Our recommendations and lawn care services are proven to improve the soil that all vegetative roots need to thrive. Through proper nutrition, the right seed, green practices, and education, we can help create the right conditions for optimum growth of your lawn.

Promoting the healthy and beautiful growth of your Rochester, MN, turf, lawn, trees, and shrubs is our ultimate goal at Maier Tree and Lawn. If you’re interested in improving lawn health or are looking into other lawn care services, contact us today at (507) 286-8733.

Lock In Early and Save Some Green!

It’s the end of another growing season. The last of the leaves have been raked, the lawn mowed for the final time, and the implements of lawn care are being stored for their winter siesta. The only thing left to do is to wait for the snow and make sure the snow blower starts, right?

Not so! Now’s the time to save some real green before the green of spring 2013 comes our way.

Maier offers earth-friendly lawn care services that promote healthy grass growth, and if you pre-order before November 15th, 2012 your budget can save some serious green! Lock-in your lawn care contract before November 15th, 2012 and receive a 10% discount on your lawn care services for 2013.

Maier offers a Five Step or Six Step Organic Based Program for nurturing your lawn and keeping it free of weeds and crabgrass. Both programs include a soil test and lawn analysis to ensure your lawn receives the proper nutrition it requires. Lawn aeration is professionally performed in the early fall to open the soil and allow for proper absorption of moisture and nutrients. Pricing for our 2013 lawn care programs is based on an exact square footage measurement of your lawn.

So, before the snow begins to fly, take the time to explore Maier’s lawn care programs. The November 15th, 2012 deadline is rapidly approaching, so don’t wait!

Maier; providing green solutions for your lawn that can save your wallet a lot of green! Contact us today and we’ll help you lock in great savings on a greener spring before the white of winter settles on your lawn!