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Evaluating Hazard Trees on Your Personal Property

Part of being a homeowner with outdoor property in Rochester, MN, means managing the health and safety of the trees on your lot. Much of the time, this is a low-risk and high-reward experience, but sometimes the possibility of damage from trees arises. Damaged and diseased trees are dangerous for a multitude of reasons, and understanding what to do with them may take the expertise of a certified arborist. If you have a hazard tree on your property, Maier Tree and Lawn can definitely help.

What Is a Hazard Tree?

A hazard tree is any tree that may pose a health or safety threat to your property or those on it. This definition can mean a dead tree that is a fall risk, a diseased tree that may be contagious to the other trees around it, or a damaged tree that has broken branches from a storm that may be fall hazards. Hazard trees are named as such because they are dangerous and can lead to significant property damage, injury, and in severe cases, death. 

How Can You Identify Whether a Tree Is at Risk?

Since the term hazard tree encompasses more than one type of risk factor, there are a many characteristics that may be indicative of a health or safety problem. Some are visually obvious such as broken branches, tipping trunks, or external rot. But internal rot and insect problems may be harder to identify without evaluation by a certified arborist. Diagnosing a hazard tree is easier with the assistance of a certified arborist who is trained to identify common and uncommon issues among any tree species.

Can Homeowners Take any Steps to Prevent Hazard Trees?

Mitigating the dangers of hazard trees is best left to certified arborists, but keeping an eye on your trees, maintaining semi-regular professional checkups, and ensuring that any concerning areas are investigated as soon as they arise are simple ways of circumventing serious risks down the road. Because of the potential health and safety risks, however, self-managing any hazard tree is not recommended.

If your Rochester, MN, property has a hazard tree that needs to be evaluated, treated, or removed, contact Maier Tree and Lawn’s certified arborists today. Homeowners can call us at (507) 286–8733 or visit our website today.

When to Request Springtime Tree Removal in Rochester, MN

Judging when and if to have a tree removed is a difficult process. Fully grown trees aren’t only a great aesthetic addition to your Rochester, MN property, but they’re also extremely valuable. A healthy adult tree can add a significant sum to property value which makes the decision to have one removed all the more complicated.


A heavily damaged or dead tree can be just as much trouble as a healthy tree is beneficial. Maier Tree and Lawn’s tree service professionals urge homeowners to consider what their trees are contributing to their property, and if you’re stuck with a troubling tree, consider if tree removal is right for you.


Spring is a season that really highlights the signs of unhealthy trees. Missing leaves or discoloration will be especially obvious when compared to other nearby trees. Occasionally a visit from tree service professionals is all that’s needed to remove damaged or dying limbs, but in some cases, these could be signs that the tree is dying.


Depending upon the cause of the tree’s poor health, tree removal may be the best and safest option for other trees nearby. An infestation or disease may be capable of spreading to other trees which can sometimes necessitate tree removal. If one of your trees is looking unwell or exhibiting signs of disease, contact tree service experts for a consultation.


Unfortunately, even if your trees are all in good health, tree removal can still become necessary on short notice. Even a tree free of pests or disease isn’t completely safe. More often than not, spring tree removal becomes necessary after storm damage or other unexpected physical trauma. A tree struck by lightning or knocked over by wind immediately becomes a hazard to your home, family, and the rest of your property. This type of tree removal is practically impossible to plan for and can be extremely stressful. In these cases, relying on tree service professionals can help smooth out the process.


Regardless of the cause, springtime tree removals can indeed be a necessity. If your Rochester, MN property is in need of a tree removal this spring, contact the tree service experts at Maier Tree and Lawn today at (507) 454-7000, or visit our website here.

Determining the Right Time for Tree Removal in Rochester, MN

It can be hard to say goodbye to a tree that’s been on your Rochester, MN, property for many years. Not only do trees help shape the landscaping of your home, they also grow and change along with your family. Being attached to the trees in your yard is a very common feeling, which is why tree removal can be a stressful decision for any household. For those of you in the first steps of requesting tree services such as complete tree removal, here are a few factors to consider from the tree professionals with Maier Tree and Lawn.

Often, when a tree is close to requiring removal, there are a variety of factors that make the process time sensitive or even urgent. The most pressing situation is when the tree has become a serious and present danger to those around it. This can be caused by storm damage such as being struck by lightning or snapped by wind, an accident such as being hit by a car, or just caused by old age and decay. If your tree is in danger of toppling over or is no longer in one piece, it’s likely time for a professional tree removal service to intervene. It’s also important to remember that even if your tree isn’t a direct threat to people it isn’t dangerous in other ways.

Depending upon the condition of your tree, it may be infested or infected with something contagious. Tree removal can become necessary if your tree has the potential to pass along virulent pests or disease to other trees in the area. This type of tree removal is sometimes based on hard-to-see symptoms such as discoloration or irregularities which can be unnoticed without paying close attention. Even if your tree appears healthy and hasn’t yet succumbed to whatever is residing within, hiring a diagnostic tree service professional to inspect its health is still wise. Losing one tree is upsetting enough; infecting every tree in the neighborhood is another story entirely.

Non-health-related tree removal can be the most difficult to contend with. This is especially true when the tree is healthy and intact, but just poorly placed. Just because it’s not causing physical damage doesn’t mean it isn’t risky to keep. For instance, a poorly placed tree can interfere with power lines, block natural light, overwhelm a lawn with thick roots, and generally compromise property value. Even if they don’t feel as dire, all of these reasons are perfectly valid for hiring a tree service specialist to inspect your trees for potential tree removal.

If you’re a Rochester, MN, resident trying to decide if it’s time to say goodbye to a tree, or you just aren’t sure what your next step should be, contact the tree service professionals at Maier Tree and Lawn at (507) 454-7000, or by visiting our website here for more information.

Tree Removal After a Major Late Summer Storm in Winona, MN

There’s no question that the late-summer weather in Winona, MN, can be volatile. Right before the cooler seasons roll in there’s often an influx of high winds and impressive rain that puts earlier summer showers to shame. Unfortunately, along with these weather bursts comes the risk of losing some of your beloved trees to storm damage. As a homeowner, it’s vital to remember that once a tree has been damaged or uprooted, requesting professional tree removal services with Maier Tree and Lawn must be a priority if you want to preserve the safety of your property and neighborhood.

Tree removal after a storm needs to be speedy because damaged trees are much more dangerous than they first appear to the naked eye. If you peek outside your home after a storm and notice broken branches, cracked trunks, or a familiar tree bent at an unnatural angle, you should immediately take precautions and contact emergency tree services to prevent addition damages from occurring. Any of these problems could lead to damage to your home, car, or injuries to an unsuspecting person walking nearby.

It can be easy to forget when your trees are intact and standing tall, but trees are incredibly heavy. It may be odd to consider an oak as a “sharp object,” but when a tree falls, each protruding branch is like a weapon with significant force behind it. Branches can pierce through cars, rooftops, walls, windows, and lawns. With the right force, the weight of a large tree trunk can easily crush an SUV. Even a small tree or sapling could become a catalyst in a major local disaster if it touches a power line. Ultimately, the risk of causing a fire, injuries, or a power outage far outweighs the effort in simply hiring the right tree services to take care of your damaged tree.

Tree services exist to ensure your trees are dealt with safely and effectively. If your trees experience any type of storm damage in Winona, MN, contact the tree removal experts at Maier Tree and Lawn as soon as possible at (507) 454-7000, or by visiting our website here for more information.

Protect Your Trees Against Major Storm Damage in Winona, MN

Trees are some of the most robust residents of Winona, MN. Very little can surpass the sheer longevity of healthy adult trees, and this is true even when taking those harsh, icy winters into account. But, tragically, sturdiness doesn’t equal invincibility. In the face of wild winds and extreme downpours, even the toughest tree can sustain significant storm damage. The tree care professionals of Maier Tree and Lawn encourage all tree owners to be especially vigilant after a storm because major damage can be bad news for trees and tree owners alike.

Major signs of storm damage are, generally, going to be very obvious. If you wake up to your elm inside of your reading study, you likely have a major issue. But, thanks to the natural structure of trees, sometimes even major damage won’t stand out. A canopy of branches and leaves can mask damage such as cracked branches or disconnected sections. If grown close together, an uprooted trunk can be camouflaged by its neighbors. And thanks to their height, a branch hanging treacherously may be outside your view during your tree care routine.

Each of these aspects of storm damage can vary widely from a nuisance to a serious danger. Dangling branches can become dislodged and fall onto your or a neighbor’s property. In a worst-case scenario, such a branch could even strike a person. Similarly, a disconnected branch left unattended could interact with a power line which could lead to fire or widespread power outages. For county folk living off well water, this could mean no access to water for hours or even days.

There’s plenty to be concerned about after a major storm in Winona, MN, but don’t let your trees escape your scrutiny. In the event that you encounter damage during your routine tree care or have concerns about the safety of your trees, contact the storm damage specialists of Maier Tree and Lawn at (507) 454-7000 or by visiting our website here for more information.

5 Tree Laws You Should Know

Maier Tree and Lawn - 5 Tree Laws You Should Know About Tree Care

Believe it or not, there are several legal tree facts that are really useful to know. Hopefully it you are aware of these tree laws it’s not from first hand experience! Disclaimer: We are not attorneys so please don’t take these as legal advice, however we do know a few and they’d back us up.

Law #1 ::

Any part of your tree that goes over your neighbor’s fence is technically theirs. Property lines extend from the ground up into the sky. Your neighbor would technically have the right to prune any portion of your tree that passes over that imaginary line, so long as it does not damage your tree. You do not have the obligation to prune it for them.

Law #2 ::

Your tree has value and if damaged or destroyed by someone else, you have the right to collect damages from the person who caused the damage (or their insurance company).  The industry has standard ways to appraise the value of a tree based on their size, species, location on your property, and their condition. An average medium to large tree in your front yard likely adds thousands of dollars of value to your property.

Law #3 ::

Municipalities often have the right to condemn a tree that is diseased or dangerous on your property, and you would have to pay for that to be removed. Dutch Elm Disease and Oak Wilt are two such diseases that cities in the state of Minnesota have the right to condemn for the sake of managing those diseases. Trees that are unsafe can also be required to be removed for public safety. If you do not remove the tree, the City will have the tree removed and send you the bill.

Law #4 ::

You do not have the right to have a view. Trees that are on someone else’s property are not yours to prune or remove for any reason (unless it extends that imaginary property line in Law #1), including getting back a view that you once had. You may laugh, but we have seen this happen more than once and it rarely ends up well.

Law #5 ::

A city owns all trees in the right of way along roads. Most roadways extend beyond the curb and past the sidewalk by a few inches to a foot. Any tree in this area is not yours to prune or remove as you wish. Some cities will pretend that a tree in the “boulevard” strip is your responsibility and liability, but the reality is that they own the tree and responsibility to care for it or remove it. Check your local ordinances for specifics on this in your community.

These tree laws are in place because, we truly do care about the trees! We think this is pretty cool! The folks at Maier Tree & Lawn love trees and can help you with any tree issue you may come across. Call us today to set up your consultation!

Three Signs That Your Winona, MN Yard Could Benefit From a Tree Removal

Removing a tree can be an enormous change for your yard. It can affect how much light reaches your windows, free up space for a new garden, or other trees and leave empty spots to fill. The decision to go through with a tree removal can still be very difficult. Many Winona, MN homeowners become very attached to their trees, and for good reason. But someday the cons might outweigh the pros, and it will be time to contact the professionals from Maier Tree & Lawn. If you think you may want a tree removed but are having a hard time deciding, here are some yard care facts to consider.

Size and Shape:

By no fault of their own, sometimes trees just grow up… awkwardly. This could mean growing into power lines, smothering sunlight, pushing roots through gardens, or dropping twigs and acorns onto your car. If a tree isn’t working in your yard, it may be time to consider a professional removal.

A tree exists in your yard to serve you. It’s better to be happy with your lawn in the long term than to be dealing with the constant frustration of an incompatible leafy yard-mate. Plus, a poorly grown tree may lower the value of your home. When it comes to home value, proper yard care definitely includes aesthetic aspects.

Damage and Danger:

Even if a tree grew up and out perfectly, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll be problemfree forever. You should consider tree removal if at any point your tree becomes significantly damaged or is in any way a danger. In fact, in some cases, damage may even lead to danger. Large, weak branches can be dangerous to walk underneath. Wayward branches can cause fires if they hit power lines. Hollow trunks can lead to a cavedin roof after a windstorm. The list goes on. Yard care requires a certain level of awareness about how all of your plants, turf, and trees are interacting with one another. Keep your lawn hazard free and have your compromised trees professionally assessed before they lead to more problems.

Wilting and Wellness:

On a similar note, a tree doesn’t have to be obviously broken for it to be a yard care hazard. Tree diseases and infestations are a perfectly good reason to consider a tree removal as well. Signs of persistent wilting, chewed-on leaves, or discoloration may be a sign of tree-sickness. If any of your trees are ill, they may infect other trees or plants on your property. In cases of danger or disease, a speedy removal is in the best interest of you and your lawn.

But don’t just trust your own knowledge or another uneducated opinion. Have one of our professional certified arborists assess your tree. You want someone who loves trees making decisions about yours. Winona, MN tree owners can contact Maier Tree & Lawn today at 507.454.7000 or visit their website here to learn more about tree removals and yard care.


Three Reasons Why Amateur Tree Removals Can Hurt Your Landscape in Winona, MN

Searching for “tree removal gone wrong” on YouTube is a one way ticket to anxiety.  Watching family after family deal with crushed cars, downed power lines, shattered windows, and caved-in roofs is a great way to never want to remove, let alone walk under, a tree again. So to keep you from yanking down trees on your own, here are three reasons why Winona, MN residents should consult tree removal specialists like those at Maier Tree and Lawn instead of striking out alone in proper YouTube fashion, only for things to go terribly wrong terribly quickly.

Reason #1:

Improper tree removal often brings with it a significant amount of what can be called “landscape collateral.” This term can refer to any of the horrors listed above and to smaller annoyances such as littered branches and stubborn stumps. A fallen tree, even if it misses your house, can crush other plants, rot away into your grass, or even take down other trees as it tumbles. Landscape collateral can be incredibly dangerous or just frustrating to clean up, but either way it’s a good idea to avoid it altogether.

Reason #2:

Putting aside how dangerous amateur tree removal is in general, improperly taking a tree out of the ground can also cause problems for your lawn as a whole. Your lawn is a cohesive, functioning ecosystem and causing damage in one part of it can cause damage to the whole thing. For instance, driving over the grass to pull a tree down could tear up half the lawn before the winch is even in place.

Or say you successfully pull down a rotted tree and navigate around the flowerbed, but you don’t have the right tool to get the stump completely removed. Now there’s just a rotting hunk of wood lurking on and beneath the surface of your lawn. Lawn care can already be a big job, but a botched tree removal adds new layers of difficulty to the task.

 Reason #3:

And finally, the most important reason why you should always invest in a professional tree removal team: improper tree removal hurt you. Even if the whole tree doesn’t come toppling over, that doesn’t mean the branches won’t, and depending on the size of the tree, a good bonk from a branch could be simply embarrassing . . . or it could be deadly. Lawn care requires an available caretaker and if you’re laid up because a tree fell the wrong direction (and onto your leg), your landscape will suffer too.

Residents in the Winona, MN area can contact Maier Tree and Lawn at 507.454.7000 or visit their website here. Stay safe and call for professional tree removal help today.

Dealing with Tree and Stump Removals in Rochester and Winona, MN

If you’re a resident of Rochester or Winona, MN, it’s likely that you have trees on your property. In fact, if you’re a born-and-bred Minnesotan, you probably love them too! It’s difficult to avoid getting attached to the towering variety of leafy-goodness that are Midwestern trees, but sometimes even a healthy tree can become a problem for your lawn.

The question is: how do you know when a tree has got to go?

There are three “H’s” you should consider when determining whether a tree removal or stump removal is necessary: health, hazards, and help.

The first H—health—is fairly straightforward: evaluate the health of the tree. Is it sick, dying, or dead? Does it have a disease that it could pass to other trees? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, then it may be time to consider your tree removal options. If you’re not sure, then you’re in luck! The arborists at Maier Tree and Lawn can drop by and take a look for you. It’s a great idea to consult a professional in cases like these so you don’t remove your tree unnecessarily.

The second H—hazards—is all about safety hazards. Is the tree on your property in danger of falling over? Is it bumping into power-lines whenever a stray breeze comes by? Don’t forget to consider that even stumps can be a hazard, depending on their placement in the lawn; they can wreak havoc on your lawn mowers and twist ankles if left unattended. So take a look at your problem-tree and ask yourself, “Is this dangerous?” In these cases, it’s better to be safe than sorry. A hazardous tree can cause significant damage to property and people alike.

The last H—help—is the most important to consider when you’re deciding what to do with your trees. Make sure that you solicit the advice you need when making your final decision. Tree removal and stump removal can be dangerous if handled improperly, which is why it’s important to have a company like Maier Tree and Lawn on your side.

Winona, MN residents can call Maier Tree and Lawn at 507.454.7000. The Rochester, MN number is 507.286.8733. Or, if you’re looking for more information on tree care, feel free to visit the website here. Even if you haven’t made your final decision or considered all your “H’s”, you can still contact them today for a consult regarding your specific tree-issue.