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6 Horrible Mistakes You Are Making With Your Trees

Maier Tree and Lawn - 6 Mistakes You Are Making With Your Trees

Taking care of your trees might seem simple enough, but a few honest mistakes might be preventing your trees from thriving. Once you take the right steps to tree maintenance, the rest is easy. The folks at Maier Tree & Lawn are known around Minnesota, as some of the best tree care practitioners. Leave it to us to help you correct some common mis-steps.

Don’t plant your trees too deep.

Roots go in the ground and stems/trunks stay above ground. The first root should be right at the soil line.

Don’t mulch your trees too deep.

Mulch turns into soil, so see number 1. There should be 2-4” of mulch over a root system and at the trunk it should taper to zero.

Avoid planting trees so close to each other.

Evergreens should have 16’ spacing and deciduous trees twice as much. If you are planting species that don’t get very big, you can plant closer. Keep in mind spacing to your house as well. Trees look small when they are small, however try to see their potential when you plant them.

Don’t prune your trees randomly. 

Every pruning cut should have a purpose and be calculated. Without a plan before pruning, you run the risk of getting carried away and trimming away too much. It is best to have a professional prune your trees based on your desired objectives.

Avoid putting wrap on the trunk of your trees.

If you need to protect your trees against deer or rabbits, use a fence material placed away from the trunk supported by a stake. Wrap does not prevent sun scald. It is best to plant and prune properly to avoid it.

Stop adding fertilizer to your trees. 

Fertilizer purchased at garden centers or superstores contains a quick release Nitrogen that is most often harmful to your trees.  There are only a very few tree and shrub fertilizers that add benefit. Maier Tree & Lawn has one such fertilizer with Davey’s ArborGreen Pro. This is by far the best fertilizer on the market with a 12-month slow release fertilizer that mimics the carbon structure of natural forest soils.

Here is the great news, Maier Tree & Lawn can help you! We love knowing and doing the right things for your trees.

Summer Storms and Your Trees

Thanks to generous spring rains, Rochester, Winona, and Southeast Minnesota are bursting with new growth and lush shades of green everywhere! While rain is beneficial for all things growing, the high winds and dangerous lightning that accompany severe thunderstorms can cause serious and permanent damage to trees.

Perhaps the most important thing to consider about wind and lightning damage is prevention. Of course it’s impossible to prevent high winds and lightning from occurring, but there are steps that can be taken that may prevent significant tree damage.

Number one is to keep your trees healthy and strong. That means following a regular plan of proper watering, fertilizing, and pruning. Each species of tree may have somewhat different needs, so it is a good idea to consult an arborist about how to best care for your trees. A healthy tree is able to withstand more stress and stronger winds. Should damage occur due to high wind or lightning, a healthy tree is more likely to recover. When properly cared for, trees can be remarkably resilient.

The second most important step you can take to protect your trees from wind damage is predicting what areas of a tree are most likely to break in high winds. Monitor the condition of your trees each year to locate areas of disease, insect infestation, or structural weakness. These issues weaken trees and increase the likelihood of a tree sustaining serious damage. Again, an arborist will know what to look for and can properly prune and brace branches that may present a potential hazard. The healthier a tree, the better it will be able to withstand the forces of high winds.

When a tree is struck by lightning, it experiences a violent attack. A bolt of lightning reaches temperatures as high as 50,000 degrees and can conduct up to 100,000 volts. When lightning strikes a tree it causes the sap to instantly boil, releasing steam into the wood. This rapid increase of steam pressure within the tree can literally blow the bark off a tree and chunks of wood from the trunk. However, a lightning strike does not necessarily mean certain death for the tree. If the trunk isn’t split and the damage is confined to one side of the tree, it may survive.

Surprising as it may sound, it may even be possible to prevent lightning from striking a tree. It is expensive, but in the case of very significant trees, it may be worth the price. Copper cables may be extended from the tops of major trunks to ten foot copper rods that are driven into the ground around the drip line of the tree. In case of a lightning strike, the lightning is conducted along the cable into the ground.

When it comes to keeping your trees healthy for decades to come, no one cares more about trees than Maier Tree and Lawn. We’ve been taking care of trees for years, and we appreciate their value to the environment and your property, and the pleasure they can give for generations.

Contact us at Maier Tree and Lawn whenever you have a question about anything green and growing. We are proud to serve Rochester, Winona and Southeast Minnesota. Call us at 507-286-8733 in Rochester, or 507-454-7000 in Winona.

Root Health for Winona, MN Trees

Maintenance and Repair of Tree Roots in Winona, MN by Maier Tree and Lawn

With the hardiness of Northern Midwest trees, most people may not consider the health of the roots beneath the trees in their yard. But those roots are quite important. Are there dying limbs or discolored leaves on your favorite tree? Maybe you’ve noticed the tree hasn’t been growing at the same rate as in the past few years. Is it because of last year’s drought? Will the tree recover this season, or maybe next year? If something isn’t looking quite right, don’t wait. Maier Tree & Lawn can assess the overall health of your tree. Close to your home here in Winona, MN, we will gladly come and give you options to improve the supporting root system of your tree as well as enhancing the tree’s visual appeal.

At Maier Tree & Lawn we understand that tree health is highly dependent on root health. Growing in an outward radius from the trunk by more than 1.5 times a trees height, the root system supporting your tree is extremely complex. Roots absorb most of the water and nutrients your tree uses to maintain its strength, growth, and beauty. With the threat of pests, construction, a variety of diseases, and poor soil chemistry, keeping your tree on the path toward a century long life can be quite complicated. Taking decades to become mature and full in size and shape, no wonder people quickly see why maintaining their current full-grown tree is the better choice. Keeping trees and their root systems healthy is of utmost concern to us. It’s very important to keep in mind that root health should not be ignored as it correlates directly to lifespan and beauty.

From fertilizer and soil nutrients to water drainage and pests, Maier Tree & Lawn of Rochester and Winona, MN is ready to help get your tree on track to good health. We are ready to work to improve any soil nutrient imbalance your tree roots may encounter. Give us a call or send us an email today to schedule a consultation. We’ll be happy to come and discuss how Maier Tree and Lawn can help you save that beautiful tree, shrub, or bush you really can’t afford to lose.

Winter Tree Health In Rochester MN: Keeping Trees Healthy and Hazard Free

Rochester MN Tree Care by Maier Tree and Lawn

There’s no more denying it; winter is upon us in Rochester, MN. With snow covering the trees and ground and frigid temperature slicing through the air, most yard work has been put on hold until spring. Though trees are a sturdy organism that will hold up to the harsh weather of winter, it never hurts to help out the trees in your yard. While Maier Tree & Lawn can take care of your trees’ needs when the ground is thawed, there are also steps you can take during the winter months to keep your trees healthy and in-tact along the way. Make sure that during these cold months, winter tree health remains a top priority in your yard maintenance.

One of the most visible strains of winter on your trees is the heavy weight of snow and ice that bends and stresses the branches of trees. The simple act of knocking snow and ice off the lower branches will help preserve the visual beauty of the tree. It will also cause less of a mess in the spring months, with fewer twigs and branches for you to pick up. Preventative structural pruning is also a good thing to do in the winter to prevent snow and ice damage and keep your tree health in perfect condition.

While Rochester is somewhat urban, it is still home to deer, rabbits and voles. You’ll have to be on the lookout for these scavengers near your trees. Deer and rodents go after more than just fruit trees; the bark of any is a delicacy. The damage could be deadly. A sturdy fence can help ward off unwanted guests.

Winter is a prime time to prune the trees in your yard. With the expert advice of Maier Tree & Lawn, you can be sure that your trees grow to their full potential. Additionally, our team members take into account all surroundings while pruning trees, so you won’t have to worry about potential damage when we’re around.

It’s time to bunker down against the winter weather, both for the residents of Rochester and the trees. Maier Tree & Lawn offers services throughout the year for trees. Contact us today to learn more or set up an appointment.