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How Ice Damage Can Affect Your Trees in Rochester, MN

Ice storms aren’t usually a death sentence for healthy trees, and in a city like Rochester, MN, most of the trees are well suited to deep winter cold. But despite our best laid plans, ice damage can be a real issue for even the brawniest trees in Minnesota. Maier Tree and Lawn is here to help your trees survive the winter and emerge victorious come spring.

Trees Susceptible to Ice Damage

Some trees are naturally more susceptible to ice damage than others. Fruit trees and thin-barked trees, in general, may suffer more lasting effects when ice is a regular occurrence throughout the winter. Additionally, the branch pattern of your tree could mitigate or encourage ice damage. The naturally occurring structure of branches can be conducive to ice buildup in certain tree species, and other than employing some very strategic pruning, it can be difficult to mitigate this vulnerability.

Ice Damage

Ice can damage your trees in a variety of ways, some innocuous and some a little more concerning. The speed and frequency at which the ice freezes and melts may lead to excessive, heavy buildup or tissue damage to the external layers of your trees. The weight of ice is easy to underestimate, but hard to ignore once branches start to snap.

Repair Trees

All of these factors together, ultimately, mean that it’s very difficult to predict the patterns of ice damage in the winter, and as a consequence, difficult to fully prevent ice damage from occurring in the first place. In some cases, the types of tree damage caused by ice have to be treated after the damage has already occurred. In cases of severe ice damage, relying on tree care professionals can reduce your concerns and help your trees recover.

Tree Support

The tree care experts with Maier Tree and Lawn provide in-depth tree support following ice damage, including emergency pruning, cable or bracing, and even detailed assessments for potential tree removal. No matter what state your trees are in following a major ice storm, our professionals can help you make the right decision to prevent further damage, and ideally, extend the life of your tree far past this winter.

If you’re in need of tree care support in Rochester, MN, reach out to us today at (507) 286–8733, or visit our website here for more information. Rain, snow, or shine, our tree care professionals at Maier Tree and Lawn are eager to help your trees thrive.



Surviving the Long Winter: When Winter Weather Puts Rochester, MN, Tree Health at Risk

During the great freezing season of February, frigid temperatures are a given in Rochester, MN. Even if you’ve done everything right and received all the help you can before winter set in, it can still be disconcerting to see your beloved trees encased in ice and snow for the foreseeable future. The presence of these winter byproducts may not always be a death sentence, but they can still wear down even the toughest trees the longer winter weather continues. Maier Tree and Lawn’s tree health team recommends watching for signs of tree damage in the winter months, so your trees can emerge from the cold intact and ready to bloom again in the spring.


Snow and ice aren’t always an inherent danger when it comes to trees. If the trees on your property are native to Minnesota, they’re likely suited to surviving the cold temperatures. Trees that die at the touch of cold wouldn’t survive the winter with or without freezing storms, so if your trees are local, you’re already off to a good start.


But even local trees can be impacted by winter weather. In fact, native or not, the shape of your trees can have a significant impact on how vulnerable they are to winter tree damage. If you’re noticing that certain branches are beginning to bow under the weight, a tree health consultation may be wise.


Once ice has begun to accumulate on your trees, trying to manage this without the assistance of a tree health specialist could be dangerous. The risk of slipping and cold weather aside, you may also be dealing with some unexpectedly heavy branches and tree debris. But leaving weather-damaged branches until spring isn’t ideal either. Strong winter winds can jostle already-loose branches and lead to further damage to your tree or property. Instead of standing outside with a hairdryer after every snowstorm, contact tree damage specialists to facilitate safe branch removals.


Despite the fact that Minnesota trees are sturdier than you might expect, they aren’t completely invincible. If your Rochester, MN, trees have been impacted by winter weather tree damage contact the tree health professionals with Maier Tree and Lawn at (507) 286-8733 or by visiting our website here.

Caring for Different Tree Types in the Varying Climate of Rochester, MN

Trees are fairly low maintenance when it comes to the wide world of gardening and yard care, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a certain level of technique required in order for your boughs to really flourish. Living in Rochester, MN, means dealing with harsh, rapidly changing weather, and for certain tree types, these conditions plus poor care can result in tree death. Sometimes, getting a little tree care advice from the professionals at Maier Tree and Lawn is all you need to help your Minnesota tree species grow up big and strong.


There are a wide variety of popular tree types in the Midwest, and getting good tree care advice is only possible if you know what you’re dealing with. Some trees with a long history flourishing in Minnesota can often be left to their own devices while other less common trees require a little more awareness. The success of your trees also depends on the age of the tree, the abundance of pests in your area, and any unexpected damage from storms and wind.


Tree care advice isn’t always universal, even among the same species. There is a lot of variation in a simple seeming designation such as elm. Elm trees include plenty of subtyping such as the Patriot Elm or the Cathedral Elm, and depending on what you’re growing, there may be minor subtleties in what tree care advice applies. Plus, the soil quality, how crowded your yard is, and the availability of water can also dictate whether or not a tree thrives. But even with this variety, tree owners can learn to spot trouble for all sorts of tree types with a little bit of training.


Wilting leaves, rotting trunks, discoloration, and significant foliage loss are all fairly universal warning signs that anyone interested in tree care can watch for. Sometimes these warning signs can be subtle, or they may manifest in different ways depending on the tree type. Regardless, in the event of these signs, contacting professionals for follow up tree care advice can help put your boughs on the road toward recovery.


If you are dealing with a specific tree health issue or would like tree care advice for any of the tree types that you have on your Rochester, MN, property, contact us today for more information. Call Maier Tree and Lawn at (507) 286–8733 or visit our website for hands on tree care advice.

When to Request Springtime Tree Removal in Rochester, MN

Judging when and if to have a tree removed is a difficult process. Fully grown trees aren’t only a great aesthetic addition to your Rochester, MN property, but they’re also extremely valuable. A healthy adult tree can add a significant sum to property value which makes the decision to have one removed all the more complicated.


A heavily damaged or dead tree can be just as much trouble as a healthy tree is beneficial. Maier Tree and Lawn’s tree service professionals urge homeowners to consider what their trees are contributing to their property, and if you’re stuck with a troubling tree, consider if tree removal is right for you.


Spring is a season that really highlights the signs of unhealthy trees. Missing leaves or discoloration will be especially obvious when compared to other nearby trees. Occasionally a visit from tree service professionals is all that’s needed to remove damaged or dying limbs, but in some cases, these could be signs that the tree is dying.


Depending upon the cause of the tree’s poor health, tree removal may be the best and safest option for other trees nearby. An infestation or disease may be capable of spreading to other trees which can sometimes necessitate tree removal. If one of your trees is looking unwell or exhibiting signs of disease, contact tree service experts for a consultation.


Unfortunately, even if your trees are all in good health, tree removal can still become necessary on short notice. Even a tree free of pests or disease isn’t completely safe. More often than not, spring tree removal becomes necessary after storm damage or other unexpected physical trauma. A tree struck by lightning or knocked over by wind immediately becomes a hazard to your home, family, and the rest of your property. This type of tree removal is practically impossible to plan for and can be extremely stressful. In these cases, relying on tree service professionals can help smooth out the process.


Regardless of the cause, springtime tree removals can indeed be a necessity. If your Rochester, MN property is in need of a tree removal this spring, contact the tree service experts at Maier Tree and Lawn today at (507) 454-7000, or visit our website here.

Helping Your Winona, MN Trees Recover from Drought Stress in the Summer Heat

The time of year for record heat is upon us in Winona, MN, which means sweltering temperatures have arrived for people and plants alike. Local residents may be eager to spend time in the cool shade of their trees, but don’t forget that those trees are bearing the brunt of that heat all summer long. Even the sturdiest trees can suffer ill-effects from hot weather, and without proper attention, too much heat can become deadly. If your trees are suffering from drought stress, contact the tree care experts at Maier Tree and Lawn for assistance to ensure your trees survive and thrive.


Some symptoms your trees may exhibit when suffering from drought stress include wilting leaves, fading colors, extreme browning and dry spots, and foliage loss. Some, if not all of these symptoms can be mistaken for early signs of tree death, but that’s not always the case! If you notice any of these signs during your tree care routine, your trees may be suffering from drought stress and require immediate attention.


As you may have guessed, providing adequate water is a big part of fighting back against drought stress. A little bit of sprinkling here and there, however, might not be enough to reverse the damage. Start by making sure you’re watering at the most effective times. Watering your trees during the peak heat of the day may seem like the best time, but due to the high temperatures, much of that water will evaporate before it has a chance to help. Watering during cool times of the day such as early morning or late evening are best and making sure to water the area around the tree thoroughly can help tremendously to maintain adequate moisture retention.


You can also help your tree by ensuring it’s not overworking itself to get nutrients and water. If mulch surrounds the tree, saturate it so the water will be available to your tree throughout the day. If there are lots of other plants surrounding the drought stressed tree, consider moving them to prevent competition. If your attempts to aid the tree aren’t helping, reach out for professional tree care assistance. The best way to fight back when your tree is showing serious signs of drought stress is to contact tree care professionals quickly before the damage becomes worse.


If you notice your Winona, MN trees are exhibiting signs of drought stress or other worrying symptoms during your tree care process, call Maier Tree and Lawn today at (507) 454-7000 or visit our website here for more information.

The Necessity of Early Spring Checkups for Tree Health in Rochester, MN

Winter tree care in Rochester, MN can be a challenge because of how intense and long Minnesota winters can really be. There are many “tree hacks” that people employ to protect their trees through the icy months, but there’s no guarantee that even the best preparations can help once the deep freeze settles in. The question is, since maintaining overall tree health is so tough in the winter, how can you tell if your winter efforts actually paid off come spring? The tree care professionals with Maier Tree & Lawn advocate for an in-depth spring checkup for any trees that you have lingering concerns about; even after the temperature begins creeping above freezing.


Tree care as a process is generally pretty hands off because trees are fairly self-sufficient organisms that usually fare pretty well on their own. However, because people tend to plant trees with aesthetics in mind instead of core tree health, sometimes even the sturdiest trees can suffer from a life planted in an unfamiliar habitat. Spring checkups are a great way to involve yourself in the health of your trees without becoming a full-time arborist.


Some signs that your trees may need a checkup include discoloration, slow growth, and other physical signs of distress. For instance, trees have a natural rhythm to regaining their foliage, if one tree is far behind the others it may be a cause for concern. Dead branches and irregular growth can be cause for concern as well. You don’t have to be a tree health professional to sense that something looks a little wrong, so take your concerns seriously and direct them to the people who are trained in tree health.


Regardless of whether you’re new to tree care or a long-time hobbyist, being able to thoroughly evaluate the health of your trees is best left to tree health specialists. Despite the simplistic nature of trees, there are still many subtle and intricate signs that may indicate various health concerns. Take note of any issues that you see, but don’t feel like you have to solve the puzzle of what’s wrong on your own.


Rochester, MN residents who are concerned with post-winter damage to their trees can contact the tree care professionals here with Maier Tree & Lawn today. Call us at (507) 286-8733 or by visiting our website here for additional information on tree health and tree care.


Tree Preservation in Winona, MN – How to Tell if Your Tree is Dormant or Dying

Can you spot the difference between a dormant tree and a dying or dead one? It’s not always easy to tell.

Trees go through a dormant season when the weather gets colder. The dormant season can provide opportunities for tree care techniques like tree pruning and your trees have a chance to conserve their energy and prepare for the upcoming spring.

It’s possible, however, that your tree is exhibiting issues of decay and poor health. If spotted early enough, the situation can be remedied, but it must be spotted.

Here are a few tips to tell whether your tree is dormant or needs serious tree preservation help.

Check for Budding

A healthy tree will still have small leaf buds protruding from its branches. The buds are preparing themselves to bloom in spring. If you notice your tree doesn’t have any buds or the buds it does have look dry and weak, you could have dead branches on your tree, which can be an indicator of a dead or dying tree. 

Check the Trunk

 Healthy trees replace their bark in cycles. If your tree is healthy you should notice fresh and uncompromised bark. If, however, you notice cracks in your tree’s bark or it appears that it has shed its bark without replacing it with a fresh layer, it can also be a sign of a dead or dying tree. In fact, it’s one of the main signs arborists look for.

The Scratch Test

 The scratch test helps you check your tree’s health by peeking underneath the surface of its bark. Take a knife and scratch off a small area of tree bark. If you have a healthy tree, you should notice a moist bright green layer underneath it. If, however, you spot a dry and decayed looking brown layer, you could be looking at a dead or dying tree.

The Final Test

 The most important tree preservation step you can take is to contact Maier Tree and Lawn for an assessment done by an ISA Certified Arborist. This strategy will provide a definitive answer along with a plan to effectively handle the results of the assessment.

To learn more about tree preservation or to schedule an appointment at your Winona, MN home, please contact us at (507) 454-7000.

How Ice Can Impact Winter Tree Health in Rochester, MN

There’s no foolproof way to protect your trees from the winter elements when you’re a resident of Rochester, MN. Some saplings can be covered, and some weak trunks can be reinforced, but winter will always do whatever winter wants to do. The tree health professionals with Maier Tree and Lawn want to make sure that all winter tree care novices know how to identify the difference between normal winter wear and serious tree damage in the coldest months of the year.

Tree care in the winter is generally pretty hands off. The natural process of a healthy tree allows it to protect itself in the winter thanks to its sturdy, dormant state. However, not all winter tree care risks are created equal. A little cold and snow shouldn’t damage the core health of the tree, but extreme conditions can definitely have an impact.

When winter comes in with a vengeance like it did this year, sometimes your trees take the brunt of the seasonal damage right away. Freezing rain and sudden ice storms can do a number on trees that haven’t lost all of their foliage yet as well as trees that can’t bear the weight of the ice and snow. The sheer weight of winter weather can be enough to break branches, strip bark, and topple vulnerable boughs.

If you’re concerned about a tree’s health after a winter storm, be sure to consult tree care professionals instead of attempting to de-ice the tree yourself. If the temperature is still below freezing, standing beneath the branches and trying to free them from ice makes you a target for falling debris. This is especially dangerous if large branches have been severed and are only being held up by the ice itself.

For winter tree health concerns and tree care assistance, contact us as Maier Tree and Lawn for information or to make an appointment. Residents of Rochester, MN, can call today at (507) 286-8733 or visit our website here for more information today.

The Scientific Side of Tree Fertilization in Winona, MN

Any seasoned green thumb has probably encountered their share of fertilizers. Whether you take the organic route and make your own, or are a little more keen on professionally mixed power-fertilizers, the benefits of fertilizers for a majority of hobby plants is not contested.

That same passion, however, doesn’t seem to hold true for trees. Trees are generally looked upon as being totally self-sufficient. A little trim here and a little coaxing for the young ones is all it takes to get great results; no tree fertilization required! In reality, that way of thinking just isn’t accurate. For those of you living within the Winona, MN city limits, the tree care experts at Maier Tree and Lawn want you to know that tree fertilization will help your trees reach their full and healthiest potential.

Though it’s true trees are usually tougher than the average daisy, their robust appearance is heavily dependent on what you can’t see – their roots. A tree’s root system creates a naturally symbiotic relationship with the soil and the other trees around it. A tree promotes healthy soil, and healthy soil, in turn, nurtures the tree. In a forest, there are enough trees to provide nutrients and support for a large number of healthy trees. When it comes to residential trees, however, they’re often much more solitary. Even the most ambitious tree-lover likely can’t stuff more than a handful of trees into their yard. That lack of sufficient tree population means they’re not receiving their share of communal nutrients.

This is where tree fertilization differs from many other types of plant care supplements.  By using products like ArborGreen Pro, tree care specialists are able to treat the deep-set roots with a fertilizer than can compensate for the loss of proper nutrients. Tree fertilization can be especially effective in the fall because many households tend to remove the fallen leaves that, in nature, decompose and feed the soil organically. The concept behind tree fertilization is similar to other types of garden fertilizers, but the methods are more precise than your average spray-and-go options.

If you’re a Winona, MN, area resident who has concerns about the quality of your soil, contact the tree care specialists with Maier Tree and Lawn today by calling (507) 454-7000, or by visiting our website for more information. There’s no reason why your trees can’t be healthy in a suburban environment, and tree fertilization can give them that little boost that makes them feel right at home.

Where will your trees be one year from now?

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This might seem like a silly thing to ponder. It’s pretty obvious, if your tree is still living it will likely be right where it is now. However, that isn’t entirely true.

Trees are an amazing part of the ecosystem of this world. The tree that you see now in your front yard is part water and part CO2.  The cells would be hollow without air and/or water.  As the sunlight hits the leaves, and photosynthesis happens, trees take the CO2 from the air and the water it pulled up from the roots to create sugar and oxygen. The oxygen is released into the air and is circulated in the atmosphere of our planet. Additionally, pollen is created and released each year, which accumulates on other plants, our soil, water and in the air.

So, that heavy, woody structure that sits in your front yard is dispersing itself, and impacting the entire planet. Some of the very form and mass that made your tree last year, is actually making its way around the globe to places like Europe, China or Australia this year.

The folks at Maier Tree & Lawn understand trees better than anyone in the Rochester, Minnesota area and can help you devise a plan to best care for our planet’s most wonderful asset.