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Reacting to Tree Health Concerns After a Tree Transplant in Winona, MN

For Winona, MN residents perfecting their personal landscaping goals, tree transplanting may be on your major to-do list, and thanks to the work of the modern tree health professionals at Maier Tree and Lawn, tree transplanting isn’t necessarily a death wish for your trees that need relocation. However, that doesn’t mean the process is foolproof.

Knowing what “transplant shock” looks like after moving a tree can help you ensure your newly relocated tree lives well and has the chance to take root.

After a tree has been transplanted in its new location, it’s always wise to watch it a little more closely. It’s difficult to transplant a healthy tree without inducing some measure of stress, and the same care your older trees get might not be enough for a young, transplanted tree. Signs of degrading tree health should be nipped in the bud quickly to prevent a slow decline from spiraling out of control.

Signs of declining tree health due to transplant shock include wilting leaves, premature coloring, stunted floral growth, and browning leaves and leaf tips. These signs may come on quickly after tree transplanting, and if they’re not treated, they could get worse. In some cases, optimal tree health may not be regained for several years after the transplant. That doesn’t mean it’s impossible, but it can be a long journey.

If you notice signs of transplant shock, contact tree health specialists to evaluate the next steps to help your tree revitalize itself in its new home. The solution may be more direct care such as additional watering or mulch installation. But, in some cases, it may require replanting the tree entirely. If the chosen spot doesn’t suit your tree’s nutritional needs, a better location could be the solution your tree needs in the end.

If you have a tree on your Winona, MN property that you’d like transplanted, or if you’re seeing signs of poor tree health after a tree transplant has been completed, call Maier Tree and Lawn today at (507) 454-7000 for tree care assistance. For additional information, visit our website here.

Helping Your Winona, MN Trees Recover from Drought Stress in the Summer Heat

The time of year for record heat is upon us in Winona, MN, which means sweltering temperatures have arrived for people and plants alike. Local residents may be eager to spend time in the cool shade of their trees, but don’t forget that those trees are bearing the brunt of that heat all summer long. Even the sturdiest trees can suffer ill-effects from hot weather, and without proper attention, too much heat can become deadly. If your trees are suffering from drought stress, contact the tree care experts at Maier Tree and Lawn for assistance to ensure your trees survive and thrive.


Some symptoms your trees may exhibit when suffering from drought stress include wilting leaves, fading colors, extreme browning and dry spots, and foliage loss. Some, if not all of these symptoms can be mistaken for early signs of tree death, but that’s not always the case! If you notice any of these signs during your tree care routine, your trees may be suffering from drought stress and require immediate attention.


As you may have guessed, providing adequate water is a big part of fighting back against drought stress. A little bit of sprinkling here and there, however, might not be enough to reverse the damage. Start by making sure you’re watering at the most effective times. Watering your trees during the peak heat of the day may seem like the best time, but due to the high temperatures, much of that water will evaporate before it has a chance to help. Watering during cool times of the day such as early morning or late evening are best and making sure to water the area around the tree thoroughly can help tremendously to maintain adequate moisture retention.


You can also help your tree by ensuring it’s not overworking itself to get nutrients and water. If mulch surrounds the tree, saturate it so the water will be available to your tree throughout the day. If there are lots of other plants surrounding the drought stressed tree, consider moving them to prevent competition. If your attempts to aid the tree aren’t helping, reach out for professional tree care assistance. The best way to fight back when your tree is showing serious signs of drought stress is to contact tree care professionals quickly before the damage becomes worse.


If you notice your Winona, MN trees are exhibiting signs of drought stress or other worrying symptoms during your tree care process, call Maier Tree and Lawn today at (507) 454-7000 or visit our website here for more information.

Tree Damage and Care After a Storm in Winona, MN

Winona, MN has had some unseasonably wild April weather already this year. Along with the heavy snow, there’s also been a fair share of high winds. Though most residents can avoid the worst of this by bunking down under the covers, trees don’t have such a luxury. After a storm hits your area, our tree care experts with Maier Tree & Lawn encourage all tree lovers to perform a welfare check after the storm clouds clear away to make sure your trees are in tip-top shape.


Storms can be bad news for tree care even if they aren’t especially strong. A single gust can take down unsteady limbs, which can lead to further damage down the tree. Because of this, you should never walk underneath your trees during a major storm. It may seem like a refuge from heavy snow or rain, but in the right circumstances, it could be extremely dangerous. Tree damage can be hard to identify in clear conditions, let alone rough weather. Instead of leaving it to chance, keep a wide berth and wait for the winds to settle.


After the storm passes and it’s no longer risky to go outside, perform a welfare check from a safe distance. A basic welfare check for tree damage should be purely visual. Take note of obvious damage and breaks and make a note of things you’d like to ask a tree care professional. Tree damage may not always be obvious to the naked eye, but often a visual check is enough to tell that something is seriously wrong.


If your tree has been broken or is leaning in a precarious manner after a storm, call for tree care assistance immediately. Unfortunately, tree removal may be your only option in some cases of major tree damage, but there may be more options if the tree is mostly intact. If the tree is still in a dangerous state, then keep your distance until further assistance can be contacted.


If a tree on your Winona, MN property has been impacted by significant or minor tree damage, contact the tree care professionals with Maier Tree & Lawn to discuss options for your tree. Call today at (507) 454-7000 or by visiting our website here for more information.

The Necessity of Early Spring Checkups for Tree Health in Rochester, MN

Winter tree care in Rochester, MN can be a challenge because of how intense and long Minnesota winters can really be. There are many “tree hacks” that people employ to protect their trees through the icy months, but there’s no guarantee that even the best preparations can help once the deep freeze settles in. The question is, since maintaining overall tree health is so tough in the winter, how can you tell if your winter efforts actually paid off come spring? The tree care professionals with Maier Tree & Lawn advocate for an in-depth spring checkup for any trees that you have lingering concerns about; even after the temperature begins creeping above freezing.


Tree care as a process is generally pretty hands off because trees are fairly self-sufficient organisms that usually fare pretty well on their own. However, because people tend to plant trees with aesthetics in mind instead of core tree health, sometimes even the sturdiest trees can suffer from a life planted in an unfamiliar habitat. Spring checkups are a great way to involve yourself in the health of your trees without becoming a full-time arborist.


Some signs that your trees may need a checkup include discoloration, slow growth, and other physical signs of distress. For instance, trees have a natural rhythm to regaining their foliage, if one tree is far behind the others it may be a cause for concern. Dead branches and irregular growth can be cause for concern as well. You don’t have to be a tree health professional to sense that something looks a little wrong, so take your concerns seriously and direct them to the people who are trained in tree health.


Regardless of whether you’re new to tree care or a long-time hobbyist, being able to thoroughly evaluate the health of your trees is best left to tree health specialists. Despite the simplistic nature of trees, there are still many subtle and intricate signs that may indicate various health concerns. Take note of any issues that you see, but don’t feel like you have to solve the puzzle of what’s wrong on your own.


Rochester, MN residents who are concerned with post-winter damage to their trees can contact the tree care professionals here with Maier Tree & Lawn today. Call us at (507) 286-8733 or by visiting our website here for additional information on tree health and tree care.


Determining if Your Tree is a Hazard From the Tree Care Experts in Winona, MN

Spring is a great time for tree care hobbyists in Winona, MN to evaluate the health of their trees. These tree care evaluations can include anything from eyeing them for a little trimming all the way to removing trees entirely. Though it can be a tough call to make, it’s possible that the rough Minnesota winter has rendered some trees hazardous and because of this, it would be safer to have them professionally evaluated and removed. If you’re starting the spring tree care season with some reservations about your hazard trees, the tree care experts with Maier Tree & Lawn have a few pointers of what to look for when deciding who should stay and who should go.


When you’re trying to identify hazard trees, start by looking for obvious structural damage. If you see branches hanging askew or entire sections looking lopsided, make a note and keep an eye on the spot. Depending upon the size of the tree it can be difficult to determine what makes a hazard tree and what is just a few damaged limbs but making notes of these things is useful for tree care professionals as well. Always be sure to play it safe though and avoid walking beneath the loose looking sections.


If there’s no obvious damage, the next step is to check for unusual leaning or swaying. Hazard trees are often identifiable by their lack of sturdiness in adverse weather. If you have a big old tree that seems to be shifting in the breeze, be sure to contact a tree care professional with your concerns ASAP. A wiggly tree is one thing; a downed tree on your car is another.


If you can’t quite pinpoint the issue and you’re concerned that the damage is more internal, you could also do a simple knock test to check for hollow or soft spots. This process can be difficult to do without experience and sometimes problem spots can be subtle. As soon as you feel like something is off during the tree care process, consider contacting a professional familiar with signs of hazard trees.


Hazard trees can be unpredictable, and with the windy spring weather coming into Winona, MN soon, be sure to deal with it sooner rather than later! If you’ve noticed an odd spot, hanging branches, or other signs that a tree on your property may be hazardous, contact Maier Tree & Lawn today at (507) 454-7000 or by visiting our website here for more information.

Tree Care and Seasonal Transitions in Winona, MN

We may be in the process of slopping through the middle of winter in Winona, MN, but the oddly warm temperatures these last few weeks have planted images of a swiftly approaching spring in everyone’s mind. The slush has gotten slushier, the drifts have gotten dirtier, and for more than an hour a day, the sun has been fully visible. This is not only exciting for the population of Minnesotans who treat winter as forced hibernation time, but it’s also wonderful news for tree owners and the tree care experts at Maier Tree and Lawn. With spring finally on the horizon, do you have your seasonal tree care plan in place?

With more winter on the horizon, we aren’t out of the woods yet, but having a tree health plan in place early is a great way to ensure that your trees thrive for another full year. If you can, take advantage of the mid-January melt and check your trees for any obvious winter damage. Since winter tree care is often fairly hands off, other than pruning, it’s good to get back into the habit before the snow takes off for good. If you can see a problem or are concerned, don’t be afraid to contact a tree health professional for a consultation. Trees may be dormant in the winter, but that doesn’t mean nothing can be done for them.

Spring is a great time to consider planting more trees on your property as well, so take a little time during the latter part of winter to research and plan if you’d like to expand your tree family. You don’t necessarily need to write an essay on what you’d like in a new tree, but spending a day or two looking into different kinds of trees and tree care will only help you when the seasons do change.

If you have any questions about transitional tree care or tree health on your Winona, MN, property, contact Maier Tree and Lawn at (507) 454-7000 or by visiting their website here for more information.

Pining for Pines: Novice Tree Care in Winona, MN

Being a resident of Winona, MN, means being familiar with a whole lot of trees. Even if you aren’t an avid tree lover, you probably spend an awful lot of time looking at them, being under them, and for some, annually considering which one to drag home for a week of jolly celebration. If you’re just picking out a tree that can support shiny lights for a few days, there really isn’t too much to worry about in terms of tree health. If you’re hoping to raise some pines of your own, picking up a few tips from the tree care experts at Maier Tree and Lawn is a great starting point.

Evaluating the health of any sort of tree can be a difficult process if you don’t have professional experience. An unusual spot may be a sign of sickness, or nothing at all. Pine tree care is no different, and can be more difficult because it’s hard to closely investigate a trunk surrounded by prickly needles. For a tree care novice, the most obvious signs of illness include dark brown patches, dry needles, and voids in the needle coverage. Beyond that, the causes of an imperfect pine can be subtle, or even undetectable.

The tree health experts at Maier Tree and Lawn have the experience and background to evaluate pines of any age and stage of health. If you’re new to tree care and you’d like to make sure your trees live long beyond their first year, consulting a professional is a great way to improve the longevity of your saplings. It can even give you a bit of an edge when picking out the most robust Christmas tree next time the holidays come around.

If you’re in the Winona, MN, area and concerned about the health of your pines, or interested in additional tree health tips, contact the tree care experts at Maier Tree and Lawn. We can be reached at (507) 454-7000, or by visiting our website here for more information.

Pruning Like a Pro, Tree Care and Tree Health at Maier Tree in Rochester, MN.

At first glance, snipping stray tree branches doesn’t appear to be a terribly complicated task. Hold branch, cut branch, dispose of branch, and drink celebratory lemonade, right? Well, without a little guidance, those snips can cause more harm than good when it comes to tree care. Tree care and tree health is all about knowing the difference between too much versus too little. Too little attention can mean a wayward mess of protruding branches, yet too much attention can cause stress, damage, and death. If you’re contemplating performing some summer tree pruning in Rochester, MN, contact the tree care experts are Maier Tree and Lawn first.

The first step of proper tree pruning, and tree care for that matter, is to observe. Survey the tree and see where things look uneven or unhealthy. Watch for changes in color and shape, and keep an eye out for obvious damage such as broken branches after a storm. Don’t forget to consider the environment as well. For instance, is it possible that the tree will be a danger if it continues to grow naturally? Is it near power lines or too close to your windows? Look carefully and get to know your tree.

Next, get the right tools. You don’t need a chainsaw to trim a sapling, but a too-tiny saw may cause strain to your limbs without proper use. Consult our tree care experts about what would work best for the size and shape of your tree. What works best for one tree may not be healthy for another.

Finally, cut the branches to preserve optimal tree health. Start by making a cut partway through the branch on the underside. This will help the branch fall away cleanly once you make another cut through the top and prevent tearing healthy bark. Don’t cut too close to the trunk until the bulk of the branch has been removed, then remove the stub that remains. And pay attention to the final cut, not too close to the trunk and not too far.

These basic steps can be applied to much of the pruning process, but every tree is a little different. If you have any concerns about tree health or tree care or foresee a large pruning project, Rochester, MN residents can contact Maier Tree and Lawn today at (507) 286-8733, or visit our website here.


Preventing Summer Stress on your Winona, MN Trees.

Things are heating up in Winona, MN as summer is finally taking hold. Downtown is emptying out for summer vacation, and the lakes are looking more and more appealing as temperatures steadily rise. It certainly is a good time to get out there and enjoy the weather, but you’re not the only one that needs a little cool water and R&R once the heat starts coming in. Extreme heat and summer weather can be a lot for your trees to take in as well. If you’re looking to keep your tree healthy year round, here are some summer tree care tips from the tree health experts at Maier Tree and Lawn.

Summer may seem like the perfect time to be a tree; lots of sunlight, a little rain, and long days to enjoy it all. But there are dangers to trees in every season. It’s true that the sun and the rain are great for general tree health, but too much of either can cause some trouble. Signs such as leaves falling off or changing color in large batches are a good way to tell that something isn’t quite right.

The first step in effective summer tree care is to arrange for an evaluation with a tree health expert as soon as something seems different or unusual. For instance, if you think some shriveled leaves on the bottom branches means more water is needed, it’s better to check it out early so you can account for differences in weather for the rest of the season. This is especially true if the tree is new or young. Frequent care is particularly vital in the earliest stages of growth.

If everything came out ship-shape from the health evaluation, then it’s time to consider the shape of your tree. The second step of proper summer tree care is to make sure your trees are pruned at the proper time. Sometimes that is in the summer and for other species, fall or winter is best. Removing dead or dying portions is important to tree health, and pruning trees to allow sunlight to shine onto the lawn below is a great idea as well. If your tree is shadowing your entire lawn, your grass may not be getting an equal share of the summer sunlight.

Keeping your trees summer-healthy can be tricky since summer is a season of extremes. Storms, wind, and heat can all take a toll under the right circumstances. If you’re a resident of Winona, MN and you have concerns about your summer tree care regimen, contact Maier Tree & Lawn today at 507.454.7000, or visit our website here.