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Springtime Tree Care and Health Evaluations in Winona, MN

Springtime tree care is an essential aspect of maintaining healthy and thriving trees in Winona, MN. As the winter months come to a close, it’s important to take a closer look at your tree’s health and assess any damage or concerns that may have arisen during the harsh weather. The first big melt of the new year is an excellent opportunity to evaluate tree health and reach out to Maier Tree and Lawn for an expert evaluation.

Spring is a Great Time to Inspect Your Trees

One of the first steps in spring tree care is to perform a thorough tree health inspection. Look for any signs of damage, such as broken or dead branches, cracks in the trunk, or signs of disease or pest infestation. If any issues are detected, it’s important to address them promptly to prevent further damage to the tree and ensure its overall health. Depending on the extent of the damage, it may even be a public safety issue to wait, so speed is of the essence.

Professional Pruning Improves Tree Care

After an initial evaluation, you may want to consider professional pruning. Pruning helps shape the tree and remove those dead or damaged branches. This also promotes healthy growth and can improve the appearance of the tree, especially if it’s looking ragged after the winter. When pruning, it’s essential to rely on professional intervention to prevent inconsistent cuts and mitigate risk.

Proper Watering for Great Tree Care

If your tree is looking pruned and pretty, you’ll want to start planning out your daily tree care routines for the season. Watering, for instance, is key. As the weather warms up, trees may require more water. Ensure that the tree is receiving adequate water, but be careful not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot and other tree health issues.

Fertilization and Soil Management

Fertilizing is also important in the spring to promote tree health. If your trees are young or need a nutrient boost, consult with a tree health professional to see what sort of intervention they recommend. They’ll consider the soil around the tree and evaluate what it needs. Sometimes fertilizer may not be the only solution. For instance, if the soil is compacted or lacking nutrients, they may recommend aerating or adding mulch to improve the soil quality and promote healthy root growth.

Regardless of where you start, springtime tree care is an important task to ensure the health and longevity of your trees in Winona, MN. After requesting a thorough inspection from Maier Tree and Lawn, we offer pruning, watering, fertilizing, and will address any soil concerns. With our help, you can ensure your trees thrive and continue to provide beauty and shade for years to come. Contact Maier Tree and Lawn today at (507) 454-7000 or visit our website here for more information.

Comprehensive Tree Care on Your Rochester, MN, Property

Keeping attractive trees on your Rochester, MN, property is important for enhancing the beauty and value of your home or business. To keep your trees looking their best, you need to provide the right kind of care and attention. Such maintenance can involve a range of tasks, depending on the type of trees you have and the conditions on your property. Maier Tree and Lawn’s certified arborists and tree care professionals can help you beautify your trees and let your property meet and exceed its visual potential.

Tree Care

A key aspect of maintaining attractive trees is regular, professional pruning, which involves removing dead, damaged, or dying limbs from your trees; as well as reducing or removing limbs with poor attachment. This can help to improve the shape and structure of your trees, and can also help to keep your trees uniform in size and style. Leaving this task to a certified arborist can help ensure quality, consistent results.


In addition to pruning, you should also provide your trees with the right amount of moisture. In Minnesota, where the climate can be harsh and the soil is often rocky or sandy, keeping trees properly hydrated can be challenging. Be sure to water your trees regularly, especially during dry spells, and consider using mulch or other organic matter to help retain moisture in the soil. Hydrating trees will help growth in general, but will also ensure lush color and healthy leaves.

Spring Storms Tree Care

If you’ve already taken the preceding steps to ensure your trees’ basic health, protecting your trees from the elements can be the cherry on top of your usual tree care regimen. For instance, being prepared for spring storms and removing dead or damaged branches before they can cause further damage definitely helps keep your trees healthy. Keep an eye on weather forecasts, and if damage does occur, reach out to a certified arborist to request assistance immediately.


Beautiful trees are a key part to any happy, flourishing Rochester, MN, property. By taking the preceding maintenance steps, you can help ensure the health and vitality of your trees, and keep them looking their best. Maier Tree and Lawn’s tree care professionals and team of certified arborists can help. Call us today at (507) 286–8733.



Woodland Management and Forestry Services Near Winona, MN

Why woodland management matters:

Maier Tree and Lawn provides in-depth tree care services to individual trees, small groves, and sprawling forest properties around Winona, MN. While many trees can be fairly self-sufficient when left to their own devices, on occasion, certain steps must be taken in order for trees to support the overarching goals of the property owner. Our woodland management team can help you strategize and organize to ensure that your property thrives in the local ecosystem and satisfies your personal woodland objectives.

What Maier Tree and Lawn offers:

Goal planning services

Woodland management needs vary widely from person to person and property to property. Where a small business may seek support in making their trees navigable and attractive, a personal property could be aiming for native species support and sapling growth. Our tree care professionals can help you develop goals and create step-by-step, personalized achievement plans.

Comprehensive Tree Care

Tree care and health is a major priority for Maier Tree and Lawn’s arborists. For new and old growths alike, we can provide species-specific care and ensure that all of the trees on your property have the space, nutrients, and attention required for them to flourish.

Pest and disease management

Small woodland areas are susceptible to fast-spreading tree disease or pests as they often share space on relatively dense property. Our woodland management teams can help diagnose and treat damaged trees or create mitigation plans to prevent contagious conditions from spreading.

Beautification as Part of Woodland Management

And sometimes effective woodland management is simply about maximizing the aesthetic power of the local trees. This may involve pruning trees to promote a cohesive image or making a planting plan so incoming saplings will grow in a visually attractive way.

Regardless of your individual properties’ needs, Maier Tree and Lawn can help. The tree care experts near Winona, MN, offer woodland management tools and consultations to ensure long lives and good health for your trees. Contact our tree care experts today at (507) 454-7000 or visit our website here to learn more.


Professional Tree Care in Rochester, MN

Over the course of their long lives, trees can experience everything from pest infestations to storm damage and beyond. And growing in Minnesota means that they’ll also be exposed to harsh elements and just about every extreme that nature can produce. For Rochester, MN, tree owners, the challenging growing conditions may mean having to decide whether or not your tree can be saved after a weather event or infestation. Following tree damage, Maier Tree and Lawn’s tree care professionals can help you evaluate and treat trees on your property. With the right application of care and expert knowledge, even damaged trees can recover.

Physical Damage

For physical tree damage, such as broken branches or trunks from storms or other direct trauma, treatment is generally hands-on. Tree care professionals may prune the damaged areas and introduce external supports such as cabling or braces to weak or vulnerable sections of the tree. Even if a tree was hit hard in a storm, it’s important to request an assessment prior to taking major action such as removal. In many cases, physical damage can be addressed with the right combination of structural support and precise care.

Fungal, Disease, or Pest-Related Damage

Trees that are recovering from a pest infestation, illness, or fungus may need a special touch in order to begin their road to recovery. Fungicides, insecticides, and soil treatments can all contribute to tree recovery in cases of external infection. In some situations, such as contagious tree diseases, special steps may need to be taken in order to prevent the spread of the tree damage.

Tree Care a Complex Process

Regardless of the cause of the damage, tree care can be a complex process. Depending on the type of damage in question, it may require multiple treatments and follow-ups to ensure that the trajectory of recovery is sustainable and consistent. But in many cases, these steps are worth it. It’s important to ensure that the treatment being carried out is done by a tree care professional as improper care methods can lead to additional damage that may slow the recovery process. Improper tree care may include steps such as aggressive or imprecise pruning, harsh chemical application, or faulty cabling. Relying on a tree care professional can limit the chances of additional damage as well as help expedite the tree’s recovery process.

If your tree needs treatment following damage, the professionals at Maier Tree and Lawn can help. Rochester, MN, residents can reach out today at (507) 286–8733 or visit our website here for more information on tree care and professional tree treatments.



Common Tree Care Problems in Rochester, MN

Tree pruning is a great solution to a wide variety of tree care conundrums, ranging from disease management to aesthetic upkeep, but the type of pruning you request varies based upon your personal tree goals. In some cases, a little clean-up pruning may be all you need, while in other scenarios, comprehensive structural pruning is the better option. At Maier Tree and Lawn, we help Rochester, MN area residents prune their trees in order to achieve their tree care goals and establish a regular care plan that keeps trees healthy for the long haul.

Tree Pruning to Provide Beneficial Tree Support

In general, tree pruning is a care option that can address tree concerns or provide shaping to trees of basically any age. Proper pruning can remove and reduce risks by cutting away broken branches or redirecting tree growth that may be heading in a risky or hazardous direction, such as into power lines or beyond property boundaries. It can also limit the spread of certain tree diseases and funguses while still preserving the health of the tree. Structural pruning, in particular, is a great option for a tree that needs branch spacing support, aesthetic management, or a comprehensive pruning plan that keeps it sturdy and strong throughout its entire life.

Tree Care to Prevent Future Damage

The pruning process is completed by performing careful trims and cuts that help establish a dominant growth structure that can be maintained throughout the tree’s life. In the case of structural tree pruning, it is primarily done for young and middle-aged trees to help guide the growth of the tree from its “youth” until it reaches old age. This process is also especially helpful in the Midwest, where storm damage is a real threat. A properly pruned tree will have fewer susceptible branches that may become broken in the event of heavy snow or summer storms.

Establishing a tree pruning plan can help your trees thrive throughout their entire life span. If your Rochester, MN area trees are in need of consistent tree care plans, Maier Tree and Lawn can help. For more information about our tree pruning services, contact us today at (507) 286–8733 or feel free to visit our website.


Preventing Winter Damage to Healthy Trees

It’s easy to think that healthy trees in the Winona, MN area are perfectly suited to their natural environment. They can grow independently around the lakes, flourish without intervention on the bluffs, and of course, survive cold, harsh Minnesota winters.

Unfortunately, while some trees are indeed able to pull off this trifecta with very little help, it’s still entirely possible for your trees to sustain damage from extreme winter conditions. Luckily the arborists with Maier Tree and Lawn have the tree care techniques that you need to get your trees safely to spring.

Tree care tends to be a little more hands-off during winter compared to the rest of the year. This is because many tree species are experiencing some level of dormancy. Even a healthy tree, however, may need a bit of help once winter sets it. Cold and ice damage can happen to trees and roots, and hands-off tree care may not be enough to prevent it.

Cold damage can manifest as a gradual sapping of the overall health of a tree in the winter, or it can occur due to a sudden onslaught of ice and snow. You may notice conifers browning rapidly, cracking or scarring bark, branch or leaf loss, or breakage from the weight of overwhelming heavy snow. These tree injuries may happen overnight or lead to a slow decay that damages your trees after snowmelt. Luckily there are actions that can be taken to prevent cold damaged to otherwise healthy trees.

Depending upon the type of damage in question, there are a variety of solutions that can serve to preserve the health of your trees. In some cases, carefully tying up weak or young trees may be all you need to ensure they survive the winter, but on occasion more intervention may be needed. Winter tree care performed by a professional arborist may include expert pruning to reduce snow stress cabling or bracing of branches to protect weak branch unions. No matter what your tree needs may be, our tree care professionals can help.

If your healthy trees in the Winona, MN area have been impacted by ice or snow damage and are in jeopardy, contact Maier Tree and Lawn at (507) 454-7000. For additional information on tree care and winter tree maintenance, you can also contact us online.

Forest Management for Communities in Search of Comprehensive Forestry Services

Maintaining a group or forest of trees doesn’t always mean leaving them to their own devices. Even developed areas have a unique ecosystem that needs to be kept in good condition in order for trees to flourish. At Maier Tree and Lawn, our forestry professionals provide in-depth risk assessments and all the tools you need to ensure your Rochester, MN area trees are healthy, managed, and looking their best year-round.

If you don’t have access to a staff forester, knowing what actions to take to best benefit your trees can be a complex and nuanced process. Even decisions that seem simple, such as tree removal or pruning, may ultimately have adverse effects if they’re not done with the health of the surrounding trees and plants in mind. In situations like these, our professional forestry consultants can offer their expertise in order to help all of your trees to thrive. The tree management team at Maier Tree and Lawn pinpoints and addresses problem areas in each ecosystem through careful assessments and tree risk management.

It’s important to remember that a tree doesn’t have to be totally and visibly rotted for it to be a risk. A wide range of factors may influence whether or not a tree is considered risky to a property or the trees around it. Risk assessments, inventory, and management completed by forestry service experts allows you to plan for the health and safety of your entire property or an entire forest region. After assessments are made, our forestry consultants can also assist you in selecting the appropriate treatment or the next steps you can take.

Depending upon what is discovered during risk assessment, treatment may be a possibility. In some cases, careful pruning, soil care, or other treatments such as fungicides or insecticides can remove the risk from the area and make it safe for trees and people alike. But in other cases, our assessments may recommend tree removal, aggressive pruning, or other large-scale changes. No matter the condition of the tree, our forestry service professionals can help guide you towards a decision that will benefit the forest and its ecosystem as a whole.

If your forest or local ecosystem would benefit from professional forestry services, contact Maier Tree and Lawn today for information on our tree risk management and more. Rochester, MN area residents can reach us at (507) 286–8733 or online for additional details on our forestry services and forestry consulting options.

Help Your Trees Bounce Back from Storm Damage

Extreme heat, extreme cold, and during these last months of summer, extreme storms are all part of the Minnesota living experience. For Winona, MN, tree owners, such extreme weather can mean sudden, unexpected storm damage that leaves their trees injured or damaged beyond repair. However, storm damage doesn’t have to be a death sentence for any of your trees. With effective first aid, tree health can be preserved even after storm damage occurs. Maier Tree and Lawn’s tree health professionals can help you take action and start your trees on their road to recovery.

Storm damage to your trees can come in many forms, ranging from mild to severe. Sometimes hail and wind just knock some branches loose or shake some leaves to the ground, but in more extreme cases, you may be dealing with extensive tree injuries. Major damage to the tree trunk, large amounts of snapped or loose branches, or even uprooting can be consequences of intense weather. Yet, even if the damage looks deadly at first glance, you should know that it’s always a good idea to request a tree health consultation for a professional opinion. Depending on the type of tree in question and its condition prior to the storm, the tree still may be salvaged and restored to health.

Trees are more resilient than most people tend to realize. There are, of course, conditions that render them more vulnerable, but once they are grown and healthy, they can withstand a lot of what Mother Nature has to offer. If your tree was healthy prior to a storm occurring, it will more likely bounce back from minor storm damage. But it’s important to remember that without professional expertise, trying to treat a storm damaged tree on your own can result in further injuries to the tree—and maybe even yourself.

Minor tree injuries can sometimes heal without intervention, and trimming or sawing when it’s not needed can cause a tree undue stress. Plus, damaged trees can pose a physical hazard due to their heavy, unstable branches falling or their risk of tipping. If any of your trees were injured during a storm, our tree health professionals can help.

Our tree health experts examine each storm damaged tree, determine the best course of action, and employ appropriate measures and first aid in order to preserve the health of your trees for as long as possible. First aid may include careful, precise trunk cutting; stabilization’ strategic trimming; and more. But regardless of the steps needed, the health of your trees and the safety of your property are our primary goals.

If you’re looking to save a tree on your property that has sustained any amount of storm damage, contact Maier Tree and Lawn today. Winona, MN, area residents invested in tree health and tree recoveries can call us at (507) 454-7000 or contact us online for more information.

Spotting Troublesome Tree Insects During a Minnesota Thaw

It can be easy to feel complacent about your trees just after the snow begins to melt in Winona, MN. As residents ease their way into pleasant spring weather, it’s hard to picture that tree insects are really going to cause trouble so soon after the ice fades.

The fact of the matter is, however, that some tree insects are impressively efficient at gaining ground on your trees before you’ve even realized that spring has come. Maier Tree and Lawn offers comprehensive tree insect control so you can take a breather and appreciate all that the spring thaw has to offer.

Worms, mites, beetles, and all sorts of insects can make their way to your trees all too quickly in the early weeks of spring, and it can be hard to spot their handiwork when your trees are busy just trying to leaf out again. Most of Minnesota native pests are even able to survive winter temperatures. These tree insects may be laying eggs, hatching, or even beginning to munch away at the vulnerable parts of your trees.

Some signs that a spring tree insect has made its way into your tree includes browning leaves, unusual spots, unsightly webs and nests, and more. Depending upon the type of tree you have you may find yourself encountering eggs, chewed foliage, or even visible bugs. And, if you can spot tree insects on the surface, there’s a good chance there’s damage beneath as well.

Expert tree insect control includes several steps of pest management that can ensure a long, happy life for your trees. Trained arborists will evaluate the threat, the type of damage that has already been caused, and determine a carefully catered course of action for your individual needs. This may include pesticide application or other types of tree insect deterrent. Our certified arborists can help your trees recover and thrive regardless of the time of year.

Tree insect control can ensure that these pests, and others, leave your trees to their own business. If your Winona, MN, area trees are showing signs of being pestered by tree insects, call Maier Tree and Lawn today at (507) 454-7000, or contact us on our website for more information. 

The Long-term Benefits of Winter Tree Care Advice in Winona, MN

Winter can be a tough time for tree owners. Not only are your trees at the mercy of the elements for months on end, but so are you when you submit yourself to those same conditions to assess the damage to your trees. The weather can be frustrating if you hoping to emerge from winter in Winona, MN, with your trees intact. So, if you’re concerned about the health of one of your trees, you can ease these worries by getting winter tree care advice from a professional. Maier Tree & Lawn’s tree consulting services are available year-round, and yes, that includes during the deep Minnesota winters.


Keeping an eye on the health of your trees when they’re leafless or largely dormant is a tough task in itself. In every other season, checking on your trees may be as simple as walking outside and taking a good hard look at them. Discoloration, odd webbing, or missing bark are easy signs that some assistance may be necessary. A long winter brings new challenges in basic tree care assessments. Thanks to a heavy blanket of snow and ice, the physical signs may be literally or figuratively buried beneath the surface.


Trees can be impressively self-sustaining in the winter, but physical damage such as breakage and sun damage can still be a major problem for their long-term health. The real challenge for some tree care enthusiasts is knowing when to step in and how best to mitigate these injuries. Sometimes you may be able to spot winter tree care issues with your naked eye, but other times, the signs may be more subtle. Quickly fluctuating weather that causes repeated freezes and thaws can be damaging without being obvious.


Rather than ignore your trees until the thaw comes, schedule a tree care checkup for some professional tree care advice to ensure that you’re doing all that you can to help your trees hang on until spring. Winona, MN, residents can contact Maier Tree & Lawn today at (507) 454-7000 or visit our website here.