We’ve all heard that April showers bring May flowers, but did you know that April also brings Arbor Day? In Minnesota and most of the U.S., Arbor Day is celebrated the last Friday in April.
Maier Tree and Lawn is proud to be one of the 2015 sponsors of the 13th annual Arbor Day Celebration. The festivities will be held on Friday, April 24th at Silver Lake Park from 11a.m. to 1 p.m. The celebration will include live music, games and free trees (while supplies last) to name just a few of the special activities.
Why all the celebration, and when did it all start? The first Arbor Day was celebrated in Spain in 1805 to promote what trees do for us. On that day a ceremonial poplar tree was planted followed by a feast and dancing, all to promote the abundance of benefits we get from trees.
In the United States, Arbor Day became official in 1872 when J. Sterling Morton declared April 10th as Arbor Day in Nebraska. The day was commemorated by the planting of over one million trees! By the 1920s, Arbor Day was being celebrated in all 48 states.
Thanks to Arbor Day, there is worldwide awareness of the importance of trees, and planting trees is encouraged. When you consider everything trees do for us, it makes sense to set aside one day a year to recognize and value their importance. As Arbor Day is celebrated here and around the world, it makes it easy and fun to plant trees.
When you’re walking around in one of Southeast Minnesota’s many parks and forests, or going for a walk through your neighborhood, take special notice of the trees around you. They clean the air, produce life-giving oxygen, provide habitat for birds and squirrels, supply us with cooling shade and nourish the soil with their fallen leaves. We owe a lot to trees. And it’s just possible some of those trees are there because someone took the time to celebrate Arbor Day by planting them.
Trees are a vital part of our environment, and Maier Tree and Lawn is committed to keeping our trees healthy and growing. When you have a question about the health of a tree or need information about the best location or method of planting a tree, contact Maier Tree and Lawn. In Rochester, call us at 507-286-8733, and in Winona you can reach us at 507-454-7000.