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Arbor Day – Celebrate Trees

We’ve all heard that April showers bring May flowers, but did you know that April also brings Arbor Day? In Minnesota and most of the U.S., Arbor Day is celebrated the last Friday in April.

Maier Tree and Lawn is proud to be one of the 2015 sponsors of the 13th annual Arbor Day Celebration. The festivities will be held on Friday, April 24th at Silver Lake Park from 11a.m. to 1 p.m. The celebration will include live music, games and free trees (while supplies last) to name just a few of the special activities.

Why all the celebration, and when did it all start? The first Arbor Day was celebrated in Spain in 1805 to promote what trees do for us. On that day a ceremonial poplar tree was planted followed by a feast and dancing, all to promote the abundance of benefits we get from trees.

In the United States, Arbor Day became official in 1872 when J. Sterling Morton declared April 10th as Arbor Day in Nebraska. The day was commemorated by the planting of over one million trees! By the 1920s, Arbor Day was being celebrated in all 48 states.

Thanks to Arbor Day, there is worldwide awareness of the importance of trees, and planting trees is encouraged. When you consider everything trees do for us, it makes sense to set aside one day a year to recognize and value their importance. As Arbor Day is celebrated here and around the world, it makes it easy and fun to plant trees.

When you’re walking around in one of Southeast Minnesota’s many parks and forests, or going for a walk through your neighborhood, take special notice of the trees around you. They clean the air, produce life-giving oxygen, provide habitat for birds and squirrels, supply us with cooling shade and nourish the soil with their fallen leaves. We owe a lot to trees. And it’s just possible some of those trees are there because someone took the time to celebrate Arbor Day by planting them.

Trees are a vital part of our environment, and Maier Tree and Lawn is committed to keeping our trees healthy and growing. When you have a question about the health of a tree or need information about the best location or method of planting a tree, contact Maier Tree and Lawn. In Rochester, call us at 507-286-8733, and in Winona you can reach us at 507-454-7000.

Looking Forward: Spring Landscape Care

Rochester and Winona Landscape Care by Maier Tree & Lawn

With one winter storm after another, it’s easy to find yourself dreaming of spring. Can you picture it? The early morning serenade of twittering and chirping birds, the smell of fresh rainfall upon a warm gentle breeze, perennial bulbs pushing up shoots like tiny little green arms raised in a final yawn to shrug away the slumber of winter…it’s not too far off! Here’s the thing: You don’t have to just dream about spring. You can be actively pursuing those beautiful spring days even now. How you treat your landscape now during the “off season” will have a lasting effect the rest of the year. To start spring off right, seek professional landscape care in Winona and Rochester, MN, with Maier Tree & Lawn today!

As you anticipate the snowmelt, there are a few things you can get in order now to get a jump on spring lawn care later:
• As ground conditions permit, rake up leaves leftover from the fall and any added debris from the long winter such as twigs and rocks.
• If your lawn has been compacted by heavy snow, consider professional aerating to allow for more growth with the increase of air, moisture, and nutrients.
• To improve your tree growth, consider deep root fertilization in the spring.
• Seek tree care services and advice about pruning.

Making sure your landscape is in tip-top shape can be quite the burden, especially if it needs extra TLC after this harsh winter. Maier Tree & Lawn employs true professionals along with the best systems and products available to boost the health of your landscape with proper care, you can enjoy your beautiful yard from spring’s first greening to winter’s first flakes. Call Maier Tree & Lawn to set up regular landscape maintenance services in Winona and Rochester, MN. Spring will be here in no time, and by being prepared, you’ll be able to spend less time worrying about your yard and more time playing fetch with your dog or running laps with your children. It’s your yard – go out and enjoy it!

Make Buyers Love Your Home with a Great First Impression: Curb Appeal and Landscape Care

Tree and Landscape Care in Rochester by Maier Tree and Lawn

Maier Tree & Lawn in Rochester, Minnesota, can help a homeowner improve and maintain their lawn and the condition of ailing trees. Such professional landscape care can improve home values and set listing agents’ minds at ease.

For homeowners who have their homes listed on the real estate marketplace in the Rochester area, and for those thinking about listing, now is the time to consider curb appeal. In winter, so long as your house’s exterior is attractive and the cement is in decent repair, prospective home buyers are happy enough. As the snow melts, good landscaping and landscape care in Rochester, MN plays an important role in luring potential buyers by providing attractive curb appeal.

What exactly is curb appeal? According to the dictionary, curb appeal is “The visual attractiveness of a house as seen from the street.” The landscaping is an integral element of every home’s appearance. If not well maintained, home buyers will be subtracting from the house’s value as they consider the cost of bringing the landscape back to health. Regular landscape care can add value to a property just like crown molding does for the interior of a house; it brings a higher level of visual interest and gives the impression that the current homeowners are attentive to details. If there are no trees growing on the property or if the trees appear to be in poor health, buyers may begin subtracting points for that as well. Curb appeal has become so important that there is a show on HGTV dedicated entirely to it.

Some homeowners overlook the value good landscape care brings to a property, because the necessary projects and maintenance can be overwhelming. If a homeowner lacks knowledge and background in maintaining a lawn, the challenge is more than time. When one is overwhelmed it is difficult to know where to start.

The Certified Arborists at Maier Tree & Lawn can assist anyone interested in improving the health of the trees on their property, and our professional and certified staff will gladly determine what your yard needs to be healthy and beautiful.

For more information on lawn care in Rochester, MN and Winona, MN, call our office at 507-286-TREE to talk to one of our Certified Arborists.

Chilly Threats to your Lawn

Lawn Care Services in Rochester, MN by Maier Tree & Lawn

Lawns in Rochester and Winona, Minnesota go dormant during the winter. With the snow covering the ground and ice on the walkways, it’s hard to imagine any living organism surviving under those cold layers of white fluff. Lawns still thrive though, and interact very much with what is happening above the snowy layer that sits on top of them. It is important to be aware of what is happening to your lawn during the winter months to prevent damage once spring arrives and the snow starts to melt. Maier Tree & Lawn in Rochester, MN offers a few helpful lawn care hints to keep your yard safe from chilly threats during the winter.

Keep heavy traffic to a minimum. We are all guilty of packing down snow in a path to get to the garage, tool shed, or even the door. However, concentrated traffic can have severe effects on your lawn. Be careful with your dormant grass, or it may not green up in the spring as well as the rest of your lawn.

Keep salt on the sidewalks. Rock salt can cause severe damage to your dormant lawn. Make sure you apply ice melting agents only to manmade walkways such as sidewalks and driveways. Be conscious of where you throw your shovels full of snow and ice as well, as you may throw it onto your lawn after salting an icy walkway and unintentionally damage your grass.

Change traffic patterns to prevent ice and snow mold. Southeast Minnesota residents are no stranger to heavy snowfall. One of the most unfortunate events is when ice begins to form under those inches of fresh snow. This creates the perfect environment for snow mold to grow. To prevent snow mold from bothering you in the spring, try changing your traffic patterns. By varying your routes you can prevent some of the compaction and give the area a chance to breath.

Make plans for the spring. Winter is a great time to start working on your lawn care plan for next spring. The plants in your yard are down to their bare bones, so you can see which trees and shrubs need pruning. Spring is also a great time to start over or add something new to your yard. To make planning a little more enjoyable as you stare out the window at your snow covered yard, try hanging a birdfeeder and fill it with your favorite local bird food.

Now is also a great time to contact Maier Tree & Lawn about our annual Lawn Care Service Packages. We offer programs that are completely customized to your lawn to ensure it grows to its full potential. With our expertise and complete lawn analysis, you can be sure your lawn is in the right hands this spring.

Winter Tree Health In Rochester MN: Keeping Trees Healthy and Hazard Free

Rochester MN Tree Care by Maier Tree and Lawn

There’s no more denying it; winter is upon us in Rochester, MN. With snow covering the trees and ground and frigid temperature slicing through the air, most yard work has been put on hold until spring. Though trees are a sturdy organism that will hold up to the harsh weather of winter, it never hurts to help out the trees in your yard. While Maier Tree & Lawn can take care of your trees’ needs when the ground is thawed, there are also steps you can take during the winter months to keep your trees healthy and in-tact along the way. Make sure that during these cold months, winter tree health remains a top priority in your yard maintenance.

One of the most visible strains of winter on your trees is the heavy weight of snow and ice that bends and stresses the branches of trees. The simple act of knocking snow and ice off the lower branches will help preserve the visual beauty of the tree. It will also cause less of a mess in the spring months, with fewer twigs and branches for you to pick up. Preventative structural pruning is also a good thing to do in the winter to prevent snow and ice damage and keep your tree health in perfect condition.

While Rochester is somewhat urban, it is still home to deer, rabbits and voles. You’ll have to be on the lookout for these scavengers near your trees. Deer and rodents go after more than just fruit trees; the bark of any is a delicacy. The damage could be deadly. A sturdy fence can help ward off unwanted guests.

Winter is a prime time to prune the trees in your yard. With the expert advice of Maier Tree & Lawn, you can be sure that your trees grow to their full potential. Additionally, our team members take into account all surroundings while pruning trees, so you won’t have to worry about potential damage when we’re around.

It’s time to bunker down against the winter weather, both for the residents of Rochester and the trees. Maier Tree & Lawn offers services throughout the year for trees. Contact us today to learn more or set up an appointment.

Our Employees Are Why We Are the Best

We’re not sure which we love more–our customers or their trees. If you ask Jay Maier, founder of Maier Tree & Lawn, he’ll say, “It’s kind of like asking me to pick my favorite child. It’s better to just not ask.” We provide Rochester, MN and the surrounding areas with tree and shrub trimming, pruning, and removal as well as plant health care and lawn services, including:

  • Lawn fertilizing
  • Weed control
  • Pest control (grubs, moles, gophers, etc.)
  • Lawn seeding
  • Aeration

Maier Tree & Lawn has become Rochester’s trusted company for tree services and lawn services. What’s our secret? Our employees. To start with, every one of our tree and lawn technicians is passionate about taking care of the health, beauty, and longevity of all varieties of trees, shrubs, turf, etc. Almost all of our experienced tree and shrub specialists are ISA Certified Arborists, and many hold degrees in Forestry, Horticulture, or Grounds Maintenance. They understand the science—and the art—behind tree maintenance and removal. We like to think of them as “Tree Nerds” or “Tree Geeks”. They’ve been trained to handle even the trickiest tree dilemmas.

The other component of our extraordinary staff is their commitment to providing our customers with remarkable service that is hard to find in this day and age. A high priority on customer service is modeled by Jay Maier and passed down to all of the field staff and office staff. We know that without customers, we wouldn’t have a job to come to every day—especially one that we love. We also know that without incredible employees we couldn’t keep growing as a company.

This isn’t just our opinion. Here’s what our customers have to say:

“I have had past experience with other companies and it was not good. Every contact I had with Maier has been positive. Thank you.” —Susan

“Courteous, knowledgeable, understanding my attachment to my tree, offering sound advice. Thank you!” —Dawn

“The personnel is what ‘made it’ for me – it is so nice to deal with ‘decent’ people.” —Patricia

“We needed a couple of broken branches from trees from the last storm and you were able to fit us in a busy time in a couple of days. Wonderful crew – always very pleased with the service!” —Ann

“How can you improve perfection?!” —Carole

“Excellent service and knowledge of trees & shrubs. Always looks nice when done. I recommended you to my friend…” —Julie

Trees, shrubs, and lawns are our business; our employees and customers are our life line.

When you need tree service, tree removal, tree cutting or pruning by a certified arborist, call Maier Tree & Lawn. If you need lawn care and maintenance, fertilization, weed control, or aeration, call us. We serve Rochester and the surrounding communities, including:

  • Byron
  • Kasson
  • Mantorville
  • Stewartville
  • Pine Island
  • Oronoco
  • Winona
  • And more!

Our Business is Looking Up

It’s true, business is growing at Maier Forest and Tree, but that’s because the main focus of our business is looking up – looking up into trees and analyzing the health and well-being of each tree we examine. Our certified and skilled professional arborists can spot problems that threaten the life of a tree or pose a hazard to life and property, as well as determine the most economical and safe solutions possible to mitigate the problem.

The fierce storm that blew through Rochester after Labor Day left extensive tree damage in its wake. The staff at Maier performed with impressive effort and outstanding achievement to assist those dealing with the overwhelming task of storm clean-up and recovery. If you were one of the “lucky ones” who didn’t experience a downed tree or massive fallen limbs and branches, now is the time to look “up” and see just how well your trees fared after the severe winds. If you aren’t sure what you should be looking for, call Maier, and we’ll be happy to come to your home and evaluate your trees.

This is the best time of year to have a tree inspected. Wind damage hidden by dense foliage can now be clearly observed, as well as potential dangers from infestation, infection, or improper growth. Our professional staff will discuss their finding with you and address your concerns to help you best understand the needs of your tree.

Winter is a great time for a tree to be repaired and rehabilitated. A tree that receives appropriate attention during the winter stands strong and ready to enter into spring as healthy, reliable and safe as possible.

Lock In Early and Save Some Green!

It’s the end of another growing season. The last of the leaves have been raked, the lawn mowed for the final time, and the implements of lawn care are being stored for their winter siesta. The only thing left to do is to wait for the snow and make sure the snow blower starts, right?

Not so! Now’s the time to save some real green before the green of spring 2013 comes our way.

Maier offers earth-friendly lawn care services that promote healthy grass growth, and if you pre-order before November 15th, 2012 your budget can save some serious green! Lock-in your lawn care contract before November 15th, 2012 and receive a 10% discount on your lawn care services for 2013.

Maier offers a Five Step or Six Step Organic Based Program for nurturing your lawn and keeping it free of weeds and crabgrass. Both programs include a soil test and lawn analysis to ensure your lawn receives the proper nutrition it requires. Lawn aeration is professionally performed in the early fall to open the soil and allow for proper absorption of moisture and nutrients. Pricing for our 2013 lawn care programs is based on an exact square footage measurement of your lawn.

So, before the snow begins to fly, take the time to explore Maier’s lawn care programs. The November 15th, 2012 deadline is rapidly approaching, so don’t wait!

Maier; providing green solutions for your lawn that can save your wallet a lot of green! Contact us today and we’ll help you lock in great savings on a greener spring before the white of winter settles on your lawn!

Winter Tree Work

Christmas trees aren’t the only thing we do all winter. We also prune and remove trees, clean up wooded lots, and more. What most people don’t realize is that winter is a GREAT time to do these things for the health and benefit of the trees or forest.