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Root Health for Winona, MN Trees

Maintenance and Repair of Tree Roots in Winona, MN by Maier Tree and Lawn

With the hardiness of Northern Midwest trees, most people may not consider the health of the roots beneath the trees in their yard. But those roots are quite important. Are there dying limbs or discolored leaves on your favorite tree? Maybe you’ve noticed the tree hasn’t been growing at the same rate as in the past few years. Is it because of last year’s drought? Will the tree recover this season, or maybe next year? If something isn’t looking quite right, don’t wait. Maier Tree & Lawn can assess the overall health of your tree. Close to your home here in Winona, MN, we will gladly come and give you options to improve the supporting root system of your tree as well as enhancing the tree’s visual appeal.

At Maier Tree & Lawn we understand that tree health is highly dependent on root health. Growing in an outward radius from the trunk by more than 1.5 times a trees height, the root system supporting your tree is extremely complex. Roots absorb most of the water and nutrients your tree uses to maintain its strength, growth, and beauty. With the threat of pests, construction, a variety of diseases, and poor soil chemistry, keeping your tree on the path toward a century long life can be quite complicated. Taking decades to become mature and full in size and shape, no wonder people quickly see why maintaining their current full-grown tree is the better choice. Keeping trees and their root systems healthy is of utmost concern to us. It’s very important to keep in mind that root health should not be ignored as it correlates directly to lifespan and beauty.

From fertilizer and soil nutrients to water drainage and pests, Maier Tree & Lawn of Rochester and Winona, MN is ready to help get your tree on track to good health. We are ready to work to improve any soil nutrient imbalance your tree roots may encounter. Give us a call or send us an email today to schedule a consultation. We’ll be happy to come and discuss how Maier Tree and Lawn can help you save that beautiful tree, shrub, or bush you really can’t afford to lose.

Stress Prevention and Green Retention | Plant Healthcare in Rochester, MN

Maier Tree & Lawn provides green retention and plant healthcare services in Rochester, MN and the surrounding communities

April is Stress Awareness Month. In the greater Med City region, which includes Rochester, Minnesota, and surrounding southeastern Minnesota communities, health is a big focus thanks to the area being home to a world renowned medical center. Part of a community’s health and wellness is defined by its surroundings. A well maintained space is a happy and healthy one and contributes to a sense of wellbeing. Maier Tree and Lawn provides plant healthcare, lawn care, and tree care services in Rochester, MN and surrounding areas.

Outdoor spaces that are well manicured and free of debris create a sense of calm and care within communities. According to the University of Washington’s Urban Forestry and Urban Greening Research, “More than 100 studies have shown that relaxation and stress reduction are significant benefits associated with spending time in green areas.

Keeping your lawn happy and healthy starts with understanding what inflict stress upon it, such as heat, dry weather, weeds, bugs, and foot traffic. Here are some easy to follow tips to help you lawn live and thrive as stress-free as possible:

  • Before summer’s heat is on, fertilize the lawn to help keep your lawn calm, lush and green.
  • Water your lawn in the morning instead of midday or evening.
  • Make sure your mower blade is sharp. Dull mower blades can shred and stress grass.
  • Keep foot traffic to a minimum on dry grass. When grass is dewy, it springs back. When grass is dry, it does not.
  • Once a lawn is stressed, do not overstress it in an attempt to revive it – aerating and excessive mowing will not bring a lawn back from dry and damaged to lush and green.

Need help keeping your lawn as stress-free as possible but don’t know how to start? Please give us a call! One of our certified technicians will gladly come to your home, determine what your lawn needs, and explain the professional tree care and lawn care services we provide! In the Rochester, MN area, call at 507-286-8733. In the Winona, MN area, you can reach us at 507-454-7000. Contact Maier Tree & Lawn today!

Outdoor Spring Cleaning: Tree Services in Rochester, MN

Maier Tree & Lawn | Tree Care and Tree Services in Rochester and Winona, MN

As temperatures rise and the snow melts away, the long winter wear and tear can be seen in the environment around us. The muddy, brown grass proclaims just that, but it also reminds us of the new growth that will take over as we head into spring. This year, however, there’s the addition of tree branches littering the lawn. The weight of winter has taken a toll on our trees. With Maier Tree and Lawn Care, we can help you clean up from winter and prepare for spring with our tree services in Rochester and Winona, MN.

We offer our tree services to help you recover and improve your lawn from the green oasis you may vaguely recall from last year. Amidst our tree services in Rochester, MN, Maier Tree and Lawn Care offers low cost tree consultation, tree pruning, tree and stump removal, and tree and plant health care.

  • Whether you’re taking care of your current trees or looking to add more, tree consultation can help you assess the condition and maintenance of your trees.
  • To ensure proper growth and a healthy life for your trees, regular tree pruning is necessary; it will help your trees withstand weather conditions and resist decay. Oh, and make your trees look nice! Our arborists have mastered the art and science necessary to care for and beautify your trees.
  • Unfortunately, sometimes the removal of a tree is important to the life and longevity of the rest of your property. No matter the size of your tree, Maier Tree and Lawn Care is ready and able to assist in your tree removal needs. With our many tools and hard-working employees, we’re quick to take on the challenge and do the job well!
  • Part of the life of your trees is important preventative maintenance and fertilization. We provide these services, as well as expert knowledge of insects and diseases, as a part of our tree and healthcare.

Maier Tree and Lawn provides these services and more to the Rochester and Winona areas. However, if this information seems overwhelming, fear not! We’re here to know and understand the information for you, so give us a call and speak with one of our certified arborists. We’re here to help you understand, to improve the healthy and beauty of your property, and to dream of spring colors just beyond the muddy season. We’re almost there! So, allow us to help you make these spring dreams a reality and call Maier Tree & Lawn today.

Loving Your Lawn: Lawn Care in Rochester, MN

Maier Treen &  Lawn provides Rochester, MN Lawn Care, Tree Care, and More!

A walk through my neighborhood reveals different levels of lawn love. From the meticulously manicured emerald yard to the plot of tormented turf in need of a little TLC, lawns show and tell. Sometimes the story they tell is about difficult soil. Sometimes they show off the homeowner’s talent for lawn care and landscaping. If you prefer your lawn tell the latter story, but lack the time or knowledge required to make it happen, turn to Maier Tree and Lawn Service to attain the care your lawn deserves in Rochester and Winona, Minnesota.

What makes one lawn have a pristine look and the other lawn look like it’s lost that loving feeling? It’s a mix of things. If your lawn has looking a little less than appealing, nurture it by:

  • Having a soil test done. A soil test will determine if there are some adjustments that need to be made to the soil to help the grass grow right.
  • Mow the lawn regularly, without overcutting. Make sure the blade of your lawn mower is set to only cut 1/3 of the length of the grass. Cutting the grass too short can lead to a stressed-out lawn.
  • Let the clippings stay. As long as you mow properly, there is no need to rake up the grass clippings or to have them go into a bag. The lawn will use the nutrients from the clippings to become healthier.
  • Mow the lawn when it is dry.

Attractive lawns are more than enjoyable to look at and walk barefoot in. Lawns that show off the level of exceptional lawn care they have received tend to be well fertilized, and well fertilized lawns benefit the environment. When a lawn is fertilized properly, research has shown that it reduces the runoff of water and nutrients, according to the article, “Lawn Maintenance” by John Stier, Assistant Professor of Horticulture, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the University of Wisconsin – Madison.

If you have questions about maintaining your lawn or if you lack the time needed to maintain yours, contact Maier Tree and Lawn Service. For Rochester, Minnesota area residents, call (507) 216-5779. For Winona, Minnesota area residents call (507)454-7000.

Make Buyers Love Your Home with a Great First Impression: Curb Appeal and Landscape Care

Tree and Landscape Care in Rochester by Maier Tree and Lawn

Maier Tree & Lawn in Rochester, Minnesota, can help a homeowner improve and maintain their lawn and the condition of ailing trees. Such professional landscape care can improve home values and set listing agents’ minds at ease.

For homeowners who have their homes listed on the real estate marketplace in the Rochester area, and for those thinking about listing, now is the time to consider curb appeal. In winter, so long as your house’s exterior is attractive and the cement is in decent repair, prospective home buyers are happy enough. As the snow melts, good landscaping and landscape care in Rochester, MN plays an important role in luring potential buyers by providing attractive curb appeal.

What exactly is curb appeal? According to the dictionary, curb appeal is “The visual attractiveness of a house as seen from the street.” The landscaping is an integral element of every home’s appearance. If not well maintained, home buyers will be subtracting from the house’s value as they consider the cost of bringing the landscape back to health. Regular landscape care can add value to a property just like crown molding does for the interior of a house; it brings a higher level of visual interest and gives the impression that the current homeowners are attentive to details. If there are no trees growing on the property or if the trees appear to be in poor health, buyers may begin subtracting points for that as well. Curb appeal has become so important that there is a show on HGTV dedicated entirely to it.

Some homeowners overlook the value good landscape care brings to a property, because the necessary projects and maintenance can be overwhelming. If a homeowner lacks knowledge and background in maintaining a lawn, the challenge is more than time. When one is overwhelmed it is difficult to know where to start.

The Certified Arborists at Maier Tree & Lawn can assist anyone interested in improving the health of the trees on their property, and our professional and certified staff will gladly determine what your yard needs to be healthy and beautiful.

For more information on lawn care in Rochester, MN and Winona, MN, call our office at 507-286-TREE to talk to one of our Certified Arborists.

Winter Tree Health In Rochester MN: Keeping Trees Healthy and Hazard Free

Rochester MN Tree Care by Maier Tree and Lawn

There’s no more denying it; winter is upon us in Rochester, MN. With snow covering the trees and ground and frigid temperature slicing through the air, most yard work has been put on hold until spring. Though trees are a sturdy organism that will hold up to the harsh weather of winter, it never hurts to help out the trees in your yard. While Maier Tree & Lawn can take care of your trees’ needs when the ground is thawed, there are also steps you can take during the winter months to keep your trees healthy and in-tact along the way. Make sure that during these cold months, winter tree health remains a top priority in your yard maintenance.

One of the most visible strains of winter on your trees is the heavy weight of snow and ice that bends and stresses the branches of trees. The simple act of knocking snow and ice off the lower branches will help preserve the visual beauty of the tree. It will also cause less of a mess in the spring months, with fewer twigs and branches for you to pick up. Preventative structural pruning is also a good thing to do in the winter to prevent snow and ice damage and keep your tree health in perfect condition.

While Rochester is somewhat urban, it is still home to deer, rabbits and voles. You’ll have to be on the lookout for these scavengers near your trees. Deer and rodents go after more than just fruit trees; the bark of any is a delicacy. The damage could be deadly. A sturdy fence can help ward off unwanted guests.

Winter is a prime time to prune the trees in your yard. With the expert advice of Maier Tree & Lawn, you can be sure that your trees grow to their full potential. Additionally, our team members take into account all surroundings while pruning trees, so you won’t have to worry about potential damage when we’re around.

It’s time to bunker down against the winter weather, both for the residents of Rochester and the trees. Maier Tree & Lawn offers services throughout the year for trees. Contact us today to learn more or set up an appointment.

What it Means to be an Accredited Tree Care Company

Rochester Tree Service, Tree Trimming, Tree Removal

rochester tree service maier tree and lawn

Did you know that Maier Tree & Lawn is the ONLY accredited tree care company in Rochester, Minnesota? Sure it sounds good, what does it really mean for our customers? We think this is a pretty big deal! Even completing the actual accreditation process means we go the extra mile to ensure safety, quality, and the highest standards. This is how we approach every job we do too—we go the extra mile to ensure safety and quality work done to the highest standards.

When you decide to call professionals for your Rochester tree service, plant health care or lawn care needs, calling an accredited company (like us) will give you the peace of mind that the best practices and standards are being used. Here is what it means to be an accredited tree care company:

  • Company adheres to the Tree Care Industry (TCIA) Code of Ethics and best business practices
  • Employees are formally trained, skilled personnel
  • Industry standards are being met in regards to quality performance and safety
  • Company provides industry-standard written estimates
  • Employers document customer satisfaction, including following a dispute resolution process
  • Business carries sufficient insurance coverage
  • Certified arborists are employed

In order to be accredited, Maier Tree & Lawn went through a voluntary process in which a TCIA representative evaluated the overall manner for which we conduct our business. “We would not have “passed the test” had our procedures and standards not been met by every one of our employees,” said owner Jay Maier.

Here are just some of the areas that accreditation evaluation addresses:

  • Consumer Satisfaction
  • Business Ethics
  • Employee Training
  • Safety
  • Arborist Certification
  • Work Estimates and Specifications

At Maier Tree & Lawn, we believe that our customers should expect nothing less than the highest level of service with the skills and proficiency of accredited tree care professionals. If you are in need of tree services, plant health care, or lawn care services, please contact the experts of Maier Tree & Lawn today!

Last Chance to View Fall Colors in Rochester MN

At Maier Tree & Lawn we love trees! We love the environmental impact that trees have on the Earth’s atmosphere; we love the shade they produce on a hot summer day; we love the endless number of tree varieties; we love hearing the leaves rustle on a breezy day; we love trees!

But, one of the things we love most is seeing the beautiful colors that trees turn to signal the change in seasons from summer to fall to winter. While most of the state of Minnesota is already past the prime fall foliage viewing period, Southeastern Minnesota still has some opportunities to take in nature’s beauty. This weekend will likely be the last opportunity Minnesotans have to take in the changing fall leaves along the scenic hills and valleys of the Mississippi River Valley.

According to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Fall Colors Map, Southeastern Minnesota still has fall colors to be found. From Stewartville and Rochester over to the Mississippi river near Wabasha, Red Wing and Hastings, and up to Minneapolis, there are many ways and places to take in a final glimpse of fall’s splendor.

This weekend, consider taking a drive with the family to get away from the day to day bustle. According to the MN DNR, some of the prime viewing spots are:

  • Whitewater State Park
  • Rice Lake State Park
  • Forestville/Mystery Cave State Park
  • John A. Latsch State Park along Highway 61 near the Mississippi River
  • Fort Snelling State Park
  • Afton State Park

Check the Fall Colors Map for more options and information.

In Olmsted County, the Root River Park offers 90 acres of scenic views and hiking trails along its namesake, the Root River. Just a 10-15 minute drive from most places in Rochester, it’s the perfect spot for fall afternoon family picnic or just to go sit and relax.

Whatever you choose to do this weekend, be sure to take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the fall season: the crisp, cool air, the beautifully colored leaves, and the dazzling sunsets.

Maier Tree & Lawn is a professional Forestry and Arboriculture company that serves Rochester, MN and all of the surrounding communities. We are the only accredited tree care company in the Rochester area. All of our technicians are Certified Arborists and tree lovers. Maier Tree & Lawn offers tree pruning, plant health care, tree removal, stump removal, comprehensive lawn care services and consulting services for a variety of clients including… businesses, homeowners, municipalities, institutions, developers, and more. Call Maier Tree & Lawn today!