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Tackling Tiny Mighty Spider Mites in Your Winona Spruce Trees

It’s tough to imagine a positive scenario that includes the words spider mite. “Congratulations! You just won a year’s supply of spider mites!” wouldn’t inspire much enthusiasm in the average person. True to their name, spruce spider mites are deceptively destructive and troublesome for tree owners around Winona. They feed, creep and infest, and the tree care specialists at Maier Tree & Lawn will tell you that they’re simply a pain. Dealing with spruce spider mites means watching for infestations and practicing a little preventative tree care on your own.

Like many types of pests, spruce spider mites thrive on conifers that have been planted too closely together. This allows the mites to transfer between food sources easily and quickly. Spider mites feed by puncturing the surface of the foliage and sucking nutrients. This contributes to dehydration, which in turn can lead to tree stress.

Short of tearing up your landscape and starting over, you should consider other preventative options.  Make sure that you’re watering your trees adequately and with enough frequency, especially during dry periods. If you’re not sure about the proper amount to water your trees, it may be wise to consult a professional arborist. Organic mulch also helps by moderating soil temperatures, conserving water, and providing nutrients and organic matter to the soil. Proper watering and mulching will raise your tree’s defenses, which can make it less susceptible to mite infestations.  It’s a win-win!
Spruce spider mites are most active in the cooler months of spring and autumn, but they are dormant in the winter. If you’ve had mite problems before or have concern about the coming season, winter can be a great time to get prepared. Use their dormancy to brush up on your mite warning signs and make a game plan. Spider mite feeding causes small dots (called “stippling”) to appear all over the foliage, and mites make small webs in areas where they concentrate. As the weather warms in the spring you can detect an early infestation by tapping a branch over a sheet of white paper and looking for tiny mites. If you’re noticing any of these warning signs, it might be time to call in a professional.

Since spruce spider mites spread quickly, proper tree care means reacting quickly as well. Hiring the tree care specialist from Maier Tree & Lawn to treat your trees safely during active mite season can save your spruces – and other conifers — from some serious damage. The spruce spider mite prefers spruce trees, but it will infest other conifers as well including arborvitae and pine. In areas like Winona where conifers have been planted, these mites can become more than just a minor annoyance. Discuss your concerns with the knowledgeable professionals at Maier Tree & Lawn through their website or via phone at 507.454.7000 to keep your landscape spider mite free.

Practicing Fall Lawn Care in Rochester and Winona, MN

Fall is well underway in Minnesota, and the residents of Winona and Rochester are likely enjoying the colorful expanse of autumn leaves that have appeared in recent weeks. But, as all Minnesotans know, once the leaves start to fall, winter is just around the corner. It’s time to store the rakes and lawnmowers and break out the shovels and snow blowers!


Ask youself one question – have you done all you can to prepare your lawn for the transition into winter? As the lawn service experts at Maier Tree and Lawn will tell you, lawn care is a year round endeavor. It may feel like it’s time to stow those lawn tools as soon as it gets chilly, but chill or no chill, some pre-winter preparation can do wonders for your lawn come spring.

Fall lawn care is probably similar to your regular warm-weather routine, but the main difference is the objective. In the warm months the objective is keeping the lawn looking great and growing consistently. In the fall, however, it’s all about making sure it will be able to withstand the winter without consequence. Or rather, it’s all about resilience as opposed to aesthetics.

Why is the objective of fall lawn care so different from the rest of the year? The biggest answer for us Northerners is snow.  Snow is heavy, wet, and everywhere. It can smother your grass, prevent the ground from freezing (which can lead to snow mold), and trap dead leaves underneath which can also contribute to fungus growth or disease (yuck!).

If you want to make sure that you’re ready to get back into the swing of things when spring rolls around, then follow these simple tips for keeping your lawn autumn-healthy!

  • Keep watering your lawn! Until the water on the ground is actively freezing, you can continue to water your grass on your normal schedule. Even if things are getting a little brown or brittle, you should still keep up that hydration. Hydrated grass is healthy grass, no matter what season it is!
  • Don’t put that mower away quite yet! It’s wise to keep mowing until snow is just on the horizon. Keeping your grass at a reasonable length is important to prevent it from folding down upon itself once the snow packs on. Long, folded grass packed underneath snow is a potential breeding ground for fungus, and that’s no fun-for-us!
  • Rake, rake, and rake again! Yes, in Minnesota, maintaining a leaf-less lawn is more or less impossible, but you want that surface as clear as possible before things start getting icy. Rotting leaves won’t only increase your chances for lawn disease, they can also be a pain to clean up when they’re all stuck together in big, rotting bunches. It’s better to deal with them when they’re easy to corral!

If you keep these three things maintained throughout the autumn, when all that snow finally (finally) melts away, you should be left with a healthy, mold-free lawn!

Unfortunately, even with these precautions, nature has a way of following its own prerogative. If you think your lawn might be at risk for mold or disease, or you just have some questions regarding fall lawn care or lawn services, contact Maier Tree and Lawn today at 507.286.8733 (Rochester) or 507.454.7000 (Winona.) The lawn service specialists at Maier Tree and Lawn can help you with your lawn while you prepare for some good-old-fashioned-Minnesota-style hibernation. Rest assured that your lawn will be in good hands, even if those hands happen to be wearing mittens.

Maier Tree & Lawn Receives Angie’s List Super Service Award

At Maier Tree & Lawn we are proud to announce we were awarded the Angie’s List Super Service Award for 2014. We have our loyal clients in Rochester, Winona, and across Southeastern Minnesota to thank. Due to your positive reviews and our excellent staff, Maier Tree & Lawn has been honored with this prestigious award.

What does receiving the Angie’s List Super Service Award mean? The Angie’s List Super Service Award is given to honor excellence among service providers. What makes this award such an achievement is that it goes to less than 5% of providers. To be eligible, a service provider must maintain an A rating and receive the highest customer ratings for a twelve-month period beginning November 1 of each year.

The Angie’s List Super Service Award criteria are consistent with the values we embrace at Maier Tree & Lawn. Not only do we strive for excellence serving our clients, but we do our very best to protect the environment. That begins with working with our clients to keep the ecosystems of their entire landscape healthy and growing for decades to come.

The reason we say ecosystem when referring to your property is because the health of your trees, shrubs, and lawn is interdependent and part of an overall healthy environment. That’s why it’s important to have a comprehensive analysis done for your home’s green space. Having that information allows us to develop a program of care specific to your needs. This not only ensures your trees, shrubs and lawn are receiving the fertilizers, weed, and pest control they need, but it makes sure they aren’t treated with chemicals they don’t need.

The staff at Maier Tree & Lawn is committed to providing expert care and advice to our clients and community to do what we can to make their world just a little bit greener. We do that by providing outstanding service in tree care and lawn care. That includes tree pruning and removal, cable and bracing for vulnerable limbs, insect and disease management, shrub care, and lawn care.

At Maier Tree & Lawn, our arborists and lawn care specialists are committed to keeping your trees, shrubs, and lawn a healthy part of our environment. Whenever you have a question or concern about any tree or lawn related issue, contact us at 507-286-8733 (Rochester) or 507-454-7000 (Winona).

How and When to Plant a Tree

In a recent Maier Tree and Lawn newsletter, we said that the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago! Since that isn’t possible, the best time to plant a tree is this year! Because it takes so long for a tree to mature, and a healthy tree can have a lifespan of many decades, planting a tree is a great way to “pay it forward” for generations to come. That’s why it’s important to do it right when you plant a tree. Here are a few simple guidelines to follow for when and how to plant a tree.

When is the best time to plant a tree?

The best times to plant a tree is in April through early May and September through early October. April through early May are ideal because there should be ample rainfall and cooler temperatures that allow the young transplanted tree to establish a root system before the heat of summer. September through early October are good because the tree is, or will soon be, dormant, and even though the air may be cooling off, the soil is still fairly warm. That creates a good environment for root growth making the tree ready to really grow with the coming of spring.

Summer can be a bad time to plant a tree. Hot temperatures and direct sun will stress a newly planted tree to the point that it may not survive. Without the proper watering it requires, a new or transplanted tree can quickly fade and die during a summer dry spell.

How do I plant a tree?

Here is a list of what is important to do to plant a tree properly to give it the best chance for a long and healthy life:

  • Select a tree that is compatible with location and climate region. The best choices are trees that are native to the area.
  • Check for underground cables or utility lines before digging.
  • Prepare the hole. Ideally the hole should be 2-3 times the diameter of the root ball. This breaks up compacted soil and allows better root development and allows roots to spread as they grow.
  • Dig the hole only deep enough for the root flare (where roots change to trunk) to be just above with the finished soil. A common problem is planting a tree too deep. That will cause problems for the tree later in its life.
  • When placing the tree in the hole, place it in gently taking care not to disturb the root ball. If the root ball is wrapped in burlap, cut the burlap away after the tree is positioned on the hole.
  • When backfilling the hole, be sue not to stomp on, or compact the soil around the tree. Do not use a commercial fertilizer. It may be too harsh for the now vulnerable transplanted tree to tolerate.
  • For the initial watering, pour one gallon of water for every six inches of tree height. The tree should then be watered regularly by trickling a hose at the base of the tree.
  • It is also important to cover the area of exposed dirt with 2-3 inches of mulch. Take care to keep a space 2-3 inches wide around the base of the tree free of mulch.

Planting a tree that can be enjoyed for generations to come is a rewarding experience. To ensure you are planting a tree properly, you may want to consult a professional arborist like those at Maier Tree and Lawn. It is our pleasure to help you add to the tree population of southeast Minnesota. To be sure all your young and mature trees are healthy and have a long life, contact Maier Tree and Lawn at 507-286-8733 in Rochester, or 507-454-7000 in Winona.

It’s Never Too Early to Start Lawn Care Planning

February may seem like an odd time to think about scheduling lawn care, but it’s a great time to put a plan together for a healthy and lush green lawn. At Maier Tree and Lawn, we understand that your lawn is an important part of the ecosystem and needs a plan to be at its best. What is it that makes your lawn such an important part of the local ecosystem?

Lawns do a lot more for us than make our homes and landscaping look good. Like trees, grass releases life-giving oxygen into the atmosphere. Lawns also help fight soil erosion and filter pollutants from water runoff. So you see, a great looking lawn is more than just a “pretty face.” It helps protect the environment.

For your lawn to do its job, it needs to be healthy. To help keep it vigorous and thriving there are a number of lawn care practices you can follow:

  • Fertilizing and Weed Control – When it comes to fertilizing and controlling weeds, lawns are not “one size fits all.” A lawn care professional will perform an analysis of your soil to determine what it needs. This helps protect the environment by not applying fertilizers you don’t need for your lawn. The same is true for weed control. The best practice is to use as little herbicide as necessary to control undesired weeds.
  • AerationLawn aeration is a process that perforates the ground and removes small plugs of soil. This practice provides several benefits. Aeration allows water, air and nutrients to better penetrate to grass roots. It helps roots grow deeper and also reduces soil compacting.
  • Fungus Control– Fungus can come in a number of varieties. The most common symptoms are brown patches or rings that can result in dead grass. Causes can be as varied as drought, mowing too low, too much or wrong fertilizer, excessive watering, or the wrong grass type for the location. A lawn care professional can examine your lawn and suggest the best actions to take for cure and prevention.
  • What You Can Do – The two most important things you can do for your lawn are mow at the proper height and water properly. Many homeowners make the mistake of mowing too short. The proper mowing height is 3 to 3 ½ inches. This gives a lush look to your lawn, helps retain moisture, and shades low growing weeds to discourage their growth. When it comes to watering, a good rule of thumb is to give all areas 30 to 60 minutes of watering per week. This will allow the water to soak into the soil and promote healthy root growth. Frequent watering for only a few minutes can actually be detrimental to your lawn. Water doesn’t have a chance to adequately soak into the ground, which can cause shallow roots. Your grass needs a good deep root system to survive during periods of little or no rain.

At Maier Tree and Lawn we like to say we care about all things green and growing. That includes your lawn. Healthy trees, shrubs, and lawns play an important role in keeping our ecosystem and environment healthy. Our goal is to partner with our clients by designing a plan that is right for them.

When you have questions about your lawn, contact Maier Tree and Lawn at 507-286-8733 in Rochester or 507-454-7000 in Winona. It’s a great time to start thinking spring. Call us to put together a plan and schedule for your lawn.

How Harsh Minnesota Winters Damage Our Trees

In Rochester and throughout Southeast Minnesota, one of our greatest resources is something many of us take for granted: trees! For all trees do for us, we need to do our part in tree care. To keep your home or business’ landscape looking its best, contact Maier Tree & Lawn for tree care in Rochester and Winona, MN.

Imagine the view from a tall building or hill looking out across a great tree canopy of green. That’s all it should take to remind us of how blessed we are to live in an area so densely populated by these majestic giants. As we hurry about living our lives, they stand quietly around and above us protecting us from wind, rain, and heat. They help us breathe cleaner and pump literally tons of life-giving oxygen into the air every day.

With winter here, it may not seem like a time to be actively involved in tree care, but that isn’t quite true. Winter can be just as stressful and hard on trees as it is on us. Year after year of stress can take its toll on a tree and, without proper care, can affect the tree’s health and lifespan. Once their leaves drop and cold and snow arrive, it’s easy to forget about tree care until spring. After all, aren’t trees just dormant waiting for spring like many of us? The truth is, winter can be a hazardous time for trees. Consider these problems:

Temperature Fluctuations
During early and late winter, temperatures can be well above freezing during the day and near zero at night (or lower as proven last winter). Those temperature swings can wreak havoc on a tree’s structure, thawing and freezing moisture within the wood, expanding, and contracting.

Frost Cracks
Frost cracks are usually longitudinal cracks resulting from extreme cold or temperature swings. They can be shallow or deep and once they begin, they reappear annually. The danger is that these cracks can cause a weak point in the tree and make it more susceptible to serious fracture.

Snow and Ice Breakage
Heavy snow is especially a problem for evergreens. Their thick needles are the perfect place for snow to accumulate and weigh down branches. To help prevent permanent damage, gently brush snow away. Never shake the tree or branches vigorously because frozen branches can be brittle. For smaller evergreens, a good form of prevention is to gently tie branches together with flattened rope. As for ice-encased branches, especially on hardwoods, it may be tempting to knock off the ice. This can be dangerous for both the tree and for you. It’s best to just let the ice melt naturally.

Animal Damage
When food is scarce in winter, trees become part of the menu for deer, rabbits and other rodents. In areas where deer are abundant, surrounding the bark with wire fence or mesh will discourage deer and send them elsewhere for their next meal. As for rodents like mice or voles, keep tall grass and weeds removed from around the base of the trunk. Move heavy mulch a foot or more from around the trunk since these provide a great winter habitat for the little critters. A layer of screen or gardening cloth wrapped around the bottom of the tree can also deter them.

To be sure you are taking proper precautions and steps to protect your trees during winter, consult a certified arborist, like those at Maier Tree & Lawn. They will know what is best for your specific trees in your yard or property. Without proper knowledge and equipment, a homeowner can actually damage a tree and put themselves in danger.

In Rochester and Winona, contact the tree experts at Maier Tree and Lawn. Our team of certified arborists can advise you on a year-round program for tree care as well as provide expert pruning, damage removal, fertilizing and even cabling vulnerable limbs to prolong their life.

At Maier Tree and Lawn, we care about the trees in our community and understand how vitally important they are to our environment. If you have questions or concerns about any tree related issues, contact us at 507-286-8733 in Rochester or 507-454-7000 in Winona.

Christmas Tree Fire Safety Tips

Maier Tree & Lawn wishes you a happy and safe holiday season!

We all love the sounds of the season and hearing folks say “Merry Christmas!”, “Happy New Year!”, and “Season’s Greetings!” What we don’t want to hear is the sound of a siren from a fire truck as it comes screaming to our home because our Christmas tree caught fire!

On average there are 250 Christmas tree fires in the United States each year. That’s a very small percentage of the number of real trees purchased every year, but the devastation of a Christmas tree fire is always tragic.

The reason Christmas tree fires are so dangerous is because once the tree catches fire it explodes into flames in as little as 20 seconds, generating temperatures of nearly one thousand degrees. That much heat blasting into a room can spread to every flammable item and create a blazing inferno in a matter of minutes.

That doesn’t mean your family can’t enjoy the fresh smell of a real tree during the holidays. By taking a few simple precautions, the likelihood of a Christmas tree fire can be eliminated. These are tips everyone has heard before, but it’s a good idea to go over them again and, most important, follow through with them.

First and foremost, be sure your tree is fresh. An easy check is to bounce the tree trunk on the ground to see if needles fall off. Of course, making it a family tradition to cut your own tree can be a fun way to be sure your tree is fresh.

Once your tree is home, keep it hydrated. That starts with making a fresh cut across the bottom of the tree and putting it in water so it can begin to draw in water immediately.  Check the water every day and add more as needed. You may be surprised at how much a fresh cut tree will “drink.”

It may sound obvious, but never place your tree too close to a fireplace, wood stove, candles, or heat register. It’s also important to check all lights for frayed wires and worn insulation. Having too many lights on a single circuit can also cause wires to overheat.

Finally, don’t place your tree near an exit door. In the unlikely event your do have a Christmas tree fire, you will need a clear escape route for you and your family.

The holiday season is a special time of year when we get together with family and friends to reflect on the very best things in life. At Maier Tree and Lawn we want to wish you, your family, and your friends a truly joyous holiday season and a Merry Christmas!

It is our privilege to serve the Rochester and Winona areas. We truly have a passion for caring for trees and all things green whether they are inside your home during the Christmas season or growing outdoors throughout the year. We believe they are truly one of the wonders of creation.

The staff at Maier Tree and Lawn is committed to providing expert care and advice to our customers and the community to help make our world a greener, healthier environment. Whenever you have a question or concern about any tree care or lawn related issue, contact us at 507-286-8733 in Rochester, or 507-454-7000 in Winona.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from your friends at Maier Tree and Lawn!

Arborist Consultations in Rochester, MN

Maier Tree & Lawn offers tree care consultations for homeowners in Rochester and nearby areas.

Are you building a new home in the greater Rochester, MN area and wondering how to best protect the trees located near the build site? Do you have concerns about the new CapX2020 project running electrical transmission lines through your property and the potential negative impact to your trees? With all the recent news about the discovery of EAB in the Rochester area, do you have questions about the health of that group of beautiful ash trees in your backyard?

No matter what your tree question may be, Maier Tree and Lawn is here to help. We offer a consultation service meant to provide you with as much information as necessary in regards to the trees on your property. From pests and disease to physical damage and trimming, Maier Tree and Lawn is here for you.

If you own property in the Rochester, MN area with trees on the premises, you are likely hyper aware of their beauty and benefit. Trees offer shade from heat, limit snow drifting, and are soothing to hear when the wind blows. The rustling of leaves and the coolness of shade are not always a guarantee a tree is in good health. At Maier Tree and Lawn we have certified arborists on staff. We have access to a lab for in-depth diagnosis, and years of knowledge and experience on how to maintain or improve the health of your tree(s). Our consultation service provides personal access to our certified arborists plus the resources required to help you address any questions you may have regarding tree health and growth. Consultations last as long as necessary and will address anything you see fit.

If you find yourself in a situation questioning the health of your tree(s), then Maier Tree and Lawn is ready and waiting to assist you. Based here in Rochester, MN, we offer a tree consultation service that is second to none. Knowledge is power, and we are here to empower you to know all you must about maintaining and sustaining your tree(s). Contact us today if you find yourself concerned that cutting down that 100 year old tree is your only option. Here at Maier Tree and Lawn, we are betting our arborists have better news and alternatives for you.

Emerald Ash Borer Found in Olmsted County, Minnesota

Maier Tree and Lawn answers all your EAB questions

Though Minnesota has only had 4 counties with Emerald Ash Borer identified over the last six years, on August 20th, EAB positive trees were confirmed in Olmsted County. The infected trees are near the I-90 and Hwy 63 interchange, south of the Rochester airport. This is the first confirmed case in our area.

What does this mean for Olmsted County?

We will join Hennepin, Houston, Ramsey, and Winona counties in a quarantine, hoping to prevent the spread of Emerald Ash Borer. Compared to other states, Minnesota has done a good job in containing the infested trees. With approximately 1 billion ash trees, Minnesota is especially susceptible to EAB and the destructive consequences of an infestation.

How do I protect my trees and property? 

First of all, don’t panic. Maier Tree & Lawn knew the spread of EAB was a possibility and has been preparing for such an occurrence. You may already be on our list for ash tree treatment, and in this case, our team will visit your property within the next few weeks. If you are not on our ash tree treatment list, now is the perfect time to schedule a consult with one of our arborists.

Prevention is the key to keeping your trees healthy. With Maier Tree & Lawn, you can put a plan in place that will protect your ash trees. This includes putting them on a treatment schedule, removing less valuable ash trees, and planting other species of trees to diversify your property. Waiting until you see physical damage or symptoms may be too late to save your tree.

As time goes on, the emerald ash borer infestation may spread. Now is the time to contact us for treatment or removal. By booking ahead for winter removal, you can actually save money. Tree removal pricing will increase as demand for eradicating EAB increases. By acting now, even a lightly infested tree will have great recovery results.

What else can I do?

Hopefully, you’re part of the majority who haven’t yet found EAB on their properties. If so, there are a few other things you can do to help prevent the spread of emerald ash borer.

  • Don’t transport firewood. This is the major cause of the spread of infestations.
  • Be aware of quarantine restrictions. Quarantines operate on a state and federal level. Please check before transporting any tree out of your area.
  • Watch your ash trees for infestation. A quick reaction can help save a lightly infested tree.

Who should I call?

There are many tree removal services in Rochester, MN but Maier Tree & Lawn is the only tree and lawn care service that is TCIA accredited. When it comes to treating trees for emerald ash borer, using Maier will put you in the best hands. Maier Tree & Lawn’s certified arborists are trained in the art of planting, caring for, and maintaining trees. We see each tree, and the forest as a whole. We already have plenty of experience dealing with EAB in Winona county, and we are ready to serve the residents of Rochester and Olmsted County.

Please contact us today for preventative action or tree removal services. You can reach us in Rochester at 507.286.8733 or in Winona at 507.454.7000. You can also request a quote by visiting our website. Together, we can save your tree(s).

Summer Lawn Care Projects in Rochester, MN

Maier Tree & Lawn Provides Tree Pruning Services in Rochester and Winona, MN

We are approaching the warmest time of the year in the Midwest, and that means the grass and weeds have been growing for several months now. Which likely also means you have weeds that are “growing like weeds” and starving your grass of sunlight and required nutrients. Given the warm temperatures, you may want to stay inside to relax and let Maier Tree & Lawn of Rochester, MN handle your lawn care needs.

Most people know that the best way to maintain a healthy lawn is to fertilize their turf and give it the nutrients the grass needs to thrive. However, fertilizing can entail many different applications and products. Keeping weeds at bay requires the correct type and timely application of weed killer. This holds true in controlling crabgrass and insects. When and how to apply these treatments may be quite confusing, but the experts at Maier Tree & Lawn know exactly what to do.

Maier Tree & Lawn will come to your property and do an extensive lawn analysis. They can formulate a year-round plan to keep your lawn healthy and beautiful. They also specialize in tree pruning. So, while you are making sure your lawn is healthy, you may want to have a certified arborist checkout your trees as well.

Summer is the time to enjoy the weather and beauty the Midwest has to offer. If your lawn needs attention, or you have some tree pruning needs in Rochester, MN, please give Maier Tree & Lawn a call today. We will come out and complete your summer lawn care projects while you enjoy the sun, or, if you prefer, the air conditioning!