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Saving Ailing Trees with Expert Tree Care in Winona, MN

There are probably plenty of reasons why you haven’t had that sick tree removed from your Winona, MN, lawn: lack of time, indecision on whom to contact, or perhaps, lingering attachment to the tree that has yet to completely die. But a dying tree isn’t necessarily a lost cause. Leaving it to its own devices may seem easier at first thought, but as more time passes, the potential risk factors that a dying tree poses can increase. And if a tree is lagging or is simply a little under the weather, ignoring those symptoms can seal the tree’s fate. Relying on the Maier Tree and Lawn tree care professionals to discern, diagnose, and treat your trees is the perfect way to help spruce up your trees and nurse them back into tip-top shape.


Expert tree care can accomplish several goals at once. Not only does it restore a healthy look to your yard, but it also helps ensure that your property is safe for visitors and family members alike. It can be difficult to tell at a glance, but sick trees may have interior decay and structural weaknesses, causing instability. Depending on how long the tree has been sick and its location on your property, it could also be a potential fire risk. Having your sick tree evaluated can alleviate those risks, including additional side effects that the sickness may be triggering.


Sick trees can also be something of an attraction for all manner of pests—burrowing, infesting, or roosting on the branches. Whatever is killing the tree in the first place may still be alive and thriving inside. This may encourage these types of unwelcome visitors to set their sights on the dying tree as well as other nearby trees and plants. Without intervention, pest and fungus infestations can spread fast when sick trees are in the equation. Tree care and mitigation can kill pests before they spread and potentially even give your tree a chance to bounce back.


Regardless of how long the tree in question has been sick, it’s important to remember that extensive tree care should not be attempted without the assistance of a professional. A professional consultation not only ensures that the sick tree is treated safely, but it’s also the perfect chance to get tips on how to keep your trees healthy and intact for as long as possible.


Even if you thought that sick tree was done for, there might be a chance that recovery is possible. Tree care professionals can evaluate the state of the tree and the potential risks it poses while considering options for possible recovery. Instead of allowing dying trees to dictate the overall health of your yard, contact the tree care professionals with Maier Tree and Lawn today. Winona, MN, area residents with tree care needs can call at (507) 454-7000 or visit our website here for additional information.

How Ice Can Impact Winter Tree Health in Rochester, MN

There’s no foolproof way to protect your trees from the winter elements when you’re a resident of Rochester, MN. Some saplings can be covered, and some weak trunks can be reinforced, but winter will always do whatever winter wants to do. The tree health professionals with Maier Tree and Lawn want to make sure that all winter tree care novices know how to identify the difference between normal winter wear and serious tree damage in the coldest months of the year.

Tree care in the winter is generally pretty hands off. The natural process of a healthy tree allows it to protect itself in the winter thanks to its sturdy, dormant state. However, not all winter tree care risks are created equal. A little cold and snow shouldn’t damage the core health of the tree, but extreme conditions can definitely have an impact.

When winter comes in with a vengeance like it did this year, sometimes your trees take the brunt of the seasonal damage right away. Freezing rain and sudden ice storms can do a number on trees that haven’t lost all of their foliage yet as well as trees that can’t bear the weight of the ice and snow. The sheer weight of winter weather can be enough to break branches, strip bark, and topple vulnerable boughs.

If you’re concerned about a tree’s health after a winter storm, be sure to consult tree care professionals instead of attempting to de-ice the tree yourself. If the temperature is still below freezing, standing beneath the branches and trying to free them from ice makes you a target for falling debris. This is especially dangerous if large branches have been severed and are only being held up by the ice itself.

For winter tree health concerns and tree care assistance, contact us as Maier Tree and Lawn for information or to make an appointment. Residents of Rochester, MN, can call today at (507) 286-8733 or visit our website here for more information today.

Post-Winter Lawn Fungus Control in Winona, MN

There’s plenty to consider when you’re venturing into the wide world of lawn care in Winona, MN. When and how much to water, how and why to fertilize, and what signs to look for when you’re trying to judge if your lawn is healthy are some topics that only scratch the surface of proper, long-term lawn care. The professionals with Maier Tree and Lawn want you to feel comfortable judging for yourself when your lawn needs a little help, but knowing the signs of common issues like lawn fungus is the first important step in the long journey towards being an annual lawn care master.

The term “lawn fungus” covers more ground than just referencing the occasional mushroom. Fungal lawn diseases can take the form of brown spots, slimy patches, powdery substances, and more. Identifying the specific type of lawn fungus you’re dealing with can require the consultation of a professional lawn care specialist, or at the very least, a good amount of grass-specific research. The causes can also vary widely; over-watering, under-watering, poor mowing techniques, and unlucky weather conditions cover a small portion of the potential triggers. Plus, it’s good for Minnesota lawn care enthusiasts to know that snow is also a potential trigger.

During the winter your grass may be dormant, but the snow that rests on top of it can still impact its awakening in the spring. Depending upon how much snow falls and how compacted it becomes, it may foster the perfect environment for lawn fungus to grow. This is especially true if leaves were not raked before snowfall began, as the extra layer of leaves can provide nutrition and breeding grounds for several types of lawn fungus. Though you can take some steps to prevent this, even raking and avoiding compressing the snow may not be foolproof.

Thanks to the wide variety of existing lawn fungi, the types of treatments are just as varied. If you see signs of lawn fungus on your Winona, MN, lawn come spring, contact the lawn care professionals with Maier Tree and Lawn. Any signs of browning, discoloration, or other oddities should be checked before they’re allowed to spread to other parts of the lawn, even if it turns out to be a fungal red-herring. We can be reached at (507) 454-7000 or by visiting our website here for more information.

Putting your Tree Preservation Plans in Place in Rochester, MN

For any layperson in Rochester, MN, preparing your property for construction is an unwieldy task. Putting the days of physical preparation aside, just navigating all the red tape alone is enough to make any native Minnesotan consider migrating to the North woods for good. And that’s even before trees are entered into the mix. How do trees complicate property management and construction?  As the tree care professionals at Maier Tree and Lawn know, creating your tree preservation plans prior to construction is just as important as any of the actual building.

Regardless of your personal opinions on trees, they’re undeniably valuable. Not only on an individual level, but on a societal level as well. Beyond providing us with oxygen and aesthetics, they’re also worth a significant amount of money when healthy and fully grown. Plus, with proper tree care, they also do a lot of landscaping work organically, such as aiding in storm water run-off and providing natural shade. When it comes to long-term property value, healthy trees are more often than not a home-run.

As such, in order to keep construction crews from taking an axe to your beloved boughs, it’s wise to have a plan in place before the crew even arrives. Basically, tree preservation plans just set the boundaries so the proper, healthy trees are left untouched regardless of the work going on around them. Of course, you could just ask nicely, but having an official tree preservation plan will ensure your trees escape snip-free.

Tree preservation plans also do more than just keep your tree untouched from the trunk up – they protect every part of the tree from root to tip. Once damage has been done to a tree, even with emergency tree care, it often can’t be undone. Requesting a tree preservation plan before the shovels hit the soil can save you time, money, and grief.

If you’re in the Rochester, MN, area and are interested in a tree preservation plan for your property, contact the tree care experts at Maier Tree and Lawn today by calling (507) 454-7000, or by visiting our website for more information.

5 Real-Life Lessons About Trees


There are a handful of things I have learned from my experience with trees over the years. These lessons about trees are so simple and evident every time I may look at a tree. But too often I do not apply them in my life, much to my own dismay.

The first lesson is to be flexible. When winds blow against trees, the very thing that preserves a tree is its ability to bend and twist without breaking. The more it can bend, the stronger wind it can withstand without breaking. I need to remain flexible too.

The second is to always grow. A tree never stops growing. Each year, a new set of branches and leaves form, and a new ring of growth is added to the wood. Without this growth, a tree would die. I need to also work to personally develop.

Third is to remember your roots. A tree’s root system functions to stabilize a tree, providing a strong foundation. It also is there to provide a means to be nourished; taking up water and nutrients. A tree always makes decisions with its roots in mind. I too need to keep the values of family and heritage in mind.

Fourth is to bear fruit. A tree attempts to reproduce itself often. Much of its energy in the course of a year is spent on reproducing itself. I need to be investing a portion of my energy in teaching those around me what I know.

Fifth is to be fun to be around. A tree provides many benefits to people around them. They provide shade, clean the air, provide a home to wildlife and more. Very few times are trees unwanted. I should continually work to bless those around me through encouragement, affirmation and generosity.

So the next time you look at a tree, make it a point to learn life lessons from it. There are plenty more than I have even mentioned here.

Where will your trees be one year from now?

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This might seem like a silly thing to ponder. It’s pretty obvious, if your tree is still living it will likely be right where it is now. However, that isn’t entirely true.

Trees are an amazing part of the ecosystem of this world. The tree that you see now in your front yard is part water and part CO2.  The cells would be hollow without air and/or water.  As the sunlight hits the leaves, and photosynthesis happens, trees take the CO2 from the air and the water it pulled up from the roots to create sugar and oxygen. The oxygen is released into the air and is circulated in the atmosphere of our planet. Additionally, pollen is created and released each year, which accumulates on other plants, our soil, water and in the air.

So, that heavy, woody structure that sits in your front yard is dispersing itself, and impacting the entire planet. Some of the very form and mass that made your tree last year, is actually making its way around the globe to places like Europe, China or Australia this year.

The folks at Maier Tree & Lawn understand trees better than anyone in the Rochester, Minnesota area and can help you devise a plan to best care for our planet’s most wonderful asset.

Why Professional Tree Care IS Important.

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We have all been duped into buying some sort of snake oil in our past and it leaves a pretty bad taste in our mouths. We would do nearly anything to avoid it. So when someone has something to offer (a.k.a. sell) that we don’t fully understand, our immediate reaction is to say, “No”.  Let’s take tree care for example. One “expert” may tell you that if you put this product on the roots or leaves, it will make your tree healthy. The next “expert” may tell you the exact opposite. This leaves you: a) confused and b) not sure who to believe.

A great place to start your research is from peer-reviewed sources. When an unbiased source gives you information on a particular subject or product, and that information was generated from research in accredited universities, rest assured you are on the right track. From there, good practitioners will build programs that are consistent with that information.

For arboriculture, many universities have programs in forestry, urban forestry, horticulture, biology, grounds maintenance, or others like that which work well as a foundation for the science.  There is new research every year from great scientists around the country. From there, an International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Certified Arborist or Board Certified Master Arborist (the pinnacle of the profession), like the pros at Maier Tree & Lawn, will use this science and listen to your needs to come up with the very best recommendations for you and your trees.

If you sense that you are getting snake oil from your tree guy, ask him or her where they got their information. If it is from a credible source, you are well on your way to avoiding that bitter snake oil. Tree care skeptics beware, there are many things that your urban trees need that nature is not providing. Invest in the right company with the right arborists for your professional tree care needs, and you will come out the winner every single time.

5 Tree Laws You Should Know

Maier Tree and Lawn - 5 Tree Laws You Should Know About Tree Care

Believe it or not, there are several legal tree facts that are really useful to know. Hopefully it you are aware of these tree laws it’s not from first hand experience! Disclaimer: We are not attorneys so please don’t take these as legal advice, however we do know a few and they’d back us up.

Law #1 ::

Any part of your tree that goes over your neighbor’s fence is technically theirs. Property lines extend from the ground up into the sky. Your neighbor would technically have the right to prune any portion of your tree that passes over that imaginary line, so long as it does not damage your tree. You do not have the obligation to prune it for them.

Law #2 ::

Your tree has value and if damaged or destroyed by someone else, you have the right to collect damages from the person who caused the damage (or their insurance company).  The industry has standard ways to appraise the value of a tree based on their size, species, location on your property, and their condition. An average medium to large tree in your front yard likely adds thousands of dollars of value to your property.

Law #3 ::

Municipalities often have the right to condemn a tree that is diseased or dangerous on your property, and you would have to pay for that to be removed. Dutch Elm Disease and Oak Wilt are two such diseases that cities in the state of Minnesota have the right to condemn for the sake of managing those diseases. Trees that are unsafe can also be required to be removed for public safety. If you do not remove the tree, the City will have the tree removed and send you the bill.

Law #4 ::

You do not have the right to have a view. Trees that are on someone else’s property are not yours to prune or remove for any reason (unless it extends that imaginary property line in Law #1), including getting back a view that you once had. You may laugh, but we have seen this happen more than once and it rarely ends up well.

Law #5 ::

A city owns all trees in the right of way along roads. Most roadways extend beyond the curb and past the sidewalk by a few inches to a foot. Any tree in this area is not yours to prune or remove as you wish. Some cities will pretend that a tree in the “boulevard” strip is your responsibility and liability, but the reality is that they own the tree and responsibility to care for it or remove it. Check your local ordinances for specifics on this in your community.

These tree laws are in place because, we truly do care about the trees! We think this is pretty cool! The folks at Maier Tree & Lawn love trees and can help you with any tree issue you may come across. Call us today to set up your consultation!

6 Horrible Mistakes You Are Making With Your Trees

Maier Tree and Lawn - 6 Mistakes You Are Making With Your Trees

Taking care of your trees might seem simple enough, but a few honest mistakes might be preventing your trees from thriving. Once you take the right steps to tree maintenance, the rest is easy. The folks at Maier Tree & Lawn are known around Minnesota, as some of the best tree care practitioners. Leave it to us to help you correct some common mis-steps.

Don’t plant your trees too deep.

Roots go in the ground and stems/trunks stay above ground. The first root should be right at the soil line.

Don’t mulch your trees too deep.

Mulch turns into soil, so see number 1. There should be 2-4” of mulch over a root system and at the trunk it should taper to zero.

Avoid planting trees so close to each other.

Evergreens should have 16’ spacing and deciduous trees twice as much. If you are planting species that don’t get very big, you can plant closer. Keep in mind spacing to your house as well. Trees look small when they are small, however try to see their potential when you plant them.

Don’t prune your trees randomly. 

Every pruning cut should have a purpose and be calculated. Without a plan before pruning, you run the risk of getting carried away and trimming away too much. It is best to have a professional prune your trees based on your desired objectives.

Avoid putting wrap on the trunk of your trees.

If you need to protect your trees against deer or rabbits, use a fence material placed away from the trunk supported by a stake. Wrap does not prevent sun scald. It is best to plant and prune properly to avoid it.

Stop adding fertilizer to your trees. 

Fertilizer purchased at garden centers or superstores contains a quick release Nitrogen that is most often harmful to your trees.  There are only a very few tree and shrub fertilizers that add benefit. Maier Tree & Lawn has one such fertilizer with Davey’s ArborGreen Pro. This is by far the best fertilizer on the market with a 12-month slow release fertilizer that mimics the carbon structure of natural forest soils.

Here is the great news, Maier Tree & Lawn can help you! We love knowing and doing the right things for your trees.

Living and Learning with Aging Trees, and Tree Care in Rochester, MN

Effective care for aging trees demands that professional arborists stay current on the latest research into the special needs of mature trees. Since “tree whisperers” don’t exist outside of cool sci-fi movies, new insight about the health of aging trees must be actively learned by tree care specialists, like those at Maier Tree & Lawn, through annual events such as the Rochester Arborist Workshop (or RAW). By investing in continuing education, professional arborists are able to share ideas and grow their skill in an interactive environment.

This year’s topic at RAW is the health and care of aging trees, something that southeast Minnesota has in great abundance. It may surprise you to know that aging trees really do require different care than their younger counterparts. With the knowledge gained at workshops like RAW, even elderly trees can receive the care they need.

Some of the topics being covered at the Rochester Arborist Workshop this year include tree health and nutrition, safety risks associated with working in aging trees, how to manage mature trees properly, and how to remove them safely. All of these topics are very important, but the safety factor of working with older trees is foremost.

Aging trees have the potential to be hollow, brittle, or particularly susceptible to strong weather, meaning that mature branches could break more easily than flexible saplings. This isn’t just dangerous for tree care workers, it’s a concern for the safety of anyone who spends time outdoors under a canopy of branches. Workshops like RAW provide an opportunity for arborists to learn from nationally recognized experts and to share experiences with their peers.

In the heavily wooded hills and valleys of southeast Minnesota, all ages of trees coexist. This creates a beautiful mosaic of tree life and history. Preserving that beauty and keeping it safe for all to enjoy is a difficult, but important goal. This is why conventions such as the Rochester Arborists Workshop are so vital. This is also why it’s great news that all of the arborists at Maier Tree & Lawn are committed to furthering their education at every opportunity.

Maier Tree & Lawn cares about your trees and shrubs, young and old, and is also striving to implement state-of-the-art scientific management for your lawn. If you’re interested in the topics being covered at the Rochester Arborist Workshop 2016, visit our website here. If you’re looking for help with your aging trees in Rochester, Winona or the surrounding area, contact Maier Tree & Lawn at 507.286.8733, or visit our website.