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What is Fertilizer and How Does It Help in Rochester, MN?

Most adults who have heard of basic lawn care are probably at least aware of what fertilizer can do. They may not know exactly what it’s made of, but they can probably describe it on its basic level. The most rudimentary explanation is that fertilizer is food for lawn and plants that help them grow. But why does this happen? And how do you know if your lawn needs fertilizer? Luckily for lawn care novices, the professional fertilizing experts with Maier Tree and Lawn in Rochester, MN won’t only help you understand what fertilizer is capable of, we’ll even assist with the entire fertilization process.


Just like humans, plants can suffer from nutritional deficiencies that impact their health. But unlike humans, plants can’t simply tell you when they’re feeling under the weather. The good news is that instead, they’ll do their best to show you when something is wrong. Discoloration, breakage, wilting, and halted growth are all signs that your plants may be suffering from a lack of essential nutrients. Once you see these signs, it’s possible that applying fertilizer may be the key to improving their condition. This is because using fertilizer is a process that allows you to manually introduce essential nutrients into the soil where they are needed when nature isn’t doing enough.


The nutritional value of soil depends on a wide variety of environmental factors, but no matter where in the Midwest you live, there’s a good chance that your plants can benefit from professional fertilizing services. Even at a basic level fertilizer may be giving your weaker plants a fighting chance. So even if you think your soil is in great shape you may still benefit from proper professional fertilizing.


If you’re a resident of Rochester, MN and your plants are suffering from nutritional deficiencies, or if you’d just like to help them grow to their highest potential, contact the professional fertilizing team with Maier Tree and Lawn today at (507) 286-8733 or by visiting our website here today.

Landscape Maintenance for Your Ideal Spring Garden in Winona, MN

Spring is coming in Winona, MN, and with it the potential for some serious landscape maintenance on your property. Landscaping in Minnesota can be a lot of fun thanks to the wide variety of flowers, veggies, and other plant life that our hearty soil can support. If your yard has been lacking in years past, the landscape maintenance professionals with Maier Tree and Lawn can help you freshen it up. Sprucing up your garden with a little TLC might be just what you need to put a little pep back into your property.

If this is your first year looking into landscape maintenance for your property, you’ll probably want to do a little research into what exactly your landscape needs. You can work out the finer details out with landscaping professionals when you’re ready, but generally speaking, you should look into appropriate fertilizers, insecticides, and any other supplements that your garden can use to stay healthy and happy.

There’s no set rule on how you go about your landscaping as a homeowner. Some people prefer having their landscape maintenance process be very autonomous, while others like to get down and personal in the dirt. Regardless of your preferred method of gardening and landscaping, consulting an expert team of landscape maintenance professionals can help solidify a long-term care plan for your property. With the assistance of a trained landscaping team you can be as hands-on or hands-off as you like while allowing your garden to flourish.

For Winona, MN residents, the landscaping experts with Maier Tree and Lawn are ready to be a great resource. If you’re interested in performing some much-needed landscape maintenance this spring, we can be reached at (507) 454-7000, or by visiting our website here for more information. There’s still a bit of winter left, so there’s time to research your plants, plan your care, and prepare to have the garden of your dreams.

Identifying Unhealthy Grass Throughout the Lawn Care Process in Rochester, MN

Keeping healthy grass is one of the best ways to make sure your yard looks its best in Rochester, MN. It’s also particularly impressive in a climate that swings wildly between extreme cold and sweltering heat. The lawn care professionals with Maier Tree and Lawn know that healthy grass can mean the difference between a lawn that looks like every other and one that looks exceptional. Keeping your turf health in mind means knowing how to see, touch, and sense trouble in the land of sod. Signs of grass health will vary slightly depending upon the type of grass you’re growing, but there are some universal signs that you can keep an eye out for during your lawn care process.

When it comes to turf health, sometimes all you need are a working pair of eyes to know there’s a problem. For instance, it’s pretty obvious that your grass is trying to tell you something if you notice brown spots, visible dirt, or prominent fungus while performing lawn care. All of these are clear signs that your grass needs a little extra TLC. But they aren’t the only signs.

Like most aspects of lawn care, what you see with the naked eye isn’t always all there is to see. If you’re trying to be thorough about the health of your grass, you may have to get up close and personal to understand whether or not your grass is in jeopardy. Occasionally, problems with grass health can be determined by touch. If your grass is dry or slimy to the touch, you could be dealing with an underlying health issue. During your normal lawn care routines, don’t be afraid to get close and check for inconsistencies.

If you have a feeling that something is off but can’t put your finger on it, more evidence may be hiding under the surface. The lawn care professionals with Maier Tree and Lawn can check for thatch build up and test the soil for other issues. If your Rochester, MN lawn is suffering from unhealthy patches, or if you’re concerned about your grass’ health in general, call Maier Tree and Lawn today at (507) 454-7000, or visit our website here for more information. Good turf health is the first step toward maintaining a comfortable, happy lawn for the long term.

Spring Fertilizing for Better Long Term Lawn Care in Rochester, MN

Fertilization is one aspect of lawn care that can tend to slip the mind of even the most dedicated land owners because, for the most part, nature seems to do a pretty good job of sustaining itself without the aid of outside forces. But when it comes to your lawn, sometimes a “good” job just isn’t enough. Lawn experts unanimously agree that spring is one of the most important times to start fertilizing lawns in the Midwest, and Rochester, MN, is no exception. The lawn care services provided by the experts with Maier Tree and Lawn incorporate fertilization because it can raise your lawn’s overall health from good to great. Take advantage of the season and consider adding fertilizers into your lawn care regimen right away.

Just like people, your lawn needs a balanced, fortified diet of the proper nutrients in order for it to thrive. If you’re new to lawn care, or have never employed lawn care services before, you may not know what type of supplements your lawn needs most.  There are a wide variety of fertilizers and additives that can be utilized on your lawn, and just because you’ve never used them before doesn’t mean that your lawn won’t benefit from a boost. However, sorting through all of the options blindly is a good way to get overwhelmed. If you’re interested in looking into fertilizer, start small and consult lawn care experts frequently.

The upside of adding fertilizer into your lawn care routine is that a very small amount of proper fertilization can support your lawn year round. Knowing the right type of lawn fertilizer and how often to apply it is a great starting point, but to get the most out of your lawn care routine then consider consulting a professional lawn care service provider such as Maier Tree and Lawn. The best fertilizer for you may be determined by the time of year you request it, the type of grass you have, and the type of soil you’re working with as well.

Rochester, MN, residents interested in enhancing their lawn care routine should consult the experts at Maier Tree and Lawn by calling (507) 454-7000 or by visiting their website for more information. Now that Spring has arrived the perfect window to explore fertilizers is here. Take advantage today!

Weeds and Woes in Rochester, MN

Autumn in Rochester, MN, is a great time of year for outdoor entertaining. It’s cool enough to run around without overheating, the bugs are finally buzzing off, and the scenery is that perfect mix of autumn colors and early sunsets. You may prefer to spend your evenings outside around the fire pit with a beer and a blanket, or perhaps devote an afternoon to a game of flag football with the family. Regardless of your inclinations, the one thing that can always put a damper on a romp in the yard is overgrown, overwhelming weeds. Maier Tree and Lawn has the tools to assist you with your weed problems so you can get back to your regularly scheduled fall relaxation.


Weeds come in many shapes and sizes, but at their core they’re classified apart from other plants because of their detrimental characteristics. They may hurt the plants around them, be ugly to look at, or might just hurt you if you step on them. If you’re trying to foster a healthy, comfortable lawn that’s perfect for entertaining, it’s time to consider some serious weed removal.


It might feel wrong to worry about weed control when winter here, but planning now will help you prepare for spring. One of the great secrets of effective lawn care is that you should keep it in mind however you can, year-round, even if snow is on the ground.


Weed control can keep your lawn looking neat and tidy while simultaneously fostering stronger overall lawn health. If your lawn has trouble with weeds and it’s impacting your autumn plans, contact the weed control experts at Maier Tree and Lawn. We can be reached at (507) 286-7000, or by visiting our website here for more information. Don’t let a scruffy lawn prevent you from enjoying the beauty of autumn in Rochester, MN.

The Battle Against Buckthorn in Winona, MN

Minnesota has a long history of dealing with different types of invasive species. Thanks to its prolific growing abilities, common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica) is no exception. In fact, buckthorn has been inhabiting Minnesota yards and lands since the 1800’s, and it hasn’t shown signs of stopping. Any Winona, MN, landowner familiar with the plant knows why it’s bad news, but for many new to yard care, it’s hard to get too excited about an overzealous weed. However, the experts at Maier Tree and Lawn know that buckthorn isn’t just highly invasive and inconvenient; it’s also detrimental to your yard and the ecosystem as a whole.


Though technically classified as a “weed” by the DNR, buckthorn has the appearance of a small tree or shrub. Usually, if dealt with efficiently, these plants can be removed from your property without too much trouble. Buckthorn removal becomes more difficult if the plant is fully grown and integrated into your yard. Buckthorn removal is also made more difficult because it produces berries that can be easily spread around, thanks to the help of birds. This means that removing buckthorn once won’t necessarily curb its growth. These factors make buckthorn a problem to the other plants around it.


Buckthorn is sturdy, grows quickly, and lacks natural predators. It essentially outgrows other plants around it and prevents them from getting the nutrients they need to survive. Buckthorn removal is important because it allows other native plants to thrive without restriction. Without intervention, buckthorn can cause irreparable damage to Minnesota landscapes and habitats.


Luckily, public education and awareness are helping to identify and reduce infestations of buckthorn all across the state. If you have any questions about buckthorn removal in your Winona, MN, yard, contact the experts at Maier Tree and Lawn. We can be reached by phone at (507) 454-7000, or by visiting our website here for more information.

Keeping your Shrubs Looking Trim in Winona, MN with Lawn Care Services

If you’re a Winona, MN, resident you’re certainly no stranger to greenery. Trees abound in the riverside town, and attractive landscaping is a common sight from the college campus to the upper-bluff neighborhoods. Professional lawn care services such as Maier Tree and Lawn are regular visitors to cities such as Winona because of these attributes, which means all the help you need for your lawn is just a phone call away. However, if you’re looking to do a little maintenance on your own, here are a few quick tips for maintaining some of the more down-to-earth parts of lawn care.

Depending upon the height and density of your trees, tree trimming can be quite the difficult job without help from a professional lawn care service. Shrub trimming is a little more manageable if you’re looking to try some trimming on your own. Shrub trimming has the added bonus of usually not requiring any ladders or heavy machinery. This can make it an afternoon task instead of a weekend project.

Start by determining the type of shrub you’re working on including its species, size, and age. If you’d like, consult a guide or a professional lawn care service to get a better idea of where to start. The basic rules to keep in mind are not to over trim, try to cut at an angle to allow water run-off, and shape the shrub so it can receive sunlight evenly. A great way to make sure the whole plant is getting the rays it needs is to keep the base of the plant thicker than the top. This gives it a pleasant rounded shape while still providing great leafy coverage for absorbing nutrients.

Utilizing a professional lawn care service is often the safest way to ensure that your bushes and shrubs are trimmed in an attractive and beneficial way. Winona, MN, residents can contact Maier Tree and Lawn today at (507) 454-7000, or visit our website here for more information or to schedule a lawn care appointment. If your shrubs need a little boost, Maier Tree and Lawn is the local lawn care service to contact!


Pruning and Preparing Your Oaks, Ashes, and Elms for Spring in Winona, MN

The river is rising, the ice is receding, and temperatures are finally inching above freezing in Winona, MN. Soon, the bluffs will bloom and the plethora of trees in the city will be flush with new foliage and color. For tree enthusiasts around the state, this is a time of rejuvenation and leafy splendor! And for some tree owners, this is also a time of panicked last minute pruning. With spring comes fresh sap and new growth on your trees, so if you haven’t yet invested in a proper winter pruning session for your oaks, ashes, and elms, you may want to get in touch with an arborist at a professional tree care service such as Maier Tree and Lawn before it’s too late!

What’s the reason for the rush? Well, this new warmer weather means that we’ve hit the final sweet-spot for certain tree species’ annual pruning. The most effective time to work on your oaks, elms, and ashes is when they’re still dormant from the cold months. This means that extensive pruning can be done with maximum efficiency and minimal tree-stress. Once all your trees are ‘awake,’ excessive cuts can cause trauma, which is no fun for anyone, or any tree.

Planning around winter dormancy is a great way to care for your trees and entire landscape. It allows you to make changes without danger of disrupting an active ecosystem. As any landscape arborist can tell you, proper tree care is all about type and timing. Knowing when to prune them in the winter, when to fertilize them in spring or fall and when to give them a little extra water in the summer is the difference between healthy, long-living trees and sick little saplings that don’t last. However, finding this seasonal rhythm can be difficult since the specifications vary depending upon the tree species. Luckily, lawn care service specialists can give you the info you need for your trees.

For instance, March is the last month that the arborists on Maier Tree and Lawn’s team will be pruning oak, elm, and ash trees, but if you have other varieties you’d like to inquire about, don’t be afraid to call anyway. Residents in the Winona, MN area can contact Maier Tree and Lawn at 507.454.7000 or visit their website here.

Practicing Fall Lawn Care in Rochester and Winona, MN

Fall is well underway in Minnesota, and the residents of Winona and Rochester are likely enjoying the colorful expanse of autumn leaves that have appeared in recent weeks. But, as all Minnesotans know, once the leaves start to fall, winter is just around the corner. It’s time to store the rakes and lawnmowers and break out the shovels and snow blowers!


Ask youself one question – have you done all you can to prepare your lawn for the transition into winter? As the lawn service experts at Maier Tree and Lawn will tell you, lawn care is a year round endeavor. It may feel like it’s time to stow those lawn tools as soon as it gets chilly, but chill or no chill, some pre-winter preparation can do wonders for your lawn come spring.

Fall lawn care is probably similar to your regular warm-weather routine, but the main difference is the objective. In the warm months the objective is keeping the lawn looking great and growing consistently. In the fall, however, it’s all about making sure it will be able to withstand the winter without consequence. Or rather, it’s all about resilience as opposed to aesthetics.

Why is the objective of fall lawn care so different from the rest of the year? The biggest answer for us Northerners is snow.  Snow is heavy, wet, and everywhere. It can smother your grass, prevent the ground from freezing (which can lead to snow mold), and trap dead leaves underneath which can also contribute to fungus growth or disease (yuck!).

If you want to make sure that you’re ready to get back into the swing of things when spring rolls around, then follow these simple tips for keeping your lawn autumn-healthy!

  • Keep watering your lawn! Until the water on the ground is actively freezing, you can continue to water your grass on your normal schedule. Even if things are getting a little brown or brittle, you should still keep up that hydration. Hydrated grass is healthy grass, no matter what season it is!
  • Don’t put that mower away quite yet! It’s wise to keep mowing until snow is just on the horizon. Keeping your grass at a reasonable length is important to prevent it from folding down upon itself once the snow packs on. Long, folded grass packed underneath snow is a potential breeding ground for fungus, and that’s no fun-for-us!
  • Rake, rake, and rake again! Yes, in Minnesota, maintaining a leaf-less lawn is more or less impossible, but you want that surface as clear as possible before things start getting icy. Rotting leaves won’t only increase your chances for lawn disease, they can also be a pain to clean up when they’re all stuck together in big, rotting bunches. It’s better to deal with them when they’re easy to corral!

If you keep these three things maintained throughout the autumn, when all that snow finally (finally) melts away, you should be left with a healthy, mold-free lawn!

Unfortunately, even with these precautions, nature has a way of following its own prerogative. If you think your lawn might be at risk for mold or disease, or you just have some questions regarding fall lawn care or lawn services, contact Maier Tree and Lawn today at 507.286.8733 (Rochester) or 507.454.7000 (Winona.) The lawn service specialists at Maier Tree and Lawn can help you with your lawn while you prepare for some good-old-fashioned-Minnesota-style hibernation. Rest assured that your lawn will be in good hands, even if those hands happen to be wearing mittens.

When the Leaves Must Leave: Properly Disposing of Autumn Leaves in Rochester and Winona, MN

As the fall season continues to march towards winter, Minnesotan trees are quickly losing their vibrant colors in favor of stark, bare branches. Soon these branches will be adorned with frost and snow, but for a little while, they will have to cope with being a bit under dressed. Lawn owners in densely tree populated areas such as Rochester and Winona probably have a veritable quilt of leaves blanketing their yard.  Fall lawn care professionals, like those employed at Maier Tree and Lawn, can tell you that it’s not always a good idea to leave those leaves untouched until the snow comes. That can lead to mold and other turf health issues, but then, where are all of the leaves supposed to go?

Luckily, there are several options for efficient (and environmentally friendly) leaf disposal!

The first option, which is a true classic, involves simply raking the leaves into a bag and bringing them to your local leaf disposal site! If you live in Winona, you can find more information here on how and where to dispose of your leaves. Rochester residents can visit this page for details as well. The nice thing about this fall lawn care tradition is that once you drop them off, you’re done for the season. It’s easy, quick, and you can trust your local composting site to deal with the waste properly.

Another fairly “hands-off” technique, leaf blowing, works best if you live somewhere near a wooded area. This technique requires simply using a standard leaf blower to re-locate the leaves to a forest or nature preserve. Dying leaves are an important part of the decomposition process, which can be fantastic for forests, but not-so-fantastic for a well-maintained lawn. Some amount of dead leaves can be used for a fall fertilizer, but too much of a good thing can still lead to rot!

Speaking of that fall fertilizer, the third option for your leafy-lawn includes two variations on the same idea; composting and mulching. If you are already a composter, then some leaves can be a great addition to your compost collection! They are full of nutrients and break down easily in a fall composting environment. In a similar vein, mowing or chopping up your excess leaves can be an easy way to give your lawn some nutrients without smothering it! The only caveat is that if you’ve never done much fertilizing on your own, it would be wise to consult a Maier Tree and Lawn professional first. The timing, amount, and type of fall fertilizer that will work best for your lawn may vary based upon different factors. Plus, even if the leaves seem infinite, you still want to get the best bang for your buck when it comes to end of season lawn care!

Finally, please remember that burning your leaves shouldn’t be your first choice. Not only do you need a permit, but working with fire can be dangerous and hazardous to your health or to the health of those around you. There are many other ways to dispose of leaves that don’t require an open flame!

Winter is creeping ever closer, so it’s the perfect time to decide what to do with your leafy lawn. If you have any questions about fall fertilizer or fall lawn care, please contact Maier Tree and Lawn at 507.286.8733 (Rochester) or 507.454.7000 (Winona.) The big freeze is just around the corner, so be sure to get your lawn spruced up before it strikes!