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How Salt and Runoff can Lead to Landscape and Winter Damage in Rochester, MN

There’s no question that salt helps keep the roads across the state of Minnesota safe throughout the winter months, and Rochester, MN is no exception. Traversing untreated streets in the winter would be akin to driving on an ice rink, which would spell danger for humans and non-humans alike. But there is a danger to salting as well, especially when it comes to your lawn and landscape. Planning a lawn layout that takes runoff into account takes a lot of foresight, but if your lawn is struggling to thrive due to excessive salt and winter damage, Maier Tree and Lawn can help.

Winter Damage from Salt

As harmless as it seems on the surface, salt is still a harsh compound being used in heavy quantities on our roads. As melting occurs, salt is spread around towns and cities via the water and can seep into soil. This can overwhelm soil and prevent essential nutrients from properly reaching roots. In small quantities, the impact is negligible, but in high concentrations, it can result in serious post-winter damage.

Salt-damaged soil can present in several ways. You may notice plants struggling come spring, or even wilting and dying while other plants on your property thrive. This type of winter damage is difficult to combat if your lawn has a lot of growth in runoff-targeted areas. Spots where road water runs off and pools may have excessive sediment and salt build up rather quickly. Lawn care in these areas can become more difficult to maintain, and without intervention, you may see plants fail.

Proper lawn care methods can help negate the problems of salt and winter runoff.

A salt-damaged lawn isn’t an unsalvageable lawn. If you spot areas where runoff is gathering, you can try to divert the water manually. But in many cases, consulting a lawn care professional is a more comprehensive option. Maier Tree and Lawn can help evaluate damaged plants, identify problem areas, and provide treatment and targeted lawn care to areas that might be at risk of harmful salt-laden spring runoff.

If your property has been impacted by runoff water or salt damage, contact Maier Tree and Lawn at (507) 286–8733 or visit our website for more information. Winter damage doesn’t have to be permanent, and our lawn care professionals are here to help. Residents of Rochester, MN can call us today to find out more!

Preparing for the Thaw with Aeration in Rochester, MN

Lawn care often picks up pretty quickly once the thaw begins in Rochester, MN. As temperatures begin to rise, so do the needs of your lawn and grass. Deciding how to best focus your lawn care processes can be difficult, especially if you have a large property or lawn with many needs. One great first step you can take to prepare your lawn care routine for spring is to schedule a lawn aeration appointment with Maier Tree and Lawn before the growing season really kicks off.


Spring lawn aeration is a process that many homeowners annually rely upon to help their grass reach its fullest potential in the warmer months. Though aeration technology isn’t exactly brand new, there are still plenty of homeowners and lawn care newbies who may not be familiar with it. However, living in a state with harsh weather means working to give your grass every possible chance to succeed regardless of your lawn care expertise, and for the unfamiliar, one of those chances can involve aeration.


Aeration is the process of systematically pulling out “plugs” of soil from your lawn to allow more space for nutrients and water to penetrate the surface. Aeration also allows for your grass to grow more freely with the additional open space which is great for soil that has been packed down tightly. Compacted soil prevents water and nutrients from penetrating down to the roots of the grass, stunting proper development and growth. With aeration you give your grass a fighting chance.


Thanks to its many benefits, aeration is a great process to employ in more than one season. However, the lawn care benefits vary based upon the type of grass you grow or when you plan to seed. Generally, aeration is a great lawn care tool to employ before growing season gets into full swing. That way your grass can reap the full benefits of the extra wiggle room than the process ensures. For some lawn care enthusiasts this may mean that aeration will best serve you in the fall instead of the spring. If you aren’t sure, don’t be afraid to ask a lawn care professional for a recommended timeline.


If your Rochester, MN lawn is thawed, warming, and ready for aeration, call Maier Tree and Lawn today to schedule your appointment. Our lawn care professionals can be reached at (507) 454-7000 or by visiting our website here.

Landscape Maintenance for Your Ideal Spring Garden in Winona, MN

Spring is coming in Winona, MN, and with it the potential for some serious landscape maintenance on your property. Landscaping in Minnesota can be a lot of fun thanks to the wide variety of flowers, veggies, and other plant life that our hearty soil can support. If your yard has been lacking in years past, the landscape maintenance professionals with Maier Tree and Lawn can help you freshen it up. Sprucing up your garden with a little TLC might be just what you need to put a little pep back into your property.

If this is your first year looking into landscape maintenance for your property, you’ll probably want to do a little research into what exactly your landscape needs. You can work out the finer details out with landscaping professionals when you’re ready, but generally speaking, you should look into appropriate fertilizers, insecticides, and any other supplements that your garden can use to stay healthy and happy.

There’s no set rule on how you go about your landscaping as a homeowner. Some people prefer having their landscape maintenance process be very autonomous, while others like to get down and personal in the dirt. Regardless of your preferred method of gardening and landscaping, consulting an expert team of landscape maintenance professionals can help solidify a long-term care plan for your property. With the assistance of a trained landscaping team you can be as hands-on or hands-off as you like while allowing your garden to flourish.

For Winona, MN residents, the landscaping experts with Maier Tree and Lawn are ready to be a great resource. If you’re interested in performing some much-needed landscape maintenance this spring, we can be reached at (507) 454-7000, or by visiting our website here for more information. There’s still a bit of winter left, so there’s time to research your plants, plan your care, and prepare to have the garden of your dreams.

Why Mulch Provides the Best Cover up for Above Ground Roots in the Winona, MN

At Maier Tree and Lawn, we’re all about helping you add to the curb appeal of the trees at your Rochester, MN, residence. Their health is our number one priority.  But who doesn’t want their trees to look their best as well?

Throughout our posts, we’ve talked about the negative impacts to the health and aesthetic appeal of trees from things such as infestation, severe weather conditions, and lack of proper pruning.  While the topic we’re going to talk about today isn’t necessarily threatening to your tree, it is an issue that needs to be addressed the proper way.

Above ground roots often don’t exactly provide the picturesque appeal you hope for.  They impact the look of your lawn and they make maintenance much more difficult.  We’re going to review some of the common mistakes people make when trying to cover above ground roots. Then we’ll explain why mulch can provide a safe and aesthetically appealing solution.

Common Mistakes Made When Dealing with Above Ground Roots

 Some of the most common mistakes when dealing with above ground roots include:

  • Adding topsoil – Even if done correctly, the roots will appear again. Worse, if too much topsoil is added, it could limit oxygen which tree roots needs
  • Trying to remove the roots – This process often causes harm to the tree resulting in decay and might even result in its death

Want to Cover Your Above Ground Roots? Use Mulch

We have good news. Mulch provides the perfect solution to your above ground root problems for several reasons:

  • It’s safe – adding organic mulch strengthens your roots while covering them, whereas other solutions may harm the tree.
  • It’s appealing – Beautiful colored mulch in incredibly attractive.  Dark brown is our most popular color.  This rich, natural and contrasting color can really make the greens, reds, yellows and purples found in your garden stand out.
  • It’s easy – Maintenance of these areas becomes a breeze when you are not trying to mow over the roots, pick weeds in between them, or constantly try to repair the areas.

Maier Tree and Lawn can help add mulch to your above ground roots. We can also provide a host of tree care services catered to your trees in your Rochester, MN residence.

For more information on mulch, other services, or to ask a question, simply give us a call at (507) 286-8733.

Make Buyers Love Your Home with a Great First Impression: Curb Appeal and Landscape Care

Tree and Landscape Care in Rochester by Maier Tree and Lawn

Maier Tree & Lawn in Rochester, Minnesota, can help a homeowner improve and maintain their lawn and the condition of ailing trees. Such professional landscape care can improve home values and set listing agents’ minds at ease.

For homeowners who have their homes listed on the real estate marketplace in the Rochester area, and for those thinking about listing, now is the time to consider curb appeal. In winter, so long as your house’s exterior is attractive and the cement is in decent repair, prospective home buyers are happy enough. As the snow melts, good landscaping and landscape care in Rochester, MN plays an important role in luring potential buyers by providing attractive curb appeal.

What exactly is curb appeal? According to the dictionary, curb appeal is “The visual attractiveness of a house as seen from the street.” The landscaping is an integral element of every home’s appearance. If not well maintained, home buyers will be subtracting from the house’s value as they consider the cost of bringing the landscape back to health. Regular landscape care can add value to a property just like crown molding does for the interior of a house; it brings a higher level of visual interest and gives the impression that the current homeowners are attentive to details. If there are no trees growing on the property or if the trees appear to be in poor health, buyers may begin subtracting points for that as well. Curb appeal has become so important that there is a show on HGTV dedicated entirely to it.

Some homeowners overlook the value good landscape care brings to a property, because the necessary projects and maintenance can be overwhelming. If a homeowner lacks knowledge and background in maintaining a lawn, the challenge is more than time. When one is overwhelmed it is difficult to know where to start.

The Certified Arborists at Maier Tree & Lawn can assist anyone interested in improving the health of the trees on their property, and our professional and certified staff will gladly determine what your yard needs to be healthy and beautiful.

For more information on lawn care in Rochester, MN and Winona, MN, call our office at 507-286-TREE to talk to one of our Certified Arborists.