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Plant Health in Rochester, MN

Leaves aren’t like mood rings that will tell you how your Rochester, MN, plants are feeling at any given moment, but they can be an effective guide in spotting plants’ problem areas or health concerns. If you’re passionate about plant care and are trying to get into some good habits, checking out the leaves of your plants semi-regularly can help catch concerns before they sprout into something more severe. At Maier Tree and Lawn, our plant health experts are available to consult with any plant problem areas you may find, whether you’re sure there’s something wrong or just need a little guidance.

Leaves for evaluating plant health

Because they are often an abundant part of flowering plants, leaves can be helpful in evaluating plant health at a glance. It’s wise to check them regularly because you can establish a baseline for what’s “normal” for the various species on your property. Leaves come in all shapes and sizes and what’s healthy for some may be a sign to worry in others. But there are a few signs that are fairly universal in the language of plant care.

Leaves wilting, changing color, or dropping

If you notice that any of your plants are experiencing significant wilting, discoloration, or leaf loss, take these as warning signs that there may be a plant health concern at play. The problem can be anything from inadequate nutrients to a plant disease, but regardless of the source, these symptoms are worth keeping in check. Even discoloration localized to a single part of the leaf could be a hint of some sort of plant care problem. And sudden changes of any type are worth noting.

Holes, Fuzz, or Bugs

Another excellent hint that something is awry with your plants’ health is copious nibbles from the leaf flesh, mold spores, or strange fuzz, and, perhaps obviously, pests crawling on the plants. Some of this may seem like a natural byproduct of existing in nature, but ideally your plants should not suffer an excess of pest-like visitors or mold. These particular signs are high-level plant care concerns and should be addressed as quickly as possible to preserve the health of your plants.

If you’re noticing any of the preceding plant health concerns on your property, the plant and lawn care professionals with Maier Tree and Lawn can help. Insecticides, fertilizers, soil evaluations, and more could be in the cards to treat your flagging plants. Our experts can help determine what your plants need and how to make a plan that will help them thrive. If you have plant health concerns in Rochester, MN, call (507) 286–8733 today or visit our website here for more information.


Plant Care Complications

Lawn care in Winona, MN, can involve a fair amount of trial and error thanks to our Minnesotan fluctuating weather patterns and occasional harsh conditions. When your plants are flagging, you may want to know what to look for in order to provide the right remedy for whatever is ailing them. At Maier Tree and Lawn, our plant care experts provide in-depth plant healthcare support and guidance to first-time homeowners as well as to seasoned land managers and gardeners. If your plants seem like they’re struggling, watch for some of these classic problems and reach out to us today!

Over- and Underwatering

Minnesota goes through seasons quickly, and sometimes that can leave your plants overly damp or excessively dry. This, combined with sprinkler systems or unexpected drought, can result in too much or too little water for your plants and lawn. Some signs to watch for if you’re concerned about the amount of watering your lawn is getting include: constantly damp soil, puddles on the surface of your lawn, browning leaves and turf, wilting grass, and yellowing.  Too much or too little water can both be major factors in your property’s health, so keep an eye out for similar changes in your plants’ conditions.

Plant Care

Much like people, plant care requires providing adequate nutrients to stimulate growth and maintain health. Your overall lawn care process may involve fertilizers and supplements for the soil to help this process along, but it’s helpful to know what to watch for in the event of a deficiency. The actual signs will vary based on what nutrients are missing, but slow growth; discolored leaves, grass blades, or foliage; wilting; or deformed plant structures can all be indicators of something going wrong.

Fungus or Disease

And sometimes when it comes to lawn care, you can find yourself contending with external complications such as fungi, diseases, and even pests. For these situations, watching for strange spotting or browning, fuzzy patches, mushrooms, discoloration patterns, and plant death can help catch problems before they spread.

If any of these issues seem familiar or you’re struggling with some aspect of your routine plant care, Maier Tree and Lawn can help. From formal diagnoses to spot treatments and comprehensive care, our plant care experts can assist you in preserving your lawn for years to come. Winona, MN, area residents can reach out at (507) 454-7000 or visit our website here for more information.

How Professional Plant Healthcare Supports Consistent Growth in Rochester, MN

Effective plant healthcare starts at the roots and goes all the way to the top of each individual plant on your Rochester, MN property. Proper planting and helping your plants grow to their best ability, however, can be challenging. Neglecting any aspect of your plants’ care may result in lackluster growth or plant death. At Maier Tree and Lawn, we work to bolster your plants’ ability to grow, propagate, and brighten up your property for as long as possible.

Root Care

A healthy plant starts with healthy roots. While you can’t tear up your plants to check the roots every time you have a concern, you can still take the right steps to ensure that root systems have opportunities to dig in, spread out, and pull in as many nutrients as possible. Ensuring the best root condition depends upon the soil in question. Some yards may require soil treatments or fertilizers, while others will benefit from aeration and a watering schedule. Regardless of what your soil needs, our plant care professionals can help coordinate supplements and routines to ensure your plants have the nourishment and support they require. 

Health Supplements

In order to give your plants the best shot at success, you can introduce supplemental physical supports like stakes or trestles, or non-physical supplements such as fertilizers. A plant’s needs depend upon its species, age, and where it’s located on your property. If you’re concerned about the progress of a plant, introducing tailored health supplements may be the best next step towards a happy plant. Our plant healthcare professionals can recommend fertilizers or other types of support your plants may need.

Pest Removal

Signs of plant health come in different forms depending on the species. A plant’s physical structure and the luster and color of its leaves and stem may be indicative of good health or a warning of things to come. Checking the leaves and other parts of your plants for potential damage or sudden changes is a vital aspect of keeping them in the best possible condition. In the event of pests or unidentifiable damage, contacting our plant care professionals can mitigate lasting injury and prevent additional damage.

If you identify a problem during a plant healthcare checkup on your property, don’t hesitate to reach out to Maier Tree and Lawn for plant care support. Rochester, MN area residents can contact us today at (507) 286–8733, or visit our website here for more information. Our plant professionals can help you assess, treat, and support growth for all of your plants to keep them healthy and thriving all year round.

Familiarizing Yourself with Japanese Beetle Damage on Your Winona, MN Property

Minnesota is a state that boasts flourishing greenery and a diverse population of plants and trees. While this lends to its beautiful landscapes, our trees and plants can also play host to all manner of crawly creatures, some of which may not be beneficial. In Winona, MN, encountering unfriendly insects is fairly common, but whether or not unfamiliar bugs are a cause for concern depends upon the species in question. At Maier Tree and Lawn, we can help mitigate insect damage and prevent infestations from taking hold on your property and jeopardizing your plants’ health.

Despite their unassuming stature, insects can do significant damage to trees and plants. Along with eating healthy greenery, they can also burrow and bore, make nests, string webs, and interrupt the delivery of essential nutrients that help maintain plant health. It’s also possible for insect damage to spread from plant to plant and tree to tree, making an insect problem become more serious without intervention. A single infested tree or shrub may become the catalyst to a property-wide issue.

One species that tends to cause trouble across a variety of plant species is the Japanese beetle. These beetles begin as little white grubs and grow up to be half-inch-long pests that wreak havoc between July and September. Unlike other bugs, the insect damage caused by Japanese beetles isn’t limited to a single tree or plant species. Japanese beetles feed on over 300 different Minnesota species, from flowers to field crops. Because of their indiscriminate taste, an infestation on your property can be devastating regardless of what you’re growing.

In order to mitigate the insect damage perpetuated by Japanese beetles, it’s important to be proactive and consistent in your treatments. At Maier Tree and Lawn, our professional arborists and plant health professionals can help you create a treatment plan that keeps your property insect-free. From basic care to in-depth insecticide applications, we can consult with you to develop a strategy that matches your needs and preserves your land.

If you’re struggling with insect damage or are concerned about Japanese beetles on your Winona, MN property, Maier Tree and Lawn can help. Contact us today at (507) 454-7000 or visit our website here for more information on insect species and our proactive preventative treatment options.

Reacting to Tree Damage After Severe Winter Weather

Winter in Winona, MN, can be tough on your trees, sometimes even in ways that you don’t expect. Being a tree owner in the winter months can feel like a bit of a vacation from more hands-on spring, fall, and summer tree care, but the reality is that your trees are just as susceptible to tree damage if not more so in the midst of winter storms.


Maier Tree and Lawn’s tree care professionals are experts at identifying and rectifying severe and moderate tree damage. Your job as a tree owner is to understand when you can take measures yourself and when it’s time to ask for help.


Physical damage from wind is a very real possibility during the winter months just as it is in other seasons with turbulent weather. Though you may not have to contend with tornadoes during the snowy seasons, there are still plenty of high-powered storms that pack a hefty punch. Your trees may lose bark, branches, or even sustain significant trunk damage. Even if you aren’t dealing with a full-fledged blizzard, winter winds still have enough push and pull to do some serious damage.


Winter tree damage is possible even without strong winds thanks to extremely low temperatures and ice buildup. Both of these can contribute to damage to the flesh or roots of the tree or lead to excessive dryness and breakages. Though trees do achieve some level of dormancy (depending upon the species), that doesn’t make them entirely invulnerable to severe weather. This type of tree damage can occur rather suddenly as the temperatures drop, and can be intensified by the addition of heavy snow.


While snow may appear soft and fluffy, it’s easy to forget how much sheer water weight it can contain. A light dusting won’t have much of an impact on your tree care needs, but once it starts to pile up, tree damage can occur rather quickly. Brittle branches can bend quickly under increasing weight, and smaller trees can even sway or fall under extreme snow conditions. Spotting these symptoms early is vital for keeping all of your trees upright and healthy.


If your Winona, MN, area trees have been impacted by winter tree damage or you’re in need of expert cold-weather tree care, contact Maier Tree and Lawn at (507) 454-7000 or visit our website for more information today. Breaks and cracks aren’t necessarily a death sentence for trees, but getting them the tree care they need can help ensure they survive until spring returns.

3 Killer Fungal Tree Diseases in Winona, MN and How to Spot Them

As fall creeps closer, trees in Winona, MN are heading towards change. Say you spot a discolored bunch of leaves, some odd spots on the trunk, or an unusual amount of browning a little too early. Do these signs necessarily mean trouble, or is it just nature in action? The tree care experts with Maier Tree and Lawn know that tree diseases can be silent killers, and when the seasons change, sometimes signs of trouble can blend in more than ever.


Anthracnose is an umbrella term you may hear now and again in the world of tree care that refers to several kinds of fungal tree diseases.  Anthracnose can present with the browning and curling of leaves, discolored spots, and occasionally twig death. It’s common among many tree types, but the good news is that if you spot signs of anthracnose in your oak tree, that particular strain won’t spread to other tree species in your yard. If you favor one species around your property, however, this could spell trouble. Unlike some common Minnesota tree diseases, anthracnose isn’t necessarily an outright death sentence. If left untreated for too long, however, it can weaken your tree significantly and make it susceptible to other pests.


Apple Scab is an extremely common tree disease that, as the name indicates, can seriously impact the health of your apple trees. As fall begins, infected leaves can drop prematurely which may be difficult to detect unless you happen to be watching for signs. Without treatment the fruit can be discolored, fuzzy, undersized, and more. When the seasons change it can be difficult to tell if your apple tree is just reacting to the weather or showing symptoms of a tree disease. When in doubt, consult tree care professionals.


Oak Wilt is a name that many tree care enthusiasts are familiar with in recent years. It can affect every species of oak tree and, in severe cases, cause tree death in as little as a year. Oak wilt is a tree disease that can be difficult to detect during routine tree care as the symptoms can be subtle or understated. As indicated by the name, watch for wilting leaves and uniform discoloration. If you have suspicions, contact tree care professionals for a consultation immediately.


If you have questions about fungal tree diseases common in the Winona, MN area, contact us today for additional information at (507) 454-7000 or by visiting our website here. When caught early enough, tree diseases don’t have to be the end of your trees.

Where will your trees be one year from now?

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This might seem like a silly thing to ponder. It’s pretty obvious, if your tree is still living it will likely be right where it is now. However, that isn’t entirely true.

Trees are an amazing part of the ecosystem of this world. The tree that you see now in your front yard is part water and part CO2.  The cells would be hollow without air and/or water.  As the sunlight hits the leaves, and photosynthesis happens, trees take the CO2 from the air and the water it pulled up from the roots to create sugar and oxygen. The oxygen is released into the air and is circulated in the atmosphere of our planet. Additionally, pollen is created and released each year, which accumulates on other plants, our soil, water and in the air.

So, that heavy, woody structure that sits in your front yard is dispersing itself, and impacting the entire planet. Some of the very form and mass that made your tree last year, is actually making its way around the globe to places like Europe, China or Australia this year.

The folks at Maier Tree & Lawn understand trees better than anyone in the Rochester, Minnesota area and can help you devise a plan to best care for our planet’s most wonderful asset.

Is Your Crabapple Tree Healthy or Infected?

There are few trees that offer the phenomenal beauty as a crabapple tree in full bloom. From dazzling whites to intense reds, a flowering crabapple is an unforgettable springtime sight to behold. For most folks, crabapple trees are an ornamental delight in the spring and then simply exist once the show is over. Some use the crabapples to make jams and jellies, but most consider the tiny fruit a nuisance that requires extra yard work and attention come fall.

Apple Scab is a disease that owners of these trees should be mindful of. This condition is caused by a fungus, Venturia inaequalis, which infects the leaves and fruit of a crabapple tree. Infected leaves will exhibit an olive green to brown spot on them and can turn yellow. After a leaf has turned yellow it generally falls from the tree. An infected tree can drop the majority of its’ foliage, sometimes only a few months after the infection begins. In severe cases, a crabapple tree may lose every leaf prematurely.

Sanitation is crucial in helping prevent apple scab. Since the fungus exists on the leaves, proper disposal of leaves from an infected tree is very important. Another, more permanent solution is having the tree sprayed yearly with a fungicide to protect new leaves and fruit from the fungus.

Maier Tree & Lawn offers crabapple spray programs that generally begin in mid-April. If you have a crabapple that has shown signs of an apple scab infection you need to take action to ensure the infection does not ultimately kill the tree. Some untreated trees can survive a yearly onslaught of apple scab, but it severely weakens and stunts the growth and vitality of the tree. A tree which blossomed abundantly one year and then becomes infected may have fewer flowers the next year followed by an early drop of yellow leaves.

The arborists at Maier Tree & Lawn can determine the best treatment program to protect your tree. Our certified application specialists will spray your tree to provide the maximum protection affordable with the minimum of impact on the surrounding vegetation. It isn’t just a matter of “Spray and walk away.” Effective application is determined by factors including the size of the tree, what stage the tree is in for producing leaves, weather, and relative dryness or dampness.

If you have noticed in previous years that your crabapple tree has yellowing and spotted leaves that drop pre-maturely, call Maier Tree & Lawn now to schedule one of our arborists to come out and give you a quote for our preventative spray program. The only protection is by being proactive and spraying while the leaves are emerging. Once the leaves have yellowed, the tree is infected and there’s nothing you can do until the next year. Contact Maier Tree & Lawn today so we can schedule an early spring treatment and help you keep the beauty of your flowering crabapple vibrant and thriving!

Woody Plant Healthcare during the Winter (Updated 11/26/2019)

Snow is a powerful force of nature in Rochester, MN, and just as it can be both a joy or frustration to the city’s residents, it can also be a friend or foe to trees and shrubs. The duality of its nature means that it can cause damage seemingly overnight, but it also offers protection to plants and their roots from extreme temperatures that would otherwise kill them. Understanding this interaction is key to woody plant healthcare during the bitter-cold winter, and understanding how Maier Tree and Lawn can help protect your plantings.


Snow can damage a plant in more than one way, but many of the common forms of snow damage are related to the sheer weight that snow can possess. A plant can be bent, broken, split, or even uprooted with enough snow. Very few Minnesota native plants and trees are immune to these threats from heavy snow. Once a tree or woody plant loses its leaves, the risks of damage due to snow are decreased, but all trees can suffer from unexpected snow damage.


In the rare cases in which we get early snow, deciduous trees and other woody plants may still have their leaves. This additional weight to the plantings can increase widespread snow damage such as bending, breaking, and splitting, which in turn, can significantly impact the overall health of your trees in a negative way. With enough physical snow damage, your woody plants may not be able to recover completely on their own.


Protecting woody plants from snow damage is sometimes as simple as covering them with burlap tarps during unseasonably early snow, but for deciduous trees or other types of massive plants, this isn’t always feasible. If your woody plants or trees have been impacted by snow damage or you’re interested in winter plant healthcare, contact the expert arborists at Maier Tree and Lawn today for additional information. Rochester, MN, residents can call at (507) 286–8733 or visit our website today!

Landscape Maintenance

Getting ready for spring means planning your yard work.  If you contract out yard services, don’t let your lawn guys do your trees.  Every year I hear of so many companies spraying for insects or diseases that can’t even be controlled at the time they are spraying.  A lack of knowledge creates a vacuum for money.  However if you use a company that has thorough knowledge of the entire plant, from the roots up, you will find that your dollars actually accomplish your goals of keeping your plants healthy and beautiful year after year.