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Learning to Read Your Grass in Rochester and Winona, MN

If you’re a lawn owner in Rochester or Winona, MN, you’ve probably had your share of questions regarding what is and isn’t normal for your grass. Harsh winters followed by hot, blazing summers leads to a lot of fluctuation in color, brittleness, and quantity of the grass in your yard. Our Minnesota weather means it can be difficult to know if you should react to abnormalities on your own, or if you should get a professional lawn care service such as Maier Tree and Lawn involved.

What counts as a worry-spot and what can be overlooked?

As you may expect, dark green grass that is consistently thick and lush throughout the expanse of a yard is a safe indicator of good lawn health. Be aware though that different types of grass do have different base colors. Green is good, but just because your neighbor has a slightly darker green doesn’t necessarily mean something is wrong with your lawn care; it might just be from a different seed! This is also true of the “softness” of the grass and how well it withstands varying temperatures. Healthy grass can come in many forms!

As for yellowing grass, it may or may not be a problem. Residents of Rochester and Winona know that yellowing is to be expected with the seasonal transitions, but premature yellowing or distinct yellow spots can tell a different story. Some causes of yellow spots could include pet-potty-spots, a lack of adequate water, too few nutrients in the soil, or too much heat. Regular watering and the application of lawn fertilizer can help with many of these issues, so don’t get too worried if your blades are looking a little pale.

Brown spots are a classic indicator of poor lawn health, but even they can be dealt with if you have the right strategy. It’s also important to keep in mind that some types of healthy grasses do go through natural stages of dormancy where they “shut down” to gain protection from damaging weather conditions. Brown doesn’t necessarily mean dead, but it generally does indicate “keep an eye on me.” Brown, brittle grass can be the result of improper watering, dull or overly-close mower blades, or chemical damage. In more extreme cases, brown spots, or even perpetually yellow spots, may be caused by insects or disease. In these cases it’s a good rule of (green) thumb to get a professional involved.

Some problems can be addressed with a little more attention or sharpened mower blades, but others can be stubborn and mysterious. Take note of ongoing irregularities and check in with the lawn health specialists at Maier Tree and Lawn if you can’t figure out what your grass is trying to tell you. If you’re in Rochester or Winona, MN and need some help or have some lawn-related queries, feel free to contact us by phone or browse our website!

Increase Your Property Value By Selecting the Right Trees & Shrubs for Your Tree Care Program in Rochester & Winona, Minnesota

Have you ever purchased a home with landscape that looked unkempt? Chances are, if you did, you expected to pay less than the asking price. The better a property’s landscape looks, the higher the perceived value is in the eye of the buyer. A solid, coherent landscape plan will only appreciate over time. That’s why you should select the right trees and shrubs for your tree care program in Rochester and Winona, Minnesota. Consult the arborists at Maier Tree & Lawn to help you create that sophisticated design buyers crave.

Many people concentrate more on the inside of their homes and address the curb-appeal aspect later. When they do start to focus on landscaping, they may plant a tree here and a shrub there, as the budget allows. Eventually, the yard develops a haphazard look.

Our arborists recommend that you develop a master plan that incorporates the following:

  • Do you have a spot that needs a plant to keep the soil intact? If you have alkaline soil, perhaps a hardy creeping juniper, crimson pigmy barberry, lilac, or viburnum will work for you. Black chokeberry, red osier dogwood, dwarf bush honeysuckle, and lilac can all thrive in clay soil.
  • You will want to consider what the mature size of the tree or shrub will be before you plant it. Trees and shrubs need room to grow properly. Unnecessarily crowding your shrubs and trees will make it difficult to adopt a good tree care program in Rochester and Winona.
  • Border identification. Instead of a fence, perhaps you’ll want to outline an area with shrubs.
  • Visual variety. Shrubs normally don’t exceed 15′ in height. You can vary the heights of trees and shrubs, leaf color, the widths, and pruning methods to get the shapes and look you want.
  • Wildlife cover and food. Many shrubs provide homes and food for a variety of animals. If you don’t want deer munching on your shrubs, plant deer resistant varieties like crimson pigmy barberry, Japanese barberry, Chinese juniper, or lilac, provided all other factors accommodate your overall plan.

Any tree care program promotes both tree and shrub health, the best deterrent to harmful insects and disease.

Now would be a great time to create your master plan, take advantage of shrub and tree sales, and increase your property’s curb appeal. Contact the arborists at Maier Tree & Lawn to find out what the optimal tree care program should be for you in Rochester and Winona, Minnesota.

How Does Iron Chlorosis Affect Tree Care in Rochester & Winona, Minnesota?

Do any leaves on your deciduous trees appear yellow with green veins? If so, your tree could have iron chlorosis. If left untreated over a prolonged period of time, your tree could die. For proper tree care in Rochester and Winona, Minnesota, you’ll want to contact the arborists at Maier Tree & Lawn.

What is iron chlorosis?

Iron chlorosis refers to a lack of chlorophyll in a tree’s leaves caused by an iron deficiency. Leaves get their green color from chlorophyll, the key ingredient in photosynthesis or the sugar production in plants.

How does a tree become iron deficient?

This question has a more complex answer. Some of the many factors that can contribute to whether or not a tree acquires enough iron are listed below:

  • Iron chlorosis can often be found in trees rooted in soils with an alkaline or a pH higher than 7.0. High pH can make it difficult for tree roots to absorb necessary iron.
  • Any soil compaction leading to root loss could interfere with a tree’s ability to get the nutrients it needs.
  • Too much calcium in the soil could cause an iron deficiency.
  • Over-fertilization could cause high phosphorous levels in the soil, leading to an iron deficiency.

Where should you look for iron chlorosis?

The first signs of iron chlorosis usually appear at the branch tips on newer growth. These new leaves become smaller than normal. Over time, the affected leaves could curl, shrivel up, and fall. It is not uncommon to find iron chlorosis only on the leaves of one branch or on one side of a tree.

Which trees can be affected?

The species most affected in Rochester and Winona are maple, birch, red oak, pin oak, and white oak.

How do you prevent or treat iron chlorosis?

Prevention and treatment of iron chlorosis are objectives of good tree care in Rochester and Winona, Minnesota:

  • Ensure you plant your trees in the best soil for those particular trees
  • Improve the root system by relieving compact soil. This practice creates more air flow in the soil
  • Inject the trunk with nutrients to improve leaf color

If you spot what you think is iron chlorosis on your tree leaves, contact an arborist at Maier Tree & Lawn, the tree care professionals in Rochester and Winona, Minnesota.







The Importance of Regular Tree Pruning in Rochester and Winona, MN

Minnesota is comprised primarily of three things: lakes, snow, and trees. If you live near Rochester, or by the Winona Bluffs, then you probably have more trees around than you can shake a stick at… not for a lack of sticks of course! This alone makes tree control and maintenance a vital part of living in our state, whether you’re in northern forest territory or not.  Precise tree pruning, like that done by businesses such as Maier Tree and Lawn, is the best way to keep Minnesota properties looking up-to-date and well maintained. And even beyond the aesthetic benefits, tree pruning also promotes neighborhood safety and keeps your trees healthy so they can live long, happy tree lives.

When it comes to the fickle nature of Minnesota’s weather, trees can either be your best friend or your worst enemy. Entire trees can uproot under the weight of snow or be blown over in gale-force winds. Sometimes in our state you just have to cross your fingers and hope that you parked your car on the lucky side of the driveway. And yet, trees are also a great complement to any yard and a key part of a healthy, natural environment.

So if you want to make sure your trees are as safe as they can be, keep an eye out for stray branches that could catch power lines in the wind, or for any branches that are rotted and hanging that could break away and hit a window. Having an unkempt tree seems like a minor problem, but without care it can become dangerous to you and to your neighbors. Regular tree pruning will keep your trees neat and contained so they don’t get away from you when the rougher weather comes through.

Pruning is also important for the long-term health of your trees. Even though it seems like a cruel way to show your love, maintaining the shape of your tree with precise tree pruning will keep it stable in windy weather and rid it of any dying branches. Tree pruning can also prevent long term weight balance issues, manage foliage distribution, and of course, keep your lawn looking well-kept.

It’s important to keep in mind, however, that less means more when it comes to tree pruning. Too much cutting at once can hurt or even kill a tree, but the right amount at the right times will keep it standing tall (or short, if you’re taking a little off the top) for a long, long time.

It’s fine to do some minor snipping on your own when your trees are getting unruly, but consulting a professional is the safest way to prevent doing any damage to yourself or to your tree. Pruning can be dangerous, especially if you’re working with large branches or uneven ground. Make safe choices, and if you’re in Rochester or Winona, MN and need some help, contact Maier Tree and Lawn today to set up a pruning appointment for your property.

Does Soil Compaction Impact Lawn Care in Southeastern Minnesota?

Let’s define soil compaction as when pressure applied to soil closes any air spaces between the individual soil particles. Should this matter for your lawn care? According to our experts at Maier Tree & Lawn, that depends on many factors in southeastern Minnesota.

How can you tell when your soil is compacted?

If you take a sharp object like a screwdriver and push it into the soil with ease, then your soil is not severely compacted. The more difficult it is to puncture the soil, the more compacted the soil is.

What causes soil compaction?

The degree to which soil gets compacted depends on the soil type, the pressure involved, the depth of the surface layer, the subsoil type and depth, the weather elements, etc. Anything that puts pressure on soil can compact it to varying degrees: raindrops, foot traffic, vehicles, carts, tillage implements, livestock, tractors, and other heavy equipment.

Some soils, such as those containing a lot of clay, are more prone to compaction than others. Soil is more prone to compaction when very wet. That is why it is always best to avoid storing large or heavy equipment on your lawn after a recent rain shower.

What are the effects of soil compaction?

Some compaction may be beneficial in some cases. For example, if you’ve ever planted a seed only to have it sprout into a seedling that dislodges whenever you water it, you may want to apply just enough pressure so the soil connects with the seedling’s roots to offer support.

Some soil compaction may decrease water loss by evaporation.

Too much compaction, however, will make it very difficult for the roots to penetrate the soil. Reduced levels of oxygen in compacted soils can kill roots, which is why tree roots can sometimes be seen on the surface of your lawn.

Excessive soil compaction in southeastern Minnesota also inhibits a plant’s ability to get the nutrients and water it needs.

What can you do about soil compaction?

Avoid working on your soil when it’s too wet or too dry. The more often you work your soil, the greater chance it will compact. To correct excessive compaction you can aerate your lawn, and you can also use organic materials like compost, peat moss, or gypsum to loosen it up.

Don’t let soil compaction cause a problem for your lawn care. Call us today for a solution. We can save you time because we already have all the experts on hand at Maier Tree & Lawn ready to serve you in southeastern Minnesota.

Schedule Winter Pruning with Maier Tree and Lawn Services in Rochester and Winona, MN

When the weather forecasts routinely announce a high of 80 degrees, as they have these last several days in Rochester and Winona, MN, the last thing on your mind is winter. Even further away is the thought of hiring tree pruning service when the world is cold and snow-covered. But in fact, pruning during the winter is actually a common practice and an excellent way for you to be proactive about the health and aesthetics of your trees. By calling Maier Tree and Lawn Services today, you’ll beat the rush!

What are the advantages to pruning trees in the winter?

Most people think about getting their trees pruned during spring or early summer when trees are so lush and full that it’s obvious to see that their natural shape is getting a little out of hand. While some trees are best trimmed right after they finish blooming, others species such as oaks, apple trees, elms and ash benefit more from winter pruning.

Here are four reasons to consider scheduling pruning service for winter.

• Less foliage and workers can easily see the branch structure of the tree
• Less vulnerability to insects and diseases through the raw, open cuttings
• Protects landscapes from damage caused by trucks or equipment
• Results in burst of desirable growth come spring

Though winter pruning seems counterintuitive at first, it can help your trees stay healthy and look their best. Maier Tree and Lawn Services provides tree maintenance including pruning, tree removal, and bracing during the winter months as well as the spring and summer. Call now to schedule an appointment with one of our consulting arborists and be proactive about caring for the trees in your yard.

Three Ways Lawn Care Will Instantly Improve Your Life in Rochester and Winona, MN

When’s the last time you’ve completed all of your lawn work in the time you wanted to? The seeding, fertilizing, controlling of weeds, fungus, and insects—it’s a lot for a homeowner to do on their own. That’s why Maier Tree & Lawn in Rochester and Winona, Minnesota is there to help your lawn look its best, without you ever lifting a finger. When your lawn is healthy and looks great, your life will certainly improve in more ways than one.


You’ll Have More Time to Enjoy your Summer

Many homeowners set aside considerable time for lawn care. Maybe you dedicate your Sundays to weeding the garden or spraying the yard for bugs. With Maier Tree & Lawn, your weeds will wither while your grass grows dense, healthy, and green, and with our cover or spot care services, you have choices for your lawn. With all of the lawn care services that Maier Tree & Lawn provide, you won’t have to worry about your yard looking great, so you’ll have more time to enjoy your Rochester or Winona summer with family and friends.


You’ll Be the Envy of the Neighborhood

 After you’ve taken advantage of all of the lawn care services that Maier Tree & Lawn offer, such as seeding, aeration, and fertilization, you’ll be the talk of the neighborhood. Your lawn is one of the most visible parts of your home– people stroll past them on their evening walks and it’s visible as people drive to and from work–so if your lawn is yellow and dry, people notice. On the other hand, when your lawn is lush and green from Maier Tree & Lawn services, your neighbors are sure to notice, and your yard will be the envy of your Rochester or Winona neighborhood.


You Won’t Have to Wonder About your Lawn Health

 Sometimes your lawn might begin to dry out, change color, or grow crabgrass or weeds and you don’t know why. It’s frustrating to try so many remedies only to realize that you don’t know the true cause of the problems. Maier Tree & Lawn can perform comprehensive soil testing and lawn analysis, so there are no doubts when it comes to the care of your lawn. With a comprehensive analysis, you’ll receive professional recommendations that take the guesswork out of your lawn care, making for a more relaxing and less stressful summer.


With Maier Tree & Lawn, your life will improve with just one call. From weed control to comprehensive lawn analysis, all of your lawn care need will be taken care of, leaving you to enjoy your summer in Rochester or Winona, Minnesota.

Summer Storms and Your Trees

Thanks to generous spring rains, Rochester, Winona, and Southeast Minnesota are bursting with new growth and lush shades of green everywhere! While rain is beneficial for all things growing, the high winds and dangerous lightning that accompany severe thunderstorms can cause serious and permanent damage to trees.

Perhaps the most important thing to consider about wind and lightning damage is prevention. Of course it’s impossible to prevent high winds and lightning from occurring, but there are steps that can be taken that may prevent significant tree damage.

Number one is to keep your trees healthy and strong. That means following a regular plan of proper watering, fertilizing, and pruning. Each species of tree may have somewhat different needs, so it is a good idea to consult an arborist about how to best care for your trees. A healthy tree is able to withstand more stress and stronger winds. Should damage occur due to high wind or lightning, a healthy tree is more likely to recover. When properly cared for, trees can be remarkably resilient.

The second most important step you can take to protect your trees from wind damage is predicting what areas of a tree are most likely to break in high winds. Monitor the condition of your trees each year to locate areas of disease, insect infestation, or structural weakness. These issues weaken trees and increase the likelihood of a tree sustaining serious damage. Again, an arborist will know what to look for and can properly prune and brace branches that may present a potential hazard. The healthier a tree, the better it will be able to withstand the forces of high winds.

When a tree is struck by lightning, it experiences a violent attack. A bolt of lightning reaches temperatures as high as 50,000 degrees and can conduct up to 100,000 volts. When lightning strikes a tree it causes the sap to instantly boil, releasing steam into the wood. This rapid increase of steam pressure within the tree can literally blow the bark off a tree and chunks of wood from the trunk. However, a lightning strike does not necessarily mean certain death for the tree. If the trunk isn’t split and the damage is confined to one side of the tree, it may survive.

Surprising as it may sound, it may even be possible to prevent lightning from striking a tree. It is expensive, but in the case of very significant trees, it may be worth the price. Copper cables may be extended from the tops of major trunks to ten foot copper rods that are driven into the ground around the drip line of the tree. In case of a lightning strike, the lightning is conducted along the cable into the ground.

When it comes to keeping your trees healthy for decades to come, no one cares more about trees than Maier Tree and Lawn. We’ve been taking care of trees for years, and we appreciate their value to the environment and your property, and the pleasure they can give for generations.

Contact us at Maier Tree and Lawn whenever you have a question about anything green and growing. We are proud to serve Rochester, Winona and Southeast Minnesota. Call us at 507-286-8733 in Rochester, or 507-454-7000 in Winona.

Rochester, MN Lawns: Lush Lawn, Lazy Lawn?

Who doesn’t enjoy looking at a lush green lawn, especially if it’s yours? Here in the Rochester, Winona, and Southeast Minnesota area, we appreciate and value a nice, thick carpet of green. Maybe it’s because once spring and summer finally arrive, we’re all tired of looking at a six month blanket of snow! Whatever the reason, there’s something special about a nice thick, green, well-cared for lawn.

While driving around the area, if most people see a really great looking lawn, there are several thoughts that often come to mind:

  • To have a great looking lawn like that, they must be retired. How else could they spend the time to keep it looking like that?
  • That lawn must cost them a fortune to maintain.
  • I’ll bet they have an irrigation system.
  • Obviously they don’t have children or pets. If they did, their yard would be half dirt or brown patches.
  • They must have a green thumb.

The actual response to the above statements is, “Not necessarily.” In fact, by following a few guidelines, none of those statements have to be true to have a terrific looking lawn. The following tips can help you attain the lush, green lawn you desire:

  • Mow at higher height with a sharp blade, cutting off no more than one third the blades length. As discussed in a previous blog, how you mow makes a big difference in lawn health.
  • Mulch, don’t bag. This will not only save time, but the small grass clippings will return nitrogen to the soil.
  • Water less frequently for a longer time. Watering often for short periods of time, or watering by hand, is worse than not watering at all. Frequent light watering causes grass plants to have a shallow root system. This prevents the grass from being able to withstand hot, dry weather. Instead, water less often, perhaps only once a week or less, but for at least 30 minutes, to provide nearly 1 inch of water.
  • Time fertilization carefully. The most critical times for applying fertilizer is in early spring and in the fall. Fertilizing in the spring gives grass the boost it needs to promote growth and strong roots after grass has come out of its winter dormant state. Fall fertilizing feeds the roots even after grass has turned brown. If you are only able to fertilize twice, these are the times to do it.

You may not be able to have a lush lawn and be lazy, but it doesn’t require devoting every spare minute to caring for the grass. Summers in Southeast Minnesota are far too short to spend it slaving over your lawn. With some planning and basic lawn care practices, you can have the best of both worlds.

If you have any questions about the best practices to follow to care for your lawn, contact the lawn care professionals at Maier Tree and Lawn. Our specialists are trained in understanding how to care for your lawn.

For matters concerning your lawn, shrubberies, or trees, contact us at Maier Tree and Lawn at 507-286-8733 in Rochester, or 507-454-7000 in Winona.