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Why Professional Tree Care IS Important.

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We have all been duped into buying some sort of snake oil in our past and it leaves a pretty bad taste in our mouths. We would do nearly anything to avoid it. So when someone has something to offer (a.k.a. sell) that we don’t fully understand, our immediate reaction is to say, “No”.  Let’s take tree care for example. One “expert” may tell you that if you put this product on the roots or leaves, it will make your tree healthy. The next “expert” may tell you the exact opposite. This leaves you: a) confused and b) not sure who to believe.

A great place to start your research is from peer-reviewed sources. When an unbiased source gives you information on a particular subject or product, and that information was generated from research in accredited universities, rest assured you are on the right track. From there, good practitioners will build programs that are consistent with that information.

For arboriculture, many universities have programs in forestry, urban forestry, horticulture, biology, grounds maintenance, or others like that which work well as a foundation for the science.  There is new research every year from great scientists around the country. From there, an International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Certified Arborist or Board Certified Master Arborist (the pinnacle of the profession), like the pros at Maier Tree & Lawn, will use this science and listen to your needs to come up with the very best recommendations for you and your trees.

If you sense that you are getting snake oil from your tree guy, ask him or her where they got their information. If it is from a credible source, you are well on your way to avoiding that bitter snake oil. Tree care skeptics beware, there are many things that your urban trees need that nature is not providing. Invest in the right company with the right arborists for your professional tree care needs, and you will come out the winner every single time.

5 Tree Laws You Should Know

Maier Tree and Lawn - 5 Tree Laws You Should Know About Tree Care

Believe it or not, there are several legal tree facts that are really useful to know. Hopefully it you are aware of these tree laws it’s not from first hand experience! Disclaimer: We are not attorneys so please don’t take these as legal advice, however we do know a few and they’d back us up.

Law #1 ::

Any part of your tree that goes over your neighbor’s fence is technically theirs. Property lines extend from the ground up into the sky. Your neighbor would technically have the right to prune any portion of your tree that passes over that imaginary line, so long as it does not damage your tree. You do not have the obligation to prune it for them.

Law #2 ::

Your tree has value and if damaged or destroyed by someone else, you have the right to collect damages from the person who caused the damage (or their insurance company).  The industry has standard ways to appraise the value of a tree based on their size, species, location on your property, and their condition. An average medium to large tree in your front yard likely adds thousands of dollars of value to your property.

Law #3 ::

Municipalities often have the right to condemn a tree that is diseased or dangerous on your property, and you would have to pay for that to be removed. Dutch Elm Disease and Oak Wilt are two such diseases that cities in the state of Minnesota have the right to condemn for the sake of managing those diseases. Trees that are unsafe can also be required to be removed for public safety. If you do not remove the tree, the City will have the tree removed and send you the bill.

Law #4 ::

You do not have the right to have a view. Trees that are on someone else’s property are not yours to prune or remove for any reason (unless it extends that imaginary property line in Law #1), including getting back a view that you once had. You may laugh, but we have seen this happen more than once and it rarely ends up well.

Law #5 ::

A city owns all trees in the right of way along roads. Most roadways extend beyond the curb and past the sidewalk by a few inches to a foot. Any tree in this area is not yours to prune or remove as you wish. Some cities will pretend that a tree in the “boulevard” strip is your responsibility and liability, but the reality is that they own the tree and responsibility to care for it or remove it. Check your local ordinances for specifics on this in your community.

These tree laws are in place because, we truly do care about the trees! We think this is pretty cool! The folks at Maier Tree & Lawn love trees and can help you with any tree issue you may come across. Call us today to set up your consultation!

“Step Away From the Stump!” in Rochester, MN

Summer is just around the corner in Rochester, MN, which means that we’re about to reach the most active time of the year for yard work. Lawns are being mowed, weeds are being pulled, and major landscape changes are quickly being planned before the weather changes. For some, this could mean installing a new fence or contacting the lawn care specialists at Maier Tree and Lawn about fertilizing or seeding the backyard. And for others, now may be the perfect time to get rid of that pesky tree stump. Unlike seeding and fence installations, tree stump removals can be deceptively hazardous. If you’re looking to do a little handson work this summer, here’s how to avoid some common tree stump removal mistakes.

Tree stump removals can range from simple to tricky, and in general it’s best to consult with a professional before attempting a removal on your own. However, that doesn’t stop home owners from trying it on their own every year. If the stump is small and can just be pulled out singlehandedly, that’s one thing, but when bigger tools come into play… that’s when the trouble starts.

Stump removals can be done in a variety of ways, but many people opt for brute force. Strapping a rope to the tree stump and trying to pull it out with a truck is a popular choice. This stump removal technique can be effective, but if done improperly it can result in catastrophic lawn or vehicle damage, and even personal injury. Tree stump removals aren’t like pulling a Band-Aid off; depending on the situation, they may require some finesse that a pick-up truck just doesn’t have.

Another popular choice is burning out a tree stump. This could also result in serious mayhem for your lawn, your neighbors, or yourself.

And finally, chainsaws are also a common choice for do-it-yourself tree stump removal. Not much needs to be said about why chainsaws are incredibly dangerous if misused, but generally speaking if you’re not already an expert with the tool, then trying it for the first time on a tree stump is likely not going to be a fun first experience. Unless a chainsaw is already in your daily arsenal, just set it aside and get in touch with the experts at Maier Tree and Lawn instead.

Rochester, MN residents inquiring about tree stump removals can contact Maier Tree and Lawn today at 507. 286.8733 or visit their website here for more information. Act quickly, because as we all know, summers in Minnesota are as fleeting as they are humid.


6 Horrible Mistakes You Are Making With Your Trees

Maier Tree and Lawn - 6 Mistakes You Are Making With Your Trees

Taking care of your trees might seem simple enough, but a few honest mistakes might be preventing your trees from thriving. Once you take the right steps to tree maintenance, the rest is easy. The folks at Maier Tree & Lawn are known around Minnesota, as some of the best tree care practitioners. Leave it to us to help you correct some common mis-steps.

Don’t plant your trees too deep.

Roots go in the ground and stems/trunks stay above ground. The first root should be right at the soil line.

Don’t mulch your trees too deep.

Mulch turns into soil, so see number 1. There should be 2-4” of mulch over a root system and at the trunk it should taper to zero.

Avoid planting trees so close to each other.

Evergreens should have 16’ spacing and deciduous trees twice as much. If you are planting species that don’t get very big, you can plant closer. Keep in mind spacing to your house as well. Trees look small when they are small, however try to see their potential when you plant them.

Don’t prune your trees randomly. 

Every pruning cut should have a purpose and be calculated. Without a plan before pruning, you run the risk of getting carried away and trimming away too much. It is best to have a professional prune your trees based on your desired objectives.

Avoid putting wrap on the trunk of your trees.

If you need to protect your trees against deer or rabbits, use a fence material placed away from the trunk supported by a stake. Wrap does not prevent sun scald. It is best to plant and prune properly to avoid it.

Stop adding fertilizer to your trees. 

Fertilizer purchased at garden centers or superstores contains a quick release Nitrogen that is most often harmful to your trees.  There are only a very few tree and shrub fertilizers that add benefit. Maier Tree & Lawn has one such fertilizer with Davey’s ArborGreen Pro. This is by far the best fertilizer on the market with a 12-month slow release fertilizer that mimics the carbon structure of natural forest soils.

Here is the great news, Maier Tree & Lawn can help you! We love knowing and doing the right things for your trees.

Three Signs That Your Winona, MN Yard Could Benefit From a Tree Removal

Removing a tree can be an enormous change for your yard. It can affect how much light reaches your windows, free up space for a new garden, or other trees and leave empty spots to fill. The decision to go through with a tree removal can still be very difficult. Many Winona, MN homeowners become very attached to their trees, and for good reason. But someday the cons might outweigh the pros, and it will be time to contact the professionals from Maier Tree & Lawn. If you think you may want a tree removed but are having a hard time deciding, here are some yard care facts to consider.

Size and Shape:

By no fault of their own, sometimes trees just grow up… awkwardly. This could mean growing into power lines, smothering sunlight, pushing roots through gardens, or dropping twigs and acorns onto your car. If a tree isn’t working in your yard, it may be time to consider a professional removal.

A tree exists in your yard to serve you. It’s better to be happy with your lawn in the long term than to be dealing with the constant frustration of an incompatible leafy yard-mate. Plus, a poorly grown tree may lower the value of your home. When it comes to home value, proper yard care definitely includes aesthetic aspects.

Damage and Danger:

Even if a tree grew up and out perfectly, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll be problemfree forever. You should consider tree removal if at any point your tree becomes significantly damaged or is in any way a danger. In fact, in some cases, damage may even lead to danger. Large, weak branches can be dangerous to walk underneath. Wayward branches can cause fires if they hit power lines. Hollow trunks can lead to a cavedin roof after a windstorm. The list goes on. Yard care requires a certain level of awareness about how all of your plants, turf, and trees are interacting with one another. Keep your lawn hazard free and have your compromised trees professionally assessed before they lead to more problems.

Wilting and Wellness:

On a similar note, a tree doesn’t have to be obviously broken for it to be a yard care hazard. Tree diseases and infestations are a perfectly good reason to consider a tree removal as well. Signs of persistent wilting, chewed-on leaves, or discoloration may be a sign of tree-sickness. If any of your trees are ill, they may infect other trees or plants on your property. In cases of danger or disease, a speedy removal is in the best interest of you and your lawn.

But don’t just trust your own knowledge or another uneducated opinion. Have one of our professional certified arborists assess your tree. You want someone who loves trees making decisions about yours. Winona, MN tree owners can contact Maier Tree & Lawn today at 507.454.7000 or visit their website here to learn more about tree removals and yard care.


Tree Stumped: Deciding When to Remove Tree Stumps From Your Winona, MN Landscape

Tree stumps are often the last remains of a tree-gone-wrong, and for many Winona, MN area landscape owners, they tend to outstay their welcome as well. While stumps may just be an annoyance for some, for others they could pose a legitimate threat to their outdoor landscape. If you’re on the fence about whether or not it’s time to call the tree stump removal experts at Maier Tree & Lawn, consider the following stump removal facts!

There’s more to tree stumps than meets the eye, namely, the tree’s roots. Depending on the type of tree, the roots can run deep into the ground and form a wide diameter around the stump itself. When a tree is gone, the roots die, and will decay over time. But why wait? Why mow around it? Why look at its unsightly remains? There may be reasons, but if the reason is that you think it will just go away, think again.

And beyond underground gardening troubles, stumps can actually foster and spread diseases to other plants in your yard. If the tree was rotting or had some form of parasite, the problem could have easily made its way into the trunk as well. Having a festering tree stump near your other healthy plant life could lead to spreading bugs and diseases, which is bad news for a healthy yard and ecosystem.

Finally, homeowners interested in selling their home or improving its aesthetic may want to consider stump removal if a tree stump is disrupting the style of your landscape. This may not seem like a major issue for some, but a dead stump in the front yard isn’t really an attractive feature for potential buyers. Even if it doesn’t bother you, it may look like a troublesome project to another family. Stump removal can keep your landscape orderly and attractive for prospective buyers and admiring neighbors alike.

Of course, it’s always up to you whether or not you’d like to remove that pesky tree stump. If the neighborhood children like to use it as a little table for their fairy tea parties, then by all means, leave it be! But be aware that just because the trunk and leaves are gone, that doesn’t mean all the trouble has gone with them. If you’d like to remove a tree stump from your Winona, MN property, contact the stump removal experts at Maier Tree & Lawn today at 507.454.7000 or visit our website.


Do you Know your Tree Pruning Rights in Rochester, MN?

Tree ownership takes a lot of time and effort, and when something goes wrong, it’s difficult to not feel personally wronged. For instance, say your neighbors have taken to practicing some impromptu tree pruning in your Rochester, MN yard because their sun is being blocked and it’s nearly beach season. You’ve suddenly been left with tree branches scattered all over your yard. Were their actions illegal, or just disrespectful? In cases like this, start by calling a professional arborist such as the arborists at Maier Tree and Lawn. Let them do some damage control, and then consider how you want to proceed. Do you know what your tree pruning rights are?

Tree rights include a lot of blurry lines and what ifs for the modern day homeowner. For example, picking fruit from a neighbor’s tree that hangs over your property isn’t necessarily okay because it’s not your tree (and thus, not your fruit). Likewise, a neighbor coming over to your property to pick fruit off that same tree is not okay either since that falls into trespassing laws. Ownership can be complex, and this means that even the simple act of tree pruning can have an impact that most people may not even be aware of. Property lines can dictate who technically owns a tree, but the jurisdiction of a tree’s branches may not be so clear cut.

The basic rule for tree pruning sounds very elementary, but it pretty much boils down to either get permission or stay on your side. You are allowed to trim branches that cross onto your property, but only in a reasonable manner. Excessive damage to a tree could land you in big trouble, and could have you covering significant damages done to your neighbor’s property. When it comes to tree pruning on property lines, it’s wise to consult a professional tree care company. Not only will they know the rules, they’ll also know all the steps to take to make sure both sides end up happy.

In heavily treed areas like Rochester, MN, there’s bound to be some boundary issues among locals, but if you proceed with caution and call for a consult, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about. For more details on local tree rights, check out the city ordinances in your area. Or, if you’re looking for tree pruning assistance in a questionable tree situation, contact Maier Tree and Lawn at 507-286-8733, or visit our website here today.


Pruning and Preparing Your Oaks, Ashes, and Elms for Spring in Winona, MN

The river is rising, the ice is receding, and temperatures are finally inching above freezing in Winona, MN. Soon, the bluffs will bloom and the plethora of trees in the city will be flush with new foliage and color. For tree enthusiasts around the state, this is a time of rejuvenation and leafy splendor! And for some tree owners, this is also a time of panicked last minute pruning. With spring comes fresh sap and new growth on your trees, so if you haven’t yet invested in a proper winter pruning session for your oaks, ashes, and elms, you may want to get in touch with an arborist at a professional tree care service such as Maier Tree and Lawn before it’s too late!

What’s the reason for the rush? Well, this new warmer weather means that we’ve hit the final sweet-spot for certain tree species’ annual pruning. The most effective time to work on your oaks, elms, and ashes is when they’re still dormant from the cold months. This means that extensive pruning can be done with maximum efficiency and minimal tree-stress. Once all your trees are ‘awake,’ excessive cuts can cause trauma, which is no fun for anyone, or any tree.

Planning around winter dormancy is a great way to care for your trees and entire landscape. It allows you to make changes without danger of disrupting an active ecosystem. As any landscape arborist can tell you, proper tree care is all about type and timing. Knowing when to prune them in the winter, when to fertilize them in spring or fall and when to give them a little extra water in the summer is the difference between healthy, long-living trees and sick little saplings that don’t last. However, finding this seasonal rhythm can be difficult since the specifications vary depending upon the tree species. Luckily, lawn care service specialists can give you the info you need for your trees.

For instance, March is the last month that the arborists on Maier Tree and Lawn’s team will be pruning oak, elm, and ash trees, but if you have other varieties you’d like to inquire about, don’t be afraid to call anyway. Residents in the Winona, MN area can contact Maier Tree and Lawn at 507.454.7000 or visit their website here.

Three Reasons Why Amateur Tree Removals Can Hurt Your Landscape in Winona, MN

Searching for “tree removal gone wrong” on YouTube is a one way ticket to anxiety.  Watching family after family deal with crushed cars, downed power lines, shattered windows, and caved-in roofs is a great way to never want to remove, let alone walk under, a tree again. So to keep you from yanking down trees on your own, here are three reasons why Winona, MN residents should consult tree removal specialists like those at Maier Tree and Lawn instead of striking out alone in proper YouTube fashion, only for things to go terribly wrong terribly quickly.

Reason #1:

Improper tree removal often brings with it a significant amount of what can be called “landscape collateral.” This term can refer to any of the horrors listed above and to smaller annoyances such as littered branches and stubborn stumps. A fallen tree, even if it misses your house, can crush other plants, rot away into your grass, or even take down other trees as it tumbles. Landscape collateral can be incredibly dangerous or just frustrating to clean up, but either way it’s a good idea to avoid it altogether.

Reason #2:

Putting aside how dangerous amateur tree removal is in general, improperly taking a tree out of the ground can also cause problems for your lawn as a whole. Your lawn is a cohesive, functioning ecosystem and causing damage in one part of it can cause damage to the whole thing. For instance, driving over the grass to pull a tree down could tear up half the lawn before the winch is even in place.

Or say you successfully pull down a rotted tree and navigate around the flowerbed, but you don’t have the right tool to get the stump completely removed. Now there’s just a rotting hunk of wood lurking on and beneath the surface of your lawn. Lawn care can already be a big job, but a botched tree removal adds new layers of difficulty to the task.

 Reason #3:

And finally, the most important reason why you should always invest in a professional tree removal team: improper tree removal hurt you. Even if the whole tree doesn’t come toppling over, that doesn’t mean the branches won’t, and depending on the size of the tree, a good bonk from a branch could be simply embarrassing . . . or it could be deadly. Lawn care requires an available caretaker and if you’re laid up because a tree fell the wrong direction (and onto your leg), your landscape will suffer too.

Residents in the Winona, MN area can contact Maier Tree and Lawn at 507.454.7000 or visit their website here. Stay safe and call for professional tree removal help today.

Living and Learning with Aging Trees, and Tree Care in Rochester, MN

Effective care for aging trees demands that professional arborists stay current on the latest research into the special needs of mature trees. Since “tree whisperers” don’t exist outside of cool sci-fi movies, new insight about the health of aging trees must be actively learned by tree care specialists, like those at Maier Tree & Lawn, through annual events such as the Rochester Arborist Workshop (or RAW). By investing in continuing education, professional arborists are able to share ideas and grow their skill in an interactive environment.

This year’s topic at RAW is the health and care of aging trees, something that southeast Minnesota has in great abundance. It may surprise you to know that aging trees really do require different care than their younger counterparts. With the knowledge gained at workshops like RAW, even elderly trees can receive the care they need.

Some of the topics being covered at the Rochester Arborist Workshop this year include tree health and nutrition, safety risks associated with working in aging trees, how to manage mature trees properly, and how to remove them safely. All of these topics are very important, but the safety factor of working with older trees is foremost.

Aging trees have the potential to be hollow, brittle, or particularly susceptible to strong weather, meaning that mature branches could break more easily than flexible saplings. This isn’t just dangerous for tree care workers, it’s a concern for the safety of anyone who spends time outdoors under a canopy of branches. Workshops like RAW provide an opportunity for arborists to learn from nationally recognized experts and to share experiences with their peers.

In the heavily wooded hills and valleys of southeast Minnesota, all ages of trees coexist. This creates a beautiful mosaic of tree life and history. Preserving that beauty and keeping it safe for all to enjoy is a difficult, but important goal. This is why conventions such as the Rochester Arborists Workshop are so vital. This is also why it’s great news that all of the arborists at Maier Tree & Lawn are committed to furthering their education at every opportunity.

Maier Tree & Lawn cares about your trees and shrubs, young and old, and is also striving to implement state-of-the-art scientific management for your lawn. If you’re interested in the topics being covered at the Rochester Arborist Workshop 2016, visit our website here. If you’re looking for help with your aging trees in Rochester, Winona or the surrounding area, contact Maier Tree & Lawn at 507.286.8733, or visit our website.