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The Fruit Tree Demystified in Rochester, MN and Quality Tree Care

Living in a mid-western city like Rochester, MN, means you’ll be dealing with both brutal winters and steaming summers. These extreme seasons can make any tree care novice a little nervous to get involved with growing trees in general. To many, the risks may seem high and the rewards minimal. However, with a little advice from a professional tree care group such as Maier Tree & Lawn, even the freshest faces in the tree-biz can start their projects before winter sets in. If you’re interested in growing fruit trees, there’s no better reward than the literal fruits of your labor.

Caring for fruit trees isn’t drastically different from any other type of tree care. The care plan will be a little different depending on the type of fruit tree, but there are a few tree care tips that are fairly universal when you’re getting started.

First, plant strategically. For many trees, 8 hours of sun a day is a great starting point. Don’t plant where there are obvious obstructions to light such as other trees or buildings. You’ll want your tree to be protected, but not smothered. Give it enough room to stretch out and breathe.

Once your tree is established, don’t forget to schedule professional pruning with your local tree care company. Keeping your tree pruned and balanced will not only keep your lawn looking neat, it will also promote effective and efficient growth patterns. This is particularly important with fruit trees as they will be producing… well, produce! An evenly trimmed fruit tree is much easier to manage when it’s time for picking.

Don’t forget that certain fruit trees will only flourish in specific climates, so shop smart and find those special few that will survive the Minnesota weather. Apples and pears are some long-time favorites, but if you’re looking for more variety, check out this list of different types of fruit trees for more information.

Finally, always remember that with fruit trees, patience is a virtue. If you take tree care seriously and spend enough time on upkeep, your fruit tree will certainly bloom, but probably not in the first couple of years. It will take time to grow, mature, blossom, and finally to produce. Be patient and vigilant. In time, the fruit will be yours to pick.

If you’re interested in caring for your new fruit tree in your Rochester, MN, landscape, or need assistance with general tree care, contact Maier Tree and Lawn today at (507) 286-8733, or visit our website here for more information.


5 Real-Life Lessons About Trees


There are a handful of things I have learned from my experience with trees over the years. These lessons about trees are so simple and evident every time I may look at a tree. But too often I do not apply them in my life, much to my own dismay.

The first lesson is to be flexible. When winds blow against trees, the very thing that preserves a tree is its ability to bend and twist without breaking. The more it can bend, the stronger wind it can withstand without breaking. I need to remain flexible too.

The second is to always grow. A tree never stops growing. Each year, a new set of branches and leaves form, and a new ring of growth is added to the wood. Without this growth, a tree would die. I need to also work to personally develop.

Third is to remember your roots. A tree’s root system functions to stabilize a tree, providing a strong foundation. It also is there to provide a means to be nourished; taking up water and nutrients. A tree always makes decisions with its roots in mind. I too need to keep the values of family and heritage in mind.

Fourth is to bear fruit. A tree attempts to reproduce itself often. Much of its energy in the course of a year is spent on reproducing itself. I need to be investing a portion of my energy in teaching those around me what I know.

Fifth is to be fun to be around. A tree provides many benefits to people around them. They provide shade, clean the air, provide a home to wildlife and more. Very few times are trees unwanted. I should continually work to bless those around me through encouragement, affirmation and generosity.

So the next time you look at a tree, make it a point to learn life lessons from it. There are plenty more than I have even mentioned here.

The Hidden Benefits of Lawn Aeration and Lawn Maintenance in Rochester, MN

Effective lawn maintenance is a complicated machine with many moving parts. Proper seasonal timing and well-chosen tools make a good foundation, but without appropriate watering, fertilizing, and lawn aeration, the “machine” can still break down. Now that fall is coming fast in Rochester, MN, it’s a good transitional time to evaluate your lawn and see if it needs some oil in its gears, or in the case of aeration, some holes in its soil.

Lawn aeration is a deeply important part of proper lawn maintenance, and that’s meant quite literally. Aeration is all about allowing water and organic matter to penetrate deeply enough that your lawn can reap all the benefits that good fall weather has to offer. Aeration is sometimes overlooked by land owners because the need for aeration isn’t always obvious to the naked eye. In fact, it may be easier to go by touch rather than by sight in this case. Heavily compacted, dry, and battered soil may benefit from lawn aeration.

Additionally, lawns that handle a lot of traffic or suffer from sponginess may benefit from the aerating process. This can stem from hosting a lot of lawn parties, having many rambunctious kids, or you could just naturally have a lawn type that tends to get compacted. Regardless of the cause, unhealthy turf can be aided by aeration, especially when it’s done during an active growing season such as late spring or early fall.

If you’ve discovered that your lawn maintenance routine isn’t as effective as it used to be and that your grass appears to be lacking in nutrients, contact Maier Tree and Lawn and inquire about lawn aeration for your property today. Preparing your lawn for a Rochester, MN, winter means giving it all the help it can get before the first snowfall. Rochester, MN, residents can call Maier Tree and Lawn at (507) 286-8733 or visit their website here.


Keeping your Shrubs Looking Trim in Winona, MN with Lawn Care Services

If you’re a Winona, MN, resident you’re certainly no stranger to greenery. Trees abound in the riverside town, and attractive landscaping is a common sight from the college campus to the upper-bluff neighborhoods. Professional lawn care services such as Maier Tree and Lawn are regular visitors to cities such as Winona because of these attributes, which means all the help you need for your lawn is just a phone call away. However, if you’re looking to do a little maintenance on your own, here are a few quick tips for maintaining some of the more down-to-earth parts of lawn care.

Depending upon the height and density of your trees, tree trimming can be quite the difficult job without help from a professional lawn care service. Shrub trimming is a little more manageable if you’re looking to try some trimming on your own. Shrub trimming has the added bonus of usually not requiring any ladders or heavy machinery. This can make it an afternoon task instead of a weekend project.

Start by determining the type of shrub you’re working on including its species, size, and age. If you’d like, consult a guide or a professional lawn care service to get a better idea of where to start. The basic rules to keep in mind are not to over trim, try to cut at an angle to allow water run-off, and shape the shrub so it can receive sunlight evenly. A great way to make sure the whole plant is getting the rays it needs is to keep the base of the plant thicker than the top. This gives it a pleasant rounded shape while still providing great leafy coverage for absorbing nutrients.

Utilizing a professional lawn care service is often the safest way to ensure that your bushes and shrubs are trimmed in an attractive and beneficial way. Winona, MN, residents can contact Maier Tree and Lawn today at (507) 454-7000, or visit our website here for more information or to schedule a lawn care appointment. If your shrubs need a little boost, Maier Tree and Lawn is the local lawn care service to contact!


Traumatic Tree Damage and Tree Removal in Rochester MN

Life in Rochester, MN, this summer has meant high temperatures punctuated by wild storms with kicked-up winds. While these conditions have made for some very interesting late-night-light-shows and some well-watered lawns, they have also done a nasty number on many Minnesota trees. After a storm has passed through, it’s important to have tree damage and tree removal experts like Maier Tree & Lawn at your service. Good contacts make for happy trees, and happy trees make for a happy landscape.

It’s easy to forget that trees damaged by storms can incur a lot of collateral property damage as well. Even after the initial tree damage has been done, downed trunks, hanging limbs, and fallen branches can be hazardous long after the storm has passed. Tree removal is as much about safety as it is about aesthetics. Leaving debris around can just add to the next storm’s arsenal. Instead, relying on a tree removal team can ensure a quick and complete clean up.

Tree damage from storms isn’t always clear cut. Knowing when a tree is salvageable versus a lost cause can be hard to determine if the tree is young or if the damage is partial. Strong wind and rain may take out a chunk here and there, but if some foliage and the trunk remain, there is still a chance that your tree will recover. Don’t be afraid to ask your tree experts about options for your trees. If a tree can be saved after a storm, the experts at Maier Tree & Lawn can help.

If your Rochester, MN, trees have been damaged by recent storms and you’d like to explore your options, contact Maier Tree & Lawn today at (507) 286-8733 or visit their website here. Tree removal doesn’t have to be a long, painful process. Act quickly and clear the debris from your lawn and from your mind.


Achieving a New Level of Tree Pruning in Winona, MN

It’s summer. The weather is fair, you have an afternoon free, and you’re caught up on all of your household chores (picture an ideal world for this one). That old tree on the corner of your Winona, MN, property has been looking a little haggard recently and you’ve just re-discovered your tree pruning tools…so what’s a tree owner to do? The tree care experts at Maier Tree and Lawn stress the importance of proper tree pruning, and with a little guidance, that hazy summer afternoon can be transformed into an impressive model of proactive tree care. Take that, household chores!

First and foremost, effective tree pruning needs a battle plan. You have to know which areas you’re going to attack and where it’s best to retreat and maybe return another day. If you’re interested in doing something a little more precise than snipping any old branch that happens to stick out a little funny, check out this little guide on tree pruning basics and get cutting.

When you’re making your battle plan, take into account the levels of the tree crown that really need attention. For instance, if the tree is bottom heavy or bumping into cars and low parts of your property, focus your attention on lifting the crown of the tree little by little. Moderation is key as too much snipping can cause stress and lasting damage. Think of it like trimming your fingernails versus amputating your arm. You want maintenance here, not major surgery.

The same goes for top heavy trees. If you snip some selected branches, make sure you’re leaving more behind with significant foliage. Your trees need those leaves to produce their food. Not enough leaves equal not enough reserves, and that’s not a good deal for anyone.

Finally, snip with caution and snip with conviction. These may seem like contradictory statements, but it’s vital to think before you cut, and when you do cut, to follow through to complete the job correctly.

Tree care can be very time consuming, so if you don’t have the time to analyze diagrams of branch patterns and cater to the various levels of tree pruning, then you, along with all Winona, MN, residents can contact Maier Tree and Lawn today at 507.454.7000 or visit their website here.


Pruning Like a Pro, Tree Care and Tree Health at Maier Tree in Rochester, MN.

At first glance, snipping stray tree branches doesn’t appear to be a terribly complicated task. Hold branch, cut branch, dispose of branch, and drink celebratory lemonade, right? Well, without a little guidance, those snips can cause more harm than good when it comes to tree care. Tree care and tree health is all about knowing the difference between too much versus too little. Too little attention can mean a wayward mess of protruding branches, yet too much attention can cause stress, damage, and death. If you’re contemplating performing some summer tree pruning in Rochester, MN, contact the tree care experts are Maier Tree and Lawn first.

The first step of proper tree pruning, and tree care for that matter, is to observe. Survey the tree and see where things look uneven or unhealthy. Watch for changes in color and shape, and keep an eye out for obvious damage such as broken branches after a storm. Don’t forget to consider the environment as well. For instance, is it possible that the tree will be a danger if it continues to grow naturally? Is it near power lines or too close to your windows? Look carefully and get to know your tree.

Next, get the right tools. You don’t need a chainsaw to trim a sapling, but a too-tiny saw may cause strain to your limbs without proper use. Consult our tree care experts about what would work best for the size and shape of your tree. What works best for one tree may not be healthy for another.

Finally, cut the branches to preserve optimal tree health. Start by making a cut partway through the branch on the underside. This will help the branch fall away cleanly once you make another cut through the top and prevent tearing healthy bark. Don’t cut too close to the trunk until the bulk of the branch has been removed, then remove the stub that remains. And pay attention to the final cut, not too close to the trunk and not too far.

These basic steps can be applied to much of the pruning process, but every tree is a little different. If you have any concerns about tree health or tree care or foresee a large pruning project, Rochester, MN residents can contact Maier Tree and Lawn today at (507) 286-8733, or visit our website here.


Where will your trees be one year from now?

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This might seem like a silly thing to ponder. It’s pretty obvious, if your tree is still living it will likely be right where it is now. However, that isn’t entirely true.

Trees are an amazing part of the ecosystem of this world. The tree that you see now in your front yard is part water and part CO2.  The cells would be hollow without air and/or water.  As the sunlight hits the leaves, and photosynthesis happens, trees take the CO2 from the air and the water it pulled up from the roots to create sugar and oxygen. The oxygen is released into the air and is circulated in the atmosphere of our planet. Additionally, pollen is created and released each year, which accumulates on other plants, our soil, water and in the air.

So, that heavy, woody structure that sits in your front yard is dispersing itself, and impacting the entire planet. Some of the very form and mass that made your tree last year, is actually making its way around the globe to places like Europe, China or Australia this year.

The folks at Maier Tree & Lawn understand trees better than anyone in the Rochester, Minnesota area and can help you devise a plan to best care for our planet’s most wonderful asset.

Preventing Summer Stress on your Winona, MN Trees.

Things are heating up in Winona, MN as summer is finally taking hold. Downtown is emptying out for summer vacation, and the lakes are looking more and more appealing as temperatures steadily rise. It certainly is a good time to get out there and enjoy the weather, but you’re not the only one that needs a little cool water and R&R once the heat starts coming in. Extreme heat and summer weather can be a lot for your trees to take in as well. If you’re looking to keep your tree healthy year round, here are some summer tree care tips from the tree health experts at Maier Tree and Lawn.

Summer may seem like the perfect time to be a tree; lots of sunlight, a little rain, and long days to enjoy it all. But there are dangers to trees in every season. It’s true that the sun and the rain are great for general tree health, but too much of either can cause some trouble. Signs such as leaves falling off or changing color in large batches are a good way to tell that something isn’t quite right.

The first step in effective summer tree care is to arrange for an evaluation with a tree health expert as soon as something seems different or unusual. For instance, if you think some shriveled leaves on the bottom branches means more water is needed, it’s better to check it out early so you can account for differences in weather for the rest of the season. This is especially true if the tree is new or young. Frequent care is particularly vital in the earliest stages of growth.

If everything came out ship-shape from the health evaluation, then it’s time to consider the shape of your tree. The second step of proper summer tree care is to make sure your trees are pruned at the proper time. Sometimes that is in the summer and for other species, fall or winter is best. Removing dead or dying portions is important to tree health, and pruning trees to allow sunlight to shine onto the lawn below is a great idea as well. If your tree is shadowing your entire lawn, your grass may not be getting an equal share of the summer sunlight.

Keeping your trees summer-healthy can be tricky since summer is a season of extremes. Storms, wind, and heat can all take a toll under the right circumstances. If you’re a resident of Winona, MN and you have concerns about your summer tree care regimen, contact Maier Tree & Lawn today at 507.454.7000, or visit our website here.