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Plant Care Complications

Lawn care in Winona, MN, can involve a fair amount of trial and error thanks to our Minnesotan fluctuating weather patterns and occasional harsh conditions. When your plants are flagging, you may want to know what to look for in order to provide the right remedy for whatever is ailing them. At Maier Tree and Lawn, our plant care experts provide in-depth plant healthcare support and guidance to first-time homeowners as well as to seasoned land managers and gardeners. If your plants seem like they’re struggling, watch for some of these classic problems and reach out to us today!

Over- and Underwatering

Minnesota goes through seasons quickly, and sometimes that can leave your plants overly damp or excessively dry. This, combined with sprinkler systems or unexpected drought, can result in too much or too little water for your plants and lawn. Some signs to watch for if you’re concerned about the amount of watering your lawn is getting include: constantly damp soil, puddles on the surface of your lawn, browning leaves and turf, wilting grass, and yellowing.  Too much or too little water can both be major factors in your property’s health, so keep an eye out for similar changes in your plants’ conditions.

Plant Care

Much like people, plant care requires providing adequate nutrients to stimulate growth and maintain health. Your overall lawn care process may involve fertilizers and supplements for the soil to help this process along, but it’s helpful to know what to watch for in the event of a deficiency. The actual signs will vary based on what nutrients are missing, but slow growth; discolored leaves, grass blades, or foliage; wilting; or deformed plant structures can all be indicators of something going wrong.

Fungus or Disease

And sometimes when it comes to lawn care, you can find yourself contending with external complications such as fungi, diseases, and even pests. For these situations, watching for strange spotting or browning, fuzzy patches, mushrooms, discoloration patterns, and plant death can help catch problems before they spread.

If any of these issues seem familiar or you’re struggling with some aspect of your routine plant care, Maier Tree and Lawn can help. From formal diagnoses to spot treatments and comprehensive care, our plant care experts can assist you in preserving your lawn for years to come. Winona, MN, area residents can reach out at (507) 454-7000 or visit our website here for more information.

Limit the Spread of Oak Wilt Tree Care

Stymying the spread of tree diseases is similar to containing contagious conditions in humans. Reducing contact, providing health checkups, and treating symptoms all contribute to treatment plans that can prevent and treat diseases such as oak wilt and bur oak blight from infecting more trees on your Rochester, MN, property or in your neighborhood. Maier Tree and Lawn’s tree care experts work hard to ensure that your trees can grow and flourish safely regardless of the current state of infectious tree diseases in Minnesota.

Oak Wilt and Bur Oak Blight

Oak wilt and bur oak blight are similar in that you may spot signs of browning, discoloration, damage, or early falling leaves on your oak leaves on their onset. Though some species of oak can be more resistant to these blights, for many Minnesota trees, contagious tree diseases can prove deadly if not stopped, treated, or removed by cutting down the tree. Oak wilt alone kills thousands of trees a year, and spring is one of its biggest spreading seasons.

Preventing Spread

Preventing the spread of both oak wilt and other similar conditions is essential as the more trees that become infected, the more difficult it is to contain the blight across the state and even across the country. In some cases, oak wilt and bur oak blight can be treated with special fungicides, but even with treatment, containment is still an essential aspect of tree disease management.

Signs of Oak Wilt

Signs of oak wilt and bur oak blight can be difficult to identify with an untrained eye. If you’re ever concerned that your oak trees may be at risk of infection, tree care experts can help you assess the health and safety of any and all trees on your property. If your trees have indeed been impacted by a tree disease, Maier Tree and Lawn is available to assist with treatment and mitigation as well. Rochester, MN, area residents can reach out to us today by calling (507) 286–8733 or visiting our website here for more information.


The Benefits and Beauty of Mulch

As you and other Minnesotans continue through spring toward the summer months, have you thought about the mulch in and around your landscape projects? Do you intend to plant trees or shrubs and have questions about the proper methods of putting mulch around them? Do you already have trees and shrubs, but need to refresh the mulch surrounding them? Has the mulch in your landscaped areas become thin, faded, and littered with bits of trash and now requires replenishment? In the Rochester, MN, area, Maier Tree & Lawn can help you with any and all mulching questions and provide services to ensure your tree, shrubs and other landscaped areas are correctly, beautifully, and safely mulched.

What is mulch?

In general, mulch is a ground covering that serves a variety of uses to help protect the plants it surrounds, yet also provide eye appeal. The first thought that may come to your mind are flower gardens or landscaped settings in lush, full bloom, with cascades of colors vividly set against a background of richly colored mulch. Another very popular use for mulch is to place it around trees and bushes. While serving to keep mowing and other lawn care maintenance to a minimum, mulch provides a wealth of other desired benefits to support and safeguard the plantings it surrounds.

What type of mulch is best?

There are many different types of mulch on the market, and some may fit your needs better than others. Mulch is basically available in two types:

  • Organic – plant-based matter that includes ground-up, chipped, or pulverized material such as pine needles, leaves, bark, and wood chips. Some materials may be colored to offer you aesthetic choices for your particular mulching needs. The benefits of organic mulch include helping provide the nourishment and support soil desires.
  • Inorganic – This includes materials like rock, stone, and pulverized rubber. While these may last longer than organic types of mulch because they don’t decompose, they don’t provide any nutrition or beneficial support to soil.

While each product has its pros and cons, organic mulch is preferred due to the exceptional nutritional benefits it provides. And, just as important, mulching must be done in a way that is safe to your plants, especially trees, to prevent injury, and worse, plant death.

Organic mulch has many benefits.

Aside from helping to make your yard or garden look amazing, organic mulch provides other benefits that are simply unsurpassed, including:

  • Reducing soil compaction and/or erosion
  • Acting as an effective barrier to help prevent weeds from germinating
  • Helping to retain moisture for soil and plant roots
  • Creating an insulating barrier to maintain ideal soil temperatures
  • Providing protection against freeze/frost damage for plants with shallow roots

While it may appear easy to simply dump a pile or mulch and spread it around until you think it looks good, there’s actually a science to proper, effective, and safe mulching practices. If you have an upcoming project in the Rochester, MN, area that will require mulching, or an existing area that is in need of mulch replenishment, contact Maier Tree & Lawn today by calling (507) 286-8733. Along with our exceptional plant healthcare expertise, our trained and certified staff will gladly assess the needs of your landscaping project, discuss the options available, and perform the required services to ensure your mulching project is performed correctly and looks absolutely amazing!

Common Tree Care Problems in Rochester, MN

Tree pruning is a great solution to a wide variety of tree care conundrums, ranging from disease management to aesthetic upkeep, but the type of pruning you request varies based upon your personal tree goals. In some cases, a little clean-up pruning may be all you need, while in other scenarios, comprehensive structural pruning is the better option. At Maier Tree and Lawn, we help Rochester, MN area residents prune their trees in order to achieve their tree care goals and establish a regular care plan that keeps trees healthy for the long haul.

Tree Pruning to Provide Beneficial Tree Support

In general, tree pruning is a care option that can address tree concerns or provide shaping to trees of basically any age. Proper pruning can remove and reduce risks by cutting away broken branches or redirecting tree growth that may be heading in a risky or hazardous direction, such as into power lines or beyond property boundaries. It can also limit the spread of certain tree diseases and funguses while still preserving the health of the tree. Structural pruning, in particular, is a great option for a tree that needs branch spacing support, aesthetic management, or a comprehensive pruning plan that keeps it sturdy and strong throughout its entire life.

Tree Care to Prevent Future Damage

The pruning process is completed by performing careful trims and cuts that help establish a dominant growth structure that can be maintained throughout the tree’s life. In the case of structural tree pruning, it is primarily done for young and middle-aged trees to help guide the growth of the tree from its “youth” until it reaches old age. This process is also especially helpful in the Midwest, where storm damage is a real threat. A properly pruned tree will have fewer susceptible branches that may become broken in the event of heavy snow or summer storms.

Establishing a tree pruning plan can help your trees thrive throughout their entire life span. If your Rochester, MN area trees are in need of consistent tree care plans, Maier Tree and Lawn can help. For more information about our tree pruning services, contact us today at (507) 286–8733 or feel free to visit our website.


Fighting Back against Post-Winter Soil Compaction with Aeration in Winona, MN

Aeration is on the mind of many Winona, MN, lawn owners as they survey their compacted lots following the long winter. Now that lawn care is once again becoming viable after months of ice, planning how to revitalize your soil, grass, and gardens is a high priority for enthusiasts and property owners across the state. At Maier Tree and Lawn, we provide comprehensive aeration options to help your lawn breathe and grow as we ease comfortably into spring.


Aeration is a lawn care process that reduces pressure on your lawn via the precise excising of small plugs of soil. Now that spring has begun, it’s common for lawns and lots across Minnesota to sport little soil plugs strewn on the surface. This process is especially popular in the Midwest as winter can be hard on soil. If you’re considering aeration for the first time, know that introducing it to your property is a great way to get your lot ready for a bountiful growth season.


The benefits of aeration are difficult to overstate. Having space to move and expand is essential for soil in the Midwest where long, hard winters can press the ground together tightly. When soil is too compressed, nothing can penetrate the surface, including the vitamins and minerals that your grasses and gardens need to thrive. The process allows for the quick transport of nutrients and water into and through your soil while simultaneously reducing lingering winter damage.

Aeration Process to Professionals

But as simple as it seems, it’s important to leave the aeration process to professionals because over-aerating is certainly a possibility with DIYers. Striking the right balance of aeration and preservation will give your lawn the best chance at jump-starting its growth, and professionals know that balance. Once the process is completed, the lawn care experts at Maier Tree and Lawn can give you step-by-step instructions for keeping your lawn healthy and spring-ready post-aeration.

Incorporating aeration into your post-winter routine can be the perfect transition from dormant to healthy, green lawns. If you’re interested in adding aeration to your lawn care process this season, contact Maier Tree and Lawn today to find out more. Winona, MN, residents can reach out at (507) 454-7000 or by visiting our website here today.



Winter Tree Damage and Your Albert Lea, MN, Trees

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vitae augue blandit, imperdiet leo non, eleifend arcu. Cras tortor massa, lacinia in consequat non, congue cursus lectus. Mauris sodales porttitor sodales. Vestibulum vitae maximus arcu. Phasellus bibendum egestas turpis in euismod. Nam ullamcorper gravida maximus. Pellentesque vehicula nulla id iaculis ultricies. Duis ac pulvinar libero. Etiam eleifend nisl vitae mattis tristique. Phasellus bibendum tristique cursus. Duis fermentum imperdiet tempor.

Vestibulum tincidunt ac sapien non dapibus. Maecenas consectetur magna libero, nec bibendum tellus venenatis eu. Curabitur eu pharetra leo. Morbi et augue turpis. Maecenas eu porttitor purus. Nam malesuada nulla quis orci bibendum, sit amet tempor turpis sodales. Nullam quam ipsum, ornare quis enim ac, tincidunt luctus sapien. Mauris finibus mi efficitur pharetra convallis. Etiam sodales eros nunc, id rutrum sem condimentum ac. Aliquam volutpat mauris eget mauris pellentesque tincidunt. Fusce venenatis tortor quis mauris accumsan porttitor eget ac velit.

Growing Healthy Grass with the Right Species for Your Owatonna, MN, Property

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vitae augue blandit, imperdiet leo non, eleifend arcu. Cras tortor massa, lacinia in consequat non, congue cursus lectus. Mauris sodales porttitor sodales. Vestibulum vitae maximus arcu. Phasellus bibendum egestas turpis in euismod. Nam ullamcorper gravida maximus. Pellentesque vehicula nulla id iaculis ultricies. Duis ac pulvinar libero. Etiam eleifend nisl vitae mattis tristique. Phasellus bibendum tristique cursus. Duis fermentum imperdiet tempor.

Vestibulum tincidunt ac sapien non dapibus. Maecenas consectetur magna libero, nec bibendum tellus venenatis eu. Curabitur eu pharetra leo. Morbi et augue turpis. Maecenas eu porttitor purus. Nam malesuada nulla quis orci bibendum, sit amet tempor turpis sodales. Nullam quam ipsum, ornare quis enim ac, tincidunt luctus sapien. Mauris finibus mi efficitur pharetra convallis. Etiam sodales eros nunc, id rutrum sem condimentum ac. Aliquam volutpat mauris eget mauris pellentesque tincidunt. Fusce venenatis tortor quis mauris accumsan porttitor eget ac velit.

Preventing Dutch Elm Disease with Post-Winter Vigilance in Rochester, MN

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vitae augue blandit, imperdiet leo non, eleifend arcu. Cras tortor massa, lacinia in consequat non, congue cursus lectus. Mauris sodales porttitor sodales. Vestibulum vitae maximus arcu. Phasellus bibendum egestas turpis in euismod. Nam ullamcorper gravida maximus. Pellentesque vehicula nulla id iaculis ultricies. Duis ac pulvinar libero. Etiam eleifend nisl vitae mattis tristique. Phasellus bibendum tristique cursus. Duis fermentum imperdiet tempor.

Vestibulum tincidunt ac sapien non dapibus. Maecenas consectetur magna libero, nec bibendum tellus venenatis eu. Curabitur eu pharetra leo. Morbi et augue turpis. Maecenas eu porttitor purus. Nam malesuada nulla quis orci bibendum, sit amet tempor turpis sodales. Nullam quam ipsum, ornare quis enim ac, tincidunt luctus sapien. Mauris finibus mi efficitur pharetra convallis. Etiam sodales eros nunc, id rutrum sem condimentum ac. Aliquam volutpat mauris eget mauris pellentesque tincidunt. Fusce venenatis tortor quis mauris accumsan porttitor eget ac velit.

Prioritizing Post-Melt Lawn Care in Rochester, MN

Maier Tree and Lawn understands that you may be a little bit overzealous about your lawn care as the snow begins to melt in Rochester, MN. But timing your care to properly bolster your lawn growth may take a bit of patience. Your lawn may not yet be ready for in-depth care following the first melt of the season. But if you’re aiming to prepare your property for a productive spring, you can take some steps to ensure that you get the most out of your early springtime lawn maintenance. Maier Tree and Lawn recommends starting with a few simple steps to perk up your lawn without overwhelming it.

Lawn Care Steps

Step 1. 

First and foremost, it’s good to wait until you’re confident that re-freezing isn’t in the immediate future before you start considering watering and mowing. If the thaw isn’t complete, you may just be introducing more freezable water into the root systems of your grass, or you may risk tearing up frozen parts of your lawn with a mower. Not only do these strategies cause external and internal damage to your property, they can also significantly set back growth. Instead, let the thaw continue naturally to give your lawn a chance to shake off the last of winter on its own before you intervene.

Step 2.

If you’re feeling antsy waiting for the last of the snow to melt away, you can take some time to clear any leftover debris from the surface of your lawn that may have been buried under the winter snow. This could include piles of leaves, large sticks or bark, animal debris, and beyond. During this process, check for evidence of snow mold or unusual weed growth that may have started to sprout during the winter. Taking note of problem areas in your lawn can help reduce the potential damage throughout the spring and give you some direction when your lawn care begins in earnest.

Step 3.

Finally, don’t be afraid to pull some weeds once the ground is soft enough. Depending on the state of your lawn, you can use weed pulling as an excuse to get a closer look at the grass and soil to see if you may want to incorporate fertilizer into your spring lawn care routine. If the ground is still too hard to penetrate, give it a little time before breaking through the icy soil. If you’re not sure how soon after a melt is too soon, our lawn maintenance experts can help.

Following the First Melt

If you’re struggling to start your spring lawn care following the first melt, Maier Tree and Lawn is here to lend our expertise. We can address any problem areas you spot or create a post-winter lawn maintenance plan that will encourage growth without jeopardizing the health of your grasses and gardens. If you’re interested in post-winter lawn maintenance, or need lawn care support for your Rochester, MN, property, contact Maier Tree and Lawn today at (507) 286–8733 or visit our website here for more information.