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Help Your Lawn Survive the Salt Assault

What a winter it has been! We’ve seen almost every type of winter weather possible, from sub zero nights to above freezing days, and storms that threw the entire gamut of possible winter precipitation at us – snow, hail, sleet, rain, freezing rain, and that could all fall in just a 10 minute period! Along with the previous winter, we’ve seen more icing situations than usual, and where there’s ice, there’s salt. Salt is the economical choice for melting and clearing ice from roadways and sidewalks. There are different types of ice melting products available, but most contain sodium chloride (NaCl), which is simple salt. When the plow truck goes by it is treating the road with a combination of sand and rock salt. If you buy a bag of deicer to toss on your driveway and sidewalks it may be regular rock salt or a product that combines sodium chloride with calcium chloride or magnesium chloride. Salt is a necessary evil when battling icy winter conditions, but an unwelcomed evil when we get into the grass growing season.

The good news is that most grass varieties sown and grown in Minnesota are generally resilient against the effects of salt. So what is the bad news? Salt and other chlorides can accumulate in the soil over the years. Although these nasty substances can be leached from the soil by adequate rain and watering, we entered the winter in a drought condition with a serious moisture deficit. Currently, we are still in a drought and over 7 inches below the usual moisture we should have received since January 1st. As the snow along the streets and sidewalks melt, the salts and sands applied will settle onto and into the ground. How many times have you put down salt only to find yourself shoveling or snow blowing a few hours or days later? Depending on where you live, the plow truck may have thrown a fair amount of snow, sand and salt into your yard many, many times. If you use a snow blower, you’ve probably distributed salt products across your yard as well. The grass may be resilient, but the continuing dry weather and constant assault of these salt items doesn’t help your lawn or your urban ecosystem. However, there are solutions to this problem which can save your lawn and help preserve and enhance the ability of the grass to survive.

Maier Tree & Lawn can help you with this challenging problem. With our expert green care services we can test your soil, determine what your lawn requires to regain and retain a optimal level of support, and help your lawn by applying the required products and nutrients to help your lawn recover quickly and remain adequately nourished. Our green care services provide many stand alone options which are also available in our Multi-step Lawn Care Packages. Give us a call and we’ll be happy to discuss your concerns and help you set-up the best lawn care service to benefit your yard. Don’t wait until the last of winter’s white has melted away – contact Maier Tree & Lawn today so we can give your yard the boost it needs to become the lush and luxurious lawn you desire!

Emerald Ash Borer in the News

Just a few weeks ago a news story was released regarding the discovery of several new emerald ash borer (EAB) infestations in Minnesota. One case was confirmed in Minneapolis, and two in St. Paul. In late January, the Minnesota Department of Agriculture performed a follow-up on reports submitted by the Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board Forestry Department and the St. Paul Forestry Unit regarding possible emerald ash borer infested trees. They were able to confirm that the trees were infested after removing bark from the suspected trees and finding the distinctive “S” shaped tunnels, which are created by the larvae of the EAB.

Interestingly, the suspected infested ash trees were discovered because it had been observed that there was a higher amount of woodpecker activity and feeding happening on and around those particular trees. Increase of woodpecker traffic on a particular ash tree is a good indicator of insect activity in an infected tree. The greater amount of damage inflicted to the tree by the woodpeckers (debarking areas of the tree, many parts of the tree showing woodpecker activity) can indicate just how severely a tree has been infected. While it may appear that the woodpeckers are the problem because they’re causing visible damage to the tree, they are merely looking for food, and it’s the food they crave that’s killing the tree.

Winter is the best time of year to find, observe and confirm infested trees because the tree lacks leaves which can hide infestation symptoms. The trunk and all the branches can easily be visually inspected for EAB indicators, such as woodpecker damage and discoloration of bark.

If you know you have ash trees on your property, and have concerns about possible EAB activity in those trees, give Maier Tree & Lawn a call. We will gladly have one of our trained and certified arborists come to your property and inspect your trees. Do you have concerns but don’t know what kind of trees you have? Give us a call! We will identify your trees and offer you the knowledge you need to understand what your particular trees may need to grow healthy, stay healthy and remain strong.

Maier Tree & Lawn offers programs to help fight EAB and treat ash trees before an infestation may occur. Our ash tree EAB treatments generally begin in April and conclude in September. If you have an ash tree that is already infected, the best solution may be removal of the tree to prevent the EAB from spreading. Keeping trees from becoming infested is the optimal solution to the problem, and Maier Tree and Lawn can provide the trained specialists and required treatment programs to keep you ash trees healthy and EAB free. Again, if you suspect you have an ash tree that may be infected, please, do not hesitate to call. The emerald ash borer is an aggressive species and will infect any, and all ash trees that are not protected. We can assist and educate you on which trees may need to be removed and those that should be treated to help preserve your tree population. April will soon be upon us, and that is the best time to begin treating and protecting your ash trees. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Give us a call and let Maier Tree & Lawn help you keep your trees green, healthy, strong and safe!

Is Your Crabapple Tree Healthy or Infected?

There are few trees that offer the phenomenal beauty as a crabapple tree in full bloom. From dazzling whites to intense reds, a flowering crabapple is an unforgettable springtime sight to behold. For most folks, crabapple trees are an ornamental delight in the spring and then simply exist once the show is over. Some use the crabapples to make jams and jellies, but most consider the tiny fruit a nuisance that requires extra yard work and attention come fall.

Apple Scab is a disease that owners of these trees should be mindful of. This condition is caused by a fungus, Venturia inaequalis, which infects the leaves and fruit of a crabapple tree. Infected leaves will exhibit an olive green to brown spot on them and can turn yellow. After a leaf has turned yellow it generally falls from the tree. An infected tree can drop the majority of its’ foliage, sometimes only a few months after the infection begins. In severe cases, a crabapple tree may lose every leaf prematurely.

Sanitation is crucial in helping prevent apple scab. Since the fungus exists on the leaves, proper disposal of leaves from an infected tree is very important. Another, more permanent solution is having the tree sprayed yearly with a fungicide to protect new leaves and fruit from the fungus.

Maier Tree & Lawn offers crabapple spray programs that generally begin in mid-April. If you have a crabapple that has shown signs of an apple scab infection you need to take action to ensure the infection does not ultimately kill the tree. Some untreated trees can survive a yearly onslaught of apple scab, but it severely weakens and stunts the growth and vitality of the tree. A tree which blossomed abundantly one year and then becomes infected may have fewer flowers the next year followed by an early drop of yellow leaves.

The arborists at Maier Tree & Lawn can determine the best treatment program to protect your tree. Our certified application specialists will spray your tree to provide the maximum protection affordable with the minimum of impact on the surrounding vegetation. It isn’t just a matter of “Spray and walk away.” Effective application is determined by factors including the size of the tree, what stage the tree is in for producing leaves, weather, and relative dryness or dampness.

If you have noticed in previous years that your crabapple tree has yellowing and spotted leaves that drop pre-maturely, call Maier Tree & Lawn now to schedule one of our arborists to come out and give you a quote for our preventative spray program. The only protection is by being proactive and spraying while the leaves are emerging. Once the leaves have yellowed, the tree is infected and there’s nothing you can do until the next year. Contact Maier Tree & Lawn today so we can schedule an early spring treatment and help you keep the beauty of your flowering crabapple vibrant and thriving!

Marching Towards the Green of Spring!

Meteorological spring begins March 1st, and the “traditional” start of spring for 2013, the Vernal Equinox, is on March 20th. So, any way you look at it, March is the official herald of warmer weather to come, and with warmer weather comes less snow, more rain, and the greening of lawns!

Maier Tree & Lawn…yes, Tree and Lawn, has lawn care services and multi-step lawn care packages that provide everything your lawn needs to stay healthy and green. We provide expert lawn care services such as soil testing, complete lawn analysis, broadleaf weed control, pre-emergent crabgrass control, grub control, fungus control, and lawn aeration. We can apply either organic-based or synthetic fertilizer to keep your yard lush and green. If you have areas with bare spots, or places where grass just seems to struggle, we can over-seed those particular trouble spots or the entire yard and help you regain the robust and healthy turf you desire.

Our multi-step lawn care packages offer a five or six step program that provides a wide range of services carefully matched to the needs of your lawn and your pocket book! The multi-step packages include a complete lawn analysis with soil test, an accurate measurement of your lawn, and scheduled treatments utilizing organic-based fertilizer, pre-emergent crabgrass control, broadleaf control, and aeration of your lawn. Package prices are determined by the size of the lawn area to be treated, which ensures you pay only for the amount of product your lawn requires. We back all of this with our Quality Pledge. Maier’s lawn recommendations will NEVER negatively impact your trees or shrubs. Your yard is an eco system unto its own, and we treat the system to provide the best nutrients and protection possible with consideration for all plants in that system.

So don’t hesitate – give us a call today or sign-up on-line for one of our multi-step lawn care packages. Regardless of which date in March you use for the beginning of Spring that time is upon us, and soon enough your lawn will emerge from beneath the snow and begin to recoup, rebuild and re-grow. Let Maier Tree & Lawn provide the expert green services of care, nutrition and support your lawn requires to flourish and be the outdoor living space you desire!

Thinking Green During Winter’s White

We’ve reached that point in winter – it’s been about two months since you put the last of your lawn and garden tools away for the winter, and in about two months you could be dragging them back out to begin spring clean-up. After the rain we received in mid-January, and how it exposed so many lawns and grassy areas, you may have found yourself thinking “Hmmm…what should I do with the lawn this year?”

To complement our exceptional tree services, we have added a comprehensive selection of lawn services and annual lawn care programs to help you achieve the best lawn possible. Taking care of your lawn goes much further than spreading a bit of fertilizer and spraying for dandelions and other nuisance weeds. Maier Tree & Lawn employs a staff of licensed pesticide applicators, along with horticulturalists and foresters, all trained and prepared to help your urban ecosystem live in harmony and good health.

While the big box stores will gladly sell you gallons of this or bags of that to spray or spread on your lawn to feed and weed, do you have any idea what that stuff is doing to the other plants, shrubs and trees you have in your yard? Don’t feel bad if you haven’t a clue, without a PhD in chemistry to understand the label, you have to take their word that the product is “safe,” even though they have no idea what your yard may need for proper nourishment or balance.

With our 5 or 6 step Organic Based Programs, Maier Tree & Lawn can safely supply your yard with the care and protection it needs throughout the spring, summer and fall months. Before we apply anything to your yard, we perform a lawn analysis and soil test so we know exactly what your lawn requires for proper nutrition, weed protection and balance. There’s so much more we can do for your lawn, so please, check out the many services and packages we offer!

Customers who lock in to our 5 or 6 step program by March 1st, 2013, will receive a 3% discount on their lawn care package price. So, thinking green during winter’s white isn’t a bad thing at all. We’re at the halfway mark of winter and spring will be here soon. Take a look at our offerings and programs, and be prepared to begin your spring chores knowing Maier Tree & Lawn will provide your entire yard, from turf to tree top, with the best products, services and protection available!

The Weight that Waits Above

Now that the leaves have fallen it’s easy to take a look at the actual structure of a tree and assess its’ shape and health. One concern that is readily identifiable is storm damage that needs to be addressed before it becomes a greater hazard. You may see jagged, ripped or badly broken end-points where a limb or branch was twisted and torn from the tree. This type of damage can severely compromise the health, structure, and strength-bearing ability of the tree. You’ll feel a lot better knowing instead of guessing if the tree is safe, especially if it’s near or hangs over your house.

The graceful beauty of a tree can be exceptionally deceiving. As it grows to great heights and tremendous width it must support countless limbs and branches plus tens of thousands of leaves. It truly is an engineering marvel.  But like all living things, trees can suffer weakness and illness from injury and disease. If a tree has been injured due to storm damage, it’s best to have it evaluated as soon as possible to ensure the tree is helped back to optimum health and strength. Our certified arborists are trained to evaluate a damaged or injured tree, and are appropriately equipped to provide the best remedy to help your tree survive and recover properly.

Winter is a great time to have any type of tree work performed. Without a full canopy of leaves, our arborists can easily review and evaluate the entire tree. Also frozen ground is better at supporting heavy equipment if it is required to remove large pieces of tree.

Take the time to look at your trees to see if there is damage or injury. If you think a tree may need attention give us a call. One of our certified arborists will gladly stop by and address your concerns. It’s far better to have the work safely and professionally performed during the winter then wait for the weight above to come crashing down when you least expect it.

Can You Safely Prune Your Own Tree?

What can be dangerous about pruning a tree? Improvement stores sell every type of cutting tool available, the branches you would like to cut don’t look too big and can’t possibly be very heavy, and you only need to climb three or four rungs on your step ladder to reach them. Piece of cake and what could possibly go wrong, right?

To be honest, a lot! It may look easy, but homeowners rarely consider the potential dangers this seemingly simple chore can hide. Cutting a branch requires a sharp tool. Working with sharp tools that may be motorized is, in itself, inherently dangerous. Using a ladder for any purpose contains risk. Standing on a ladder wielding a sharp tool in one hand, while trying to maintain your balance with the other, is an invitation to disaster. It is sad to say that every year people in our state die trying to do just that.

Maier Forest and Tree employs a staff of trained, certified and skilled professionals who understand the how’s and why’s of tree cutting and proper techniques. Maier has invested in the safest, most efficient, state-of-the-art tools to perform the cutting and pruning your trees require. From modern boom trucks that safely lift skilled arborist to specialized riggings that securely control and lower heavy limbs, Maier has the staff and equipment required to perform any tree work you may need.

Sure, you can save a few bucks up-front by pruning your own trees, but at what potential cost to your safety? Also, an improperly pruned tree can develop infection or structural weakness which will become a much larger and costlier problem as time passes. Consulting with a certified arborist and having the work skillfully and correctly performed by trained and experienced professionals can save you money, and possibly your life. Give us a call, and let us safely do the dangerous work for you.

Our Business is Looking Up

It’s true, business is growing at Maier Forest and Tree, but that’s because the main focus of our business is looking up – looking up into trees and analyzing the health and well-being of each tree we examine. Our certified and skilled professional arborists can spot problems that threaten the life of a tree or pose a hazard to life and property, as well as determine the most economical and safe solutions possible to mitigate the problem.

The fierce storm that blew through Rochester after Labor Day left extensive tree damage in its wake. The staff at Maier performed with impressive effort and outstanding achievement to assist those dealing with the overwhelming task of storm clean-up and recovery. If you were one of the “lucky ones” who didn’t experience a downed tree or massive fallen limbs and branches, now is the time to look “up” and see just how well your trees fared after the severe winds. If you aren’t sure what you should be looking for, call Maier, and we’ll be happy to come to your home and evaluate your trees.

This is the best time of year to have a tree inspected. Wind damage hidden by dense foliage can now be clearly observed, as well as potential dangers from infestation, infection, or improper growth. Our professional staff will discuss their finding with you and address your concerns to help you best understand the needs of your tree.

Winter is a great time for a tree to be repaired and rehabilitated. A tree that receives appropriate attention during the winter stands strong and ready to enter into spring as healthy, reliable and safe as possible.

When Little Trees Become Menacing Monsters

Most everyone who plants a tree does so with the sincerest interests in mind; to fill a void in a large empty yard, as an Earth Day project with the kids, or to create cooling shade over the house and deck in the future.

Problems can occur when a tree is planted without regard to how big it will become in the years to come. Depending on the variety you plant that tiny seedling, easily toted in one hand, can grow taller and heavier than most dinosaurs. The shade tree that was just the right size when you bought your home can morph into a towering behemoth with branches that scratch and skitter across the upstairs windows, dig and drag against the shingles, and relentlessly thrash against the soffits and siding. When trees grow too large what are your options?

The solution is simple – call Maier Forest and Tree and discuss your concerns with one of our trained and certified arborists. We will come to your home, evaluate the situation, and provide you with a professional assessment to address your worries. Our highly trained and certified staff can perform the maintenance required for a healthy, beautiful and useful tree.

This is the best time of year to call Maier and ask for a professional consultation. We offer a discounted rate on tree work if you pre-book winter work before Thanksgiving. The winter months can be the best time to trim and maintain a tree. Give us a call now, get pre-booked on our winter schedule, receive a discount, and let us tame that monster tree so you can have a safe and enjoyable tree companion!

Call Now and Save on Winter Tree Work

Maier Forest and Tree provides you the opportunity to prebook for tree services performed during the winter months. From tree maintenance such as deadwood pruning and house clearance to major work including limb removal or taking out an entire tree, Maier Forest and Tree has the professional staff and most up-to-date equipment required for the task.

Q: Is it safe to prune or trim trees during the cold of a Minnesota winter?

A: Absolutely! Winter is a great time to have this work performed on deciduous trees.  While certain types of pruning on evergreens can be harmful this time of year, all deciduous species can be pruned in the fall or winter without exception.

The Rochester area experienced some nasty wind storms during the summer of 2012 which damaged many trees. If you have a tree that suffered storm damage that has not been taken care of, Maier can give you a fast and professional quote on pruning or removal.

There is still time for you to call and reserve your spot on the winter schedule!

Visit our tree services page to learn more.

Save by calling now! Maier Forest and Tree is dedicated to customer excellence and superior service. Our highly trained and certified team will provide you the information you need to make an educated and informed decision.  So, call in the fall and be the winner in the winter!