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Learning to Read your Fruit Trees in Rochester, MN

Understanding how to read your Rochester, MN fruit trees is not too different from evaluating the health of your non-fruiting trees, fundamentally speaking. This means that recognizing signs of poor health in any tree can be transferable to fruit trees as well. Leaves dying, odd discoloration, unusual bark patterns, and signs of insects are just as problematic in your apple trees as your elms. That’s why the tree care professionals with Maier Tree and Lawn recommend keeping an eye out for these other problem signs that may only manifest in trees that bear fruit.

For fruit tree owners who have been raising trees through several fruit-bearing cycles, a good indication of a possible problem is any notable changes. This may sound vague as far as tree care goes, but notable changes can include the color of the leaves, the cycle of fruiting and blooming, or just the size of the fruit being produced. Discrepancies are to be expected when you’re dealing with nature, but major, persisting changes should be investigated.

For fruit tree care newbies, look for obvious discoloration, bugs, or noticeable signs of rot. If your tree fails to bear fruit for what seems to be an unusual amount of time, don’t be afraid to consult a tree care expert just to make sure things are ship-shape in tree town. If your tree has produced fruit successfully, great, but be vigilant for excessive scabbing or any signs of fungus. You may not get a perfect harvest every time, but more than a little of the aforementioned symptoms could still be indicative of a deeper issue.

If your Rochester, MN area fruit trees are exhibiting worrying, visible signs of stress or disease, or perhaps are just acting a little out of the ordinary, contact Maier Tree and Lawn today by calling (507) 454-7000, or by visiting our website here for more information.

Three Common Pests You May Find in Your Winona, MN Trees

You’d think that trees would have enough to deal with just being at nature’s mercy every day of the year in Winona, MN. Unfortunately, the risks they face extend even further beyond heat, cold, and wind. Minnesota trees also have to suffer the attention of common pests that come in all shapes and sizes. The tree care experts with Maier Tree and Lawn encourage those new to tree care to learn to identify any obvious changes these common pests may bring, and be ready to act if you spot them on your property.

Anyone who’s been engaging in regular tree care may think they can identify the risk factors that your trees face on sight, but the common pests that your trees encounter may look a little different than what you imagine. These creatures extend from mites to moths, and the warning signs can be easier to miss than you expect.

One of the most talked about Minnesotan tree pests in recent years is the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), and many tree care hobbyists are likely familiar with these little insects.  Shiny and bright green, they’re as distinctive as they are destructive. As their name indicates, they primarily impact ash trees on a large scale. This is one common pest that, if spotted, should be reported immediately.

Another common pest is the invasive Japanese beetle. These invasive insects are damaging to turf and ornamental plants. During the winter and spring months, grubs live underground, growing and feeding on grass roots as they grow. In the summer months, they emerge from the soil as fully grown beetles, and begin wreaking havoc on above-ground plants.

These big-name bugs can all mean trouble for your Winona, MN boughs, whether they swarm, fly, or crawl. If you suspect that any of these common pests have come into contact with your trees, contact Maier Tree and Lawn at (507) 454-7000, or by visiting our website here for more information. When it comes to tree pests, early detection is, by far, the best weapon you have.

The Scientific Side of Tree Fertilization in Winona, MN

Any seasoned green thumb has probably encountered their share of fertilizers. Whether you take the organic route and make your own, or are a little more keen on professionally mixed power-fertilizers, the benefits of fertilizers for a majority of hobby plants is not contested.

That same passion, however, doesn’t seem to hold true for trees. Trees are generally looked upon as being totally self-sufficient. A little trim here and a little coaxing for the young ones is all it takes to get great results; no tree fertilization required! In reality, that way of thinking just isn’t accurate. For those of you living within the Winona, MN city limits, the tree care experts at Maier Tree and Lawn want you to know that tree fertilization will help your trees reach their full and healthiest potential.

Though it’s true trees are usually tougher than the average daisy, their robust appearance is heavily dependent on what you can’t see – their roots. A tree’s root system creates a naturally symbiotic relationship with the soil and the other trees around it. A tree promotes healthy soil, and healthy soil, in turn, nurtures the tree. In a forest, there are enough trees to provide nutrients and support for a large number of healthy trees. When it comes to residential trees, however, they’re often much more solitary. Even the most ambitious tree-lover likely can’t stuff more than a handful of trees into their yard. That lack of sufficient tree population means they’re not receiving their share of communal nutrients.

This is where tree fertilization differs from many other types of plant care supplements.  By using products like ArborGreen Pro, tree care specialists are able to treat the deep-set roots with a fertilizer than can compensate for the loss of proper nutrients. Tree fertilization can be especially effective in the fall because many households tend to remove the fallen leaves that, in nature, decompose and feed the soil organically. The concept behind tree fertilization is similar to other types of garden fertilizers, but the methods are more precise than your average spray-and-go options.

If you’re a Winona, MN, area resident who has concerns about the quality of your soil, contact the tree care specialists with Maier Tree and Lawn today by calling (507) 454-7000, or by visiting our website for more information. There’s no reason why your trees can’t be healthy in a suburban environment, and tree fertilization can give them that little boost that makes them feel right at home.

Putting your Tree Preservation Plans in Place in Rochester, MN

For any layperson in Rochester, MN, preparing your property for construction is an unwieldy task. Putting the days of physical preparation aside, just navigating all the red tape alone is enough to make any native Minnesotan consider migrating to the North woods for good. And that’s even before trees are entered into the mix. How do trees complicate property management and construction?  As the tree care professionals at Maier Tree and Lawn know, creating your tree preservation plans prior to construction is just as important as any of the actual building.

Regardless of your personal opinions on trees, they’re undeniably valuable. Not only on an individual level, but on a societal level as well. Beyond providing us with oxygen and aesthetics, they’re also worth a significant amount of money when healthy and fully grown. Plus, with proper tree care, they also do a lot of landscaping work organically, such as aiding in storm water run-off and providing natural shade. When it comes to long-term property value, healthy trees are more often than not a home-run.

As such, in order to keep construction crews from taking an axe to your beloved boughs, it’s wise to have a plan in place before the crew even arrives. Basically, tree preservation plans just set the boundaries so the proper, healthy trees are left untouched regardless of the work going on around them. Of course, you could just ask nicely, but having an official tree preservation plan will ensure your trees escape snip-free.

Tree preservation plans also do more than just keep your tree untouched from the trunk up – they protect every part of the tree from root to tip. Once damage has been done to a tree, even with emergency tree care, it often can’t be undone. Requesting a tree preservation plan before the shovels hit the soil can save you time, money, and grief.

If you’re in the Rochester, MN, area and are interested in a tree preservation plan for your property, contact the tree care experts at Maier Tree and Lawn today by calling (507) 454-7000, or by visiting our website for more information.

The Timing of Proper Tree Trimming in Rochester, MN

In states like Minnesota, the arrival of spring is a renewal like no other. Rochester, MN, residents suffer through long, cold winters and then slowly crawl their way into spring while being buffeted by bitter winds and frigid drizzle. The first week after the snow melts that stays sixty and sunny throughout feels like a new lease on life for you as well as your trees. Many residents take advantage of this shift and rush to Maier Tree and Lawn to procure early spring tree services, knowing that we won’t only fit our services into your rushed spring schedule, but will also make sure your trees are getting the care they need which, to the surprise of some, may not include tree trimming.

One of the common images that accompanies springtime is the gung-ho neighbor breaking out the saws and trimmers at the first sign of green. And more often than not, this image is pretty accurate. There’s a sort of thrill that goes along with the first bout of yard work, and tree trimming is no exception. Leaping into tree trimming, however, can be a rookie mistake if you aren’t accustomed to working with trees in the springtime. Depending upon the type of tree that graces your yard, trimming it as soon as spring rolls around may not be the best option.

There are many different species of trees, and just like any other living thing, a different species means different tree services may be required. Sure, it’s pretty universal that dead branches should be safely removed, but attempting more extensive forms of tree trimming can leave your trees stressed, damaged, or worse. Effective tree trimming depends not only upon the amount of trimming done, but also what time of the year it’s done. Depending upon the species of tree, it may be best to trim during its dormant period in the winter, or perhaps after some growth occurs in the summer.

The best option for your tree trimming needs is to rely upon the tree services experts at Maier Tree and Lawn. Rochester, MN, residents who need spring assistance with tree trimming or other tree services can contact Maier Tree and Lawn today by calling (507) 454-7000, or by visiting our website for more information.

Spring Fertilizing for Better Long Term Lawn Care in Rochester, MN

Fertilization is one aspect of lawn care that can tend to slip the mind of even the most dedicated land owners because, for the most part, nature seems to do a pretty good job of sustaining itself without the aid of outside forces. But when it comes to your lawn, sometimes a “good” job just isn’t enough. Lawn experts unanimously agree that spring is one of the most important times to start fertilizing lawns in the Midwest, and Rochester, MN, is no exception. The lawn care services provided by the experts with Maier Tree and Lawn incorporate fertilization because it can raise your lawn’s overall health from good to great. Take advantage of the season and consider adding fertilizers into your lawn care regimen right away.

Just like people, your lawn needs a balanced, fortified diet of the proper nutrients in order for it to thrive. If you’re new to lawn care, or have never employed lawn care services before, you may not know what type of supplements your lawn needs most.  There are a wide variety of fertilizers and additives that can be utilized on your lawn, and just because you’ve never used them before doesn’t mean that your lawn won’t benefit from a boost. However, sorting through all of the options blindly is a good way to get overwhelmed. If you’re interested in looking into fertilizer, start small and consult lawn care experts frequently.

The upside of adding fertilizer into your lawn care routine is that a very small amount of proper fertilization can support your lawn year round. Knowing the right type of lawn fertilizer and how often to apply it is a great starting point, but to get the most out of your lawn care routine then consider consulting a professional lawn care service provider such as Maier Tree and Lawn. The best fertilizer for you may be determined by the time of year you request it, the type of grass you have, and the type of soil you’re working with as well.

Rochester, MN, residents interested in enhancing their lawn care routine should consult the experts at Maier Tree and Lawn by calling (507) 454-7000 or by visiting their website for more information. Now that Spring has arrived the perfect window to explore fertilizers is here. Take advantage today!

How Mulch Makes Your Gardens Mighty in Winona, MN

Mulch is kind of a magic word when it comes to gardening enthusiasts and hobbyists in Winona, MN. Just like asking a sports fan about their favorite team, asking a gardener about their mulch can instantly spark a conversation. If you’ve spent any time observing gardens and lawns at all you’ve probably noticed the natural, multi-colored chips, bordering trees, flowerbeds, and other bits of lawn as well. If you’re ready to experience the many benefits of mulch, the wholesale mulch providers at Maier Tree and Lawn are ready to begin your initiation.

Mulch is ubiquitous on lawns for a reason, and not only one reason, but many. In a way, mulch is kind of like a comforting blanket for your trees and plants. It keeps them cozy and healthy, even helping to protect them. Mulch can encourage water retention, temperature regulation, and it can protect against intense weather conditions. It can do all of this while also adding nutrients to the soil around it. That’s a whole lot of help from such an unassuming pile of chips.

Perhaps most importantly, mulch also helps to mitigate excessive weed growth around your growing plants and saplings. It acts as a physical barrier that prevents roots from growing a little too close to home, and can prevent weeds from growing to begin with.  This will give your plants a little more room to stretch out and will help prevent root conflict under the surface. Because of this, having mulch on hand in the early stages of plant growth can be a huge benefit.

Along with the practical benefits of mulch, you also get the bonus benefit of adding aesthetic flavor to your landscaping. Wholesale mulch comes in a wide variety of forms that vary in shape, color, and consistency. Finding the right wholesale mulch for your lawn may be a struggle because of the variety, but with the assistance of the mulch experts at Maier Tree and Lawn you can get matched with the mulch of your dreams.

Winona, MN area residents interested in wholesale mulch can contact Maier Tree and Lawn at (507) 454-7000 or by visiting our website here for more information.

Why Mulch Provides the Best Cover up for Above Ground Roots in the Winona, MN

At Maier Tree and Lawn, we’re all about helping you add to the curb appeal of the trees at your Rochester, MN, residence. Their health is our number one priority.  But who doesn’t want their trees to look their best as well?

Throughout our posts, we’ve talked about the negative impacts to the health and aesthetic appeal of trees from things such as infestation, severe weather conditions, and lack of proper pruning.  While the topic we’re going to talk about today isn’t necessarily threatening to your tree, it is an issue that needs to be addressed the proper way.

Above ground roots often don’t exactly provide the picturesque appeal you hope for.  They impact the look of your lawn and they make maintenance much more difficult.  We’re going to review some of the common mistakes people make when trying to cover above ground roots. Then we’ll explain why mulch can provide a safe and aesthetically appealing solution.

Common Mistakes Made When Dealing with Above Ground Roots

 Some of the most common mistakes when dealing with above ground roots include:

  • Adding topsoil – Even if done correctly, the roots will appear again. Worse, if too much topsoil is added, it could limit oxygen which tree roots needs
  • Trying to remove the roots – This process often causes harm to the tree resulting in decay and might even result in its death

Want to Cover Your Above Ground Roots? Use Mulch

We have good news. Mulch provides the perfect solution to your above ground root problems for several reasons:

  • It’s safe – adding organic mulch strengthens your roots while covering them, whereas other solutions may harm the tree.
  • It’s appealing – Beautiful colored mulch in incredibly attractive.  Dark brown is our most popular color.  This rich, natural and contrasting color can really make the greens, reds, yellows and purples found in your garden stand out.
  • It’s easy – Maintenance of these areas becomes a breeze when you are not trying to mow over the roots, pick weeds in between them, or constantly try to repair the areas.

Maier Tree and Lawn can help add mulch to your above ground roots. We can also provide a host of tree care services catered to your trees in your Rochester, MN residence.

For more information on mulch, other services, or to ask a question, simply give us a call at (507) 286-8733.

Fostering Post-Winter Tree Care and Trunk Awareness in Rochester, MN

With March officially underway, Rochester, MN, tree care veterans are likely already in the early stages of planning what they’ll need to do to restore their winter-battered trees to their old happy and healthy selves. This winter had a nasty mix of icy rain, overwhelming snowfall, and occasional windstorms, and there’s a chance that some of your trees didn’t love the rough treatment. If you’re looking for tree care advice during the spring thaw, consult the tree care experts at Maier Tree & Lawn to make sure that your boughs return to the land of the living along with the rest of the spring flora.

Since spring hasn’t quite arrived yet, you likely won’t have full foliage on your tree for a while to come. Even so, you can still discern a lot of vital tree care information by examining the bits below the branches. Start from the lawn up and check out the base of your trees where the trunk and ground meet. If there are large swathes of trunk missing bark, make a note of where and how much is missing. This is great information to share with tree care experts who may be able to provide important tree care advice and insight in response.

Examine the rest of the trunk by moving upwards and watching for cracks, decay, missing bark, holes, or odd divots or discoloration. If you’ve noticed any of these issues consistently on any of your trees, then it may be time to bring in a tree care expert who can properly diagnose the problem. Some issues such as insects or tree disease can be treated if caught early enough.

Identifying simple post-winter warning signs can extend the life of your tree exponentially. If you need tree care advice or have a question about the status of one of your trees, contact the Rochester, MN, area tree care experts at Maier Tree & Lawn by calling (507) 286-8733 or by visiting their website today for more information.

The Fruits of Your Labor: Planting Fruit Trees in Winona, MN

Residents of Winona, MN, may not necessarily be living in a tropical wonderland teeming with palms and coconuts, but that doesn’t mean that some fruiting boughs don’t thrive in the chilly Midwest. Fruit trees may seem like a fruitless venture in a city that deals with such long winters, but the tree care experts with Maier Tree and Lawn know that with a little research, even the more barren parts of Minnesota can still bear fruit. You may not be able to grow bananas, but that doesn’t mean all fruit trees are out of reach.

We may not have California oranges, but apples, pears, and plums are still viable options in Minnesota. In fact, many Minnesotans have likely participated in picking apples at a local orchard at least once or twice in their lives. Luckily, you don’t really need a whole orchard in order to have healthy, happy fruit trees of your own, but you do need to have a yard suited to ample pollination and sunlight. Do a little fruit tree research before you decide what to plant. Apples trees are a great way to start, and many varieties of apple trees don’t get too big to manage.

Once you’ve chosen your fruit tree, be sure to review the specific tree care for that species. It may seem as though all fruit trees are created equal, but in a state like Minnesota that has harsh weather for about half the year, choosing notoriously hardy species may be the best way to prevent long term disappointment. Fruit tree care is generally similar to other basic kinds of tree care in that water, sunlight, structure, and a little attentiveness should be all you really need to get started.

If you have any questions about the health of your fruit trees, or tree care in general, contact Maier Tree and Lawn at (507) 454-7000, or by visiting our website here for more information. Get growing today and prepare to share the bounty with your fruit-hungry Winona, MN, neighbors in the future!