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Post-Winter Lawn Fungus Control in Winona, MN

There’s plenty to consider when you’re venturing into the wide world of lawn care in Winona, MN. When and how much to water, how and why to fertilize, and what signs to look for when you’re trying to judge if your lawn is healthy are some topics that only scratch the surface of proper, long-term lawn care. The professionals with Maier Tree and Lawn want you to feel comfortable judging for yourself when your lawn needs a little help, but knowing the signs of common issues like lawn fungus is the first important step in the long journey towards being an annual lawn care master.

The term “lawn fungus” covers more ground than just referencing the occasional mushroom. Fungal lawn diseases can take the form of brown spots, slimy patches, powdery substances, and more. Identifying the specific type of lawn fungus you’re dealing with can require the consultation of a professional lawn care specialist, or at the very least, a good amount of grass-specific research. The causes can also vary widely; over-watering, under-watering, poor mowing techniques, and unlucky weather conditions cover a small portion of the potential triggers. Plus, it’s good for Minnesota lawn care enthusiasts to know that snow is also a potential trigger.

During the winter your grass may be dormant, but the snow that rests on top of it can still impact its awakening in the spring. Depending upon how much snow falls and how compacted it becomes, it may foster the perfect environment for lawn fungus to grow. This is especially true if leaves were not raked before snowfall began, as the extra layer of leaves can provide nutrition and breeding grounds for several types of lawn fungus. Though you can take some steps to prevent this, even raking and avoiding compressing the snow may not be foolproof.

Thanks to the wide variety of existing lawn fungi, the types of treatments are just as varied. If you see signs of lawn fungus on your Winona, MN, lawn come spring, contact the lawn care professionals with Maier Tree and Lawn. Any signs of browning, discoloration, or other oddities should be checked before they’re allowed to spread to other parts of the lawn, even if it turns out to be a fungal red-herring. We can be reached at (507) 454-7000 or by visiting our website here for more information.

Considering Winter Tree Removal as a Resident of Rochester, MN

Winter in Rochester, MN, is the time of year where many homeowners kick back and ignore their lawns for 100 odd days or so. Thanks to heavy snow and bitter temperatures, a large portion of your yard’s population settles in to take a little time off as well. Whereas grass and flowers can hide under a blanket of snow and enjoy the dormant months, your favorite trees may not be quite so lucky. Even though the winter may feel like your vacation from lawn work, the tree care professionals at Maier Tree and Lawn want you to know that in your times of tree removal need, we’re available year-round.

Trees are generally dormant in the winter, but unlike the other plant life on your lawn, trees tend to be more exposed to the elements. Even short and squat tree types have to deal with heavy snow, brittle winds, and sheet ice on a good day during the Minnesota winter. Anyone familiar with tree care knows that a little ice and snow shouldn’t be enough to knock out your trees for good, but that doesn’t mean it never happens.

Even though they generally lose a lot of their vibrant colors and foliage come winter, there are still many signs a tree care novice can look for when considering professional tree removal. If the bark is shedding or cracking, is hollow or dry underneath, or is discolored, you should consult a tree care expert for follow ups. If the branches of your tree have buds that have gone dry, or you’re losing branches entirely, your tree may already be too far gone. In each of these cases, a tree care expert will be able to help you decide if a complete tree removal is appropriate.

Because of the numbing temperatures, some homeowners may not consider tree removal at all until spring comes around. In some cases, this may be fine, but for trees in more precarious positions, it may be a bad idea to wait until all the snow melts away. Issues like rot, disease, or pest infestations can pass in the spring much more easily than in the winter as everything comes out of dormancy. If you’re not sure if tree removal is right for you, requesting a professional consultation could still save you grief down the line.

If you’re a Rochester, MN, resident interested in having a tree evaluated for tree removal, or are interested in more winter tree care tips, call Maier Tree and Lawn at (507) 286-8733 or visit our website here for more information today.

Summer vs. Winter Tree Pruning in Winona, MN

When people picture a summer day they may visualize the buzz of lawnmowers, the smell of fresh cut grass, and the chatter of friends and neighbors working outside on their lawns. Because of this, many Winona, MN, area residents might just consider summer the optimal season for lawn work. The sun is out, the days are long, and you have all the time in the world to do a little trimming. But many tree care professionals such as those at Maier Tree and Lawn also recommend tree pruning in the winter. The question is: does it make a difference?

There’s definitely a benefit to doing your tree pruning in the summer. Not only is the weather great, but you can easily see the shape of the trees when they’re in full bloom and filled out with leaves. This makes the results of the pruning immediately visible and aesthetically simple. There’s an added bonus that if you have particularly overgrown trees, a good summer tree pruning session can help spurn excessive growth for the rest of the year. Plus, it’s a lot more fun to work outside when you’re not bundled head to toe and freezing. But just because summer tree care is easier for you may not mean it’s the only option.

Winter tree pruning is a great option. It is essential for trees that may be susceptible to certain diseases such as oak wilt or Dutch elm. Because the trees are dormant in the winter you have less chance of drawing curious insects, spreading contagious tree diseases, or stressing your tree with excessive cuts. Plus, even though the leaves may be missing in the winter, it’s still possible to make stylistic decisions while tree pruning. Leaves or no leaves, the shape of the tree will still be visible, and some could say that winter tree care is easier with the bulk of the leaves out of the equation.

Ultimately, your decision to prune relies on the type of trees that you have and your tree care health goals while tree pruning. There’s no single rule in which tree pruning needs to happen, but depending on your personal preferences and the trees you choose to grow, it can make a difference. If you’re trying to decide the right time of year to prune your Winona, MN, trees, the tree care experts with Maier and Tree and Lawn can help you make your decision with the health of your trees in mind. Contact Maier Tree and Lawn at (507) 454-7000 or visit their website here for more information.

Determining the Right Time for Tree Removal in Rochester, MN

It can be hard to say goodbye to a tree that’s been on your Rochester, MN, property for many years. Not only do trees help shape the landscaping of your home, they also grow and change along with your family. Being attached to the trees in your yard is a very common feeling, which is why tree removal can be a stressful decision for any household. For those of you in the first steps of requesting tree services such as complete tree removal, here are a few factors to consider from the tree professionals with Maier Tree and Lawn.

Often, when a tree is close to requiring removal, there are a variety of factors that make the process time sensitive or even urgent. The most pressing situation is when the tree has become a serious and present danger to those around it. This can be caused by storm damage such as being struck by lightning or snapped by wind, an accident such as being hit by a car, or just caused by old age and decay. If your tree is in danger of toppling over or is no longer in one piece, it’s likely time for a professional tree removal service to intervene. It’s also important to remember that even if your tree isn’t a direct threat to people it isn’t dangerous in other ways.

Depending upon the condition of your tree, it may be infested or infected with something contagious. Tree removal can become necessary if your tree has the potential to pass along virulent pests or disease to other trees in the area. This type of tree removal is sometimes based on hard-to-see symptoms such as discoloration or irregularities which can be unnoticed without paying close attention. Even if your tree appears healthy and hasn’t yet succumbed to whatever is residing within, hiring a diagnostic tree service professional to inspect its health is still wise. Losing one tree is upsetting enough; infecting every tree in the neighborhood is another story entirely.

Non-health-related tree removal can be the most difficult to contend with. This is especially true when the tree is healthy and intact, but just poorly placed. Just because it’s not causing physical damage doesn’t mean it isn’t risky to keep. For instance, a poorly placed tree can interfere with power lines, block natural light, overwhelm a lawn with thick roots, and generally compromise property value. Even if they don’t feel as dire, all of these reasons are perfectly valid for hiring a tree service specialist to inspect your trees for potential tree removal.

If you’re a Rochester, MN, resident trying to decide if it’s time to say goodbye to a tree, or you just aren’t sure what your next step should be, contact the tree service professionals at Maier Tree and Lawn at (507) 454-7000, or by visiting our website here for more information.

Tree Removal After a Major Late Summer Storm in Winona, MN

There’s no question that the late-summer weather in Winona, MN, can be volatile. Right before the cooler seasons roll in there’s often an influx of high winds and impressive rain that puts earlier summer showers to shame. Unfortunately, along with these weather bursts comes the risk of losing some of your beloved trees to storm damage. As a homeowner, it’s vital to remember that once a tree has been damaged or uprooted, requesting professional tree removal services with Maier Tree and Lawn must be a priority if you want to preserve the safety of your property and neighborhood.

Tree removal after a storm needs to be speedy because damaged trees are much more dangerous than they first appear to the naked eye. If you peek outside your home after a storm and notice broken branches, cracked trunks, or a familiar tree bent at an unnatural angle, you should immediately take precautions and contact emergency tree services to prevent addition damages from occurring. Any of these problems could lead to damage to your home, car, or injuries to an unsuspecting person walking nearby.

It can be easy to forget when your trees are intact and standing tall, but trees are incredibly heavy. It may be odd to consider an oak as a “sharp object,” but when a tree falls, each protruding branch is like a weapon with significant force behind it. Branches can pierce through cars, rooftops, walls, windows, and lawns. With the right force, the weight of a large tree trunk can easily crush an SUV. Even a small tree or sapling could become a catalyst in a major local disaster if it touches a power line. Ultimately, the risk of causing a fire, injuries, or a power outage far outweighs the effort in simply hiring the right tree services to take care of your damaged tree.

Tree services exist to ensure your trees are dealt with safely and effectively. If your trees experience any type of storm damage in Winona, MN, contact the tree removal experts at Maier Tree and Lawn as soon as possible at (507) 454-7000, or by visiting our website here for more information.

Tree Removal After a Major Late Summer Storm in Winona, MN

There’s no question that the late-summer weather in Winona, MN, can be volatile. Right before the cooler seasons roll in there’s often an influx of high winds and impressive rain that puts earlier summer showers to shame. Unfortunately, along with these weather bursts comes the risk of losing some of your beloved trees to storm damage. As a homeowner, it’s vital to remember that once a tree has been damaged or uprooted, requesting professional tree removal services with Maier Tree and Lawn must be a priority if you want to preserve the safety of your property and neighborhood.

Tree removal after a storm needs to be speedy because damaged trees are much more dangerous than they first appear to the naked eye. If you peek outside your home after a storm and notice broken branches, cracked trunks, or a familiar tree bent at an unnatural angle, you should immediately take precautions and contact emergency tree services to prevent addition damages from occurring. Any of these problems could lead to damage to your home, car, or injuries to an unsuspecting person walking nearby.

It can be easy to forget when your trees are intact and standing tall, but trees are incredibly heavy. It may be odd to consider an oak as a “sharp object,” but when a tree falls, each protruding branch is like a weapon with significant force behind it. Branches can pierce through cars, rooftops, walls, windows, and lawns. With the right force, the weight of a large tree trunk can easily crush an SUV. Even a small tree or sapling could become a catalyst in a major local disaster if it touches a power line. Ultimately, the risk of causing a fire, injuries, or a power outage far outweighs the effort in simply hiring the right tree services to take care of your damaged tree.

Tree services exist to ensure your trees are dealt with safely and effectively. If your trees experience any type of storm damage in Winona, MN, contact the tree removal experts at Maier Tree and Lawn as soon as possible at (507) 454-7000, or by visiting our website here for more information.

Staying on Top of Oak Wilt and Bur Oak Blight in Rochester, MN

The mighty Oak is a tree has a long history in Rochester, MN. Boasting a wide number of varieties, some types of Oak can grow up to 150 feet tall and can feature trunks wider than three feet. But as powerful as they appear, like all trees, oaks are tragically susceptible to disease. Two particular fungi tend to make themselves apparent in the late summer, and the tree experts at Maier Tree and Lawn want all tree enthusiasts to know what signs of trouble to look for in their towering leafy compatriots.

Some of the symptoms of bur oak blight can be confused with the more widely spread oak wilt. Their similar names are understandable when you look at the damage they cause side by side. Leaf death, wilting, browning, and purple lesions are all symptoms that both fungi cause, but the damage that oak wilt causes goes even further. Oak wilt can cause leaf death from the top of the tree downward at impressive rates. It also causes discoloration under the bark as it infests the tree.

Oak wilt is highly contagious and has been spreading since the 1940s. Without quick treatment, it can be fatal to trees. Certain measures can be taken to prevent the spread such as limiting firewood transportation and trunk injection treatments. Preventative measures are important as Oak wilt also has the ability to infect every type of oak, which is what sets it apart from Bur Oak Blight more than any other characteristic. As its name indicates, Bur Oak Blight only appears on Bur Oaks. This is good news for some tree owners who may be working with other varieties, but for Bur owners the blight has appeared with a vengeance in late summer and early fall for the last several years.

If you have spotted any signs of Oak Wilt or Bur Oak Blight in your Rochester, MN, trees, contact Maier Tree and Lawn at (507) 286-8733 or by visiting our website here for information on the proper steps to take. For a tree too far gone, removal may be the only option, but determining the proper containment methods and treatment can prevent other trees from suffering the same fate.

Protect Your Trees Against Major Storm Damage in Winona, MN

Trees are some of the most robust residents of Winona, MN. Very little can surpass the sheer longevity of healthy adult trees, and this is true even when taking those harsh, icy winters into account. But, tragically, sturdiness doesn’t equal invincibility. In the face of wild winds and extreme downpours, even the toughest tree can sustain significant storm damage. The tree care professionals of Maier Tree and Lawn encourage all tree owners to be especially vigilant after a storm because major damage can be bad news for trees and tree owners alike.

Major signs of storm damage are, generally, going to be very obvious. If you wake up to your elm inside of your reading study, you likely have a major issue. But, thanks to the natural structure of trees, sometimes even major damage won’t stand out. A canopy of branches and leaves can mask damage such as cracked branches or disconnected sections. If grown close together, an uprooted trunk can be camouflaged by its neighbors. And thanks to their height, a branch hanging treacherously may be outside your view during your tree care routine.

Each of these aspects of storm damage can vary widely from a nuisance to a serious danger. Dangling branches can become dislodged and fall onto your or a neighbor’s property. In a worst-case scenario, such a branch could even strike a person. Similarly, a disconnected branch left unattended could interact with a power line which could lead to fire or widespread power outages. For county folk living off well water, this could mean no access to water for hours or even days.

There’s plenty to be concerned about after a major storm in Winona, MN, but don’t let your trees escape your scrutiny. In the event that you encounter damage during your routine tree care or have concerns about the safety of your trees, contact the storm damage specialists of Maier Tree and Lawn at (507) 454-7000 or by visiting our website here for more information.

Coping with Japanese Beetles and Tree Insect Control in Rochester, MN

Summertime in Rochester, MN, which is an excellent time for gardening, landscaping, and home upkeep, is unfortunately also prime-time for the Japanese beetle. These common pests are a big fan of most things leafy, and their most active months are July and August. Tree insect control specialists encourage any tree care enthusiast who isn’t already familiar with these troublesome little bugs to learn how to identify them. With a little knowledge of this common pest you can contact the experts at Maier Tree and Lawn and shake that beetle fever.

Though Japanese beetles are still named for their country of origin, they’ve actually been in the U.S. since the early 1900’s. This is good news in some ways because it means that a lot is known about their appearances and habits. Since the first step of tree insect control is tree insect identification, you should try to get acquainted with the Japanese beetle’s style. They are identifiable by their bright metallic green and brown coloration paired with a patchy white and brown underside. Once you can identify them, they’re pretty hard to miss.

Japanese beetles, like many common pests, are hungry for a wide variety of foliage, but they especially enjoy fruiting trees and bushes. Their modus operandi is usually to feed on the leaves of the plant or tree extensively. This not only looks tacky, but it also weakens the plants in question. If you see a lot of them at once, it could be very bad news for your trees.

Some good news about Japanese beetles is that, unlike some common pests, they’re large enough to see and remove by hand. If you’re comfortable touching them you could dispose of them manually. But, for more serious infestations, pesticides are viable the more option.

If you’ve encountered Japanese beetles on your property and are considering using pesticides for tree insect control, remember that properly utilizing these tools is something best left to the professionals. If your Rochester, MN, landscaping or trees have been impacted by Japanese beetles, call Maier Tree and Lawn at (507) 454-7000 or by visiting our website here for more information.

Why Mulch Provides the Best Cover up for Above Ground Roots in the Winona, MN

At Maier Tree, we’re all about helping you add to the curb appeal of the trees at your Winona, MN, residence.

Their health is our number one priority, of course, but who doesn’t want their trees to look their best as well?

Throughout our series of posts, we’ve talked about the negative impacts to the health and aesthetic appeal of trees such as infestation, severe weather conditions, and lack of proper pruning.

While the topic we’re going to talk about today isn’t necessarily threatening to your tree, it’s an issue that needs to be addressed the right away.

Above ground roots that begin to spread don’t exactly provide the picturesque appeal you hope for.

First, we’re going to review some of the common mistakes people make when trying to cover above ground roots. Then we’ll explain why mulch can provide a safe and aesthetically appealing solution.

Common Mistakes Made When Dealing with Above Ground Roots

 Some of the most common mistakes when dealing with above ground roots include:

  • Putting grass or flowers over them – This seems like a sound strategy, but the plants or grass won’t get much sunlight due to the coverage of the tree canopy
  • Adding topsoil – Even if done correctly, the roots will appear again. Worse, if the topsoil is added incorrectly, it could block nutrients your tree needs
  • Trying to remove the roots – This process often causes harm to the tree and might even result in its death

Want to Cover Your Above Ground Roots? Use Mulch

We have good news. Mulch provides the perfect solution to your above ground root problems for several reasons:

  • It’s safe – adding organic mulch strengthens your roots while covering them, whereas other solutions may harm the tree.
  • It’s appealing – You won’t have to deal with dead plants or roots that remerge quickly after adding topsoil

Maier Tree can help add mulch to your above ground roots. We can also provide a host of tree care services catered to your trees in your Winona, MN residence.

For more information on mulch, other services, or to ask a question, simply give us a call at (507) 454-7000.