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Our Business is Looking Up

It’s true, business is growing at Maier Forest and Tree, but that’s because the main focus of our business is looking up – looking up into trees and analyzing the health and well-being of each tree we examine. Our certified and skilled professional arborists can spot problems that threaten the life of a tree or pose a hazard to life and property, as well as determine the most economical and safe solutions possible to mitigate the problem.

The fierce storm that blew through Rochester after Labor Day left extensive tree damage in its wake. The staff at Maier performed with impressive effort and outstanding achievement to assist those dealing with the overwhelming task of storm clean-up and recovery. If you were one of the “lucky ones” who didn’t experience a downed tree or massive fallen limbs and branches, now is the time to look “up” and see just how well your trees fared after the severe winds. If you aren’t sure what you should be looking for, call Maier, and we’ll be happy to come to your home and evaluate your trees.

This is the best time of year to have a tree inspected. Wind damage hidden by dense foliage can now be clearly observed, as well as potential dangers from infestation, infection, or improper growth. Our professional staff will discuss their finding with you and address your concerns to help you best understand the needs of your tree.

Winter is a great time for a tree to be repaired and rehabilitated. A tree that receives appropriate attention during the winter stands strong and ready to enter into spring as healthy, reliable and safe as possible.

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