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Lawn Care Services

Maier’s approach to lawn care considers all things green and growing. We make recommendations and perform services that, through science and practice, are proven to improve the soil where all roots grow.

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The Maier Difference for Lawn Care

Any company can claim that they will get you the lawn care results you desire, but none are as thorough and dedicated as the employees of Maier Tree & Lawn in Rochester, MN. Our earth-friendly science and expertise mean that we have solutions for your lawn’s health that provide proven results. We offer both quality and value in all of our services so you can rest assured that your lawn is in the best hands. Our team of expert staff has the knowledge to understand your soil and turf and can guide you to a healthy, full and beautiful lawn. Beginning with fertilization, we ensure that your lawn will build the soil it needs to improve the growing conditions for the grass plant. Our fertilizer ensures that your plants get the nitrogen they need in two ways: either with water insoluble nitrogen, which releases slowly to be available when the plants need it, or with water soluble nitrogen, which is immediately released for plants to quickly take up. With this blended fertilizer solution, you will see immediate results that are sustained.


Lawn maintenance in Rochester and Winona, MN, is about more than just keeping the grass trimmed. Our lawns have come to symbolize safety, comfort, and nature. Your lawn’s ecosystem returns your maintenance investment with a number of financial and environmental benefits. Lawns also hold storm water, reducing nutrient and pollutant runoff into lakes and rivers and filter pollutants from both water and air, improving our quality of life.


According to a recent poll, a well-maintained lawn and landscape can add up to 15% to your home’s value by increasing your home’s “curb appeal”


Speaking of the air we breathe - grass takes in carbon dioxide and produces oxygen through a process you learned about in grade school - photosynthesis. Trees and forested areas get a lot of press, and they are certainly important, but the humble grass plant is out there on the front lines too. A well-balanced lawn ecosystem has numerous benefits to you and your home.

Unfortunately, we don’t always treat our lawns as well as they treat us. Over fertilizing and indiscriminate herbicide applications, along with poor mowing and watering practices, can stress a healthy lawn. This approach is common as people push for the perfectly weed-free, greenest lawn on the block instead of working with the lawn’s natural ecosystem. The good news is you can have a great looking lawn without the negative impact some chemicals can have on the health of your grass, trees and shrubs.

Lawn care service packages in Rochester, MN, Winona, MN, and the surrounding area

Soil Testing & Lawn Analysis
Soil testing and complete lawn analysis are key in the design of your lawn care program. Used together, they provide a roadmap for caring for your lawn. At Maier Tree & Lawn, we offer comprehensive soil testing which includes testing for various site conditions, expert analysis, and professional recommendations.

What is the cornerstone of Maier Tree and Lawn?



Fertilizing is the cornerstone of any lawn service. A good portion of your lawn ecosystem exists in the soil in the form of beneficial microbes and fungi. There are three main types of nutrition you can use on your lawn: a refined elemental fertilizer, a refined elemental fertilizer with an organic base, or a top-dressing organic matter. Each of these options affects your grass plants and the lawn ecosystem in different ways. With our fertilization program, we ensure that your lawn will build the soil it needs to improve the growing conditions for the grass plant. Our fertilizer ensures that your plants get the nitrogen they need in two ways: either with water insoluble nitrogen, which releases slowly to be available when the plants need it, or with water soluble nitrogen, which is immediately released for plants to quickly take up. With this blended fertilizer solution, you will see immediate results that are sustained.

Organic-based fertilizer or standard fertilizer

Organic fertilizer is the treatment closest to nature. By using natural ingredients, organic fertilizer helps build the soil so that it can later feed plants more efficiently. An organic fertilizer is an excellent choice to ensure that your lawn’s ecosystem returns to a healthy, balanced state and works well whether the soil is sandy or the grass is sparse. Standard fertilizer works quickly to feed the plant for a fast green up of your lawn. Made mostly of molecules like urea, ammonium sulfate, and others, standard fertilizer is water soluble, and the nutrients therefore released with water.

All commercial fertilizers show an N-P-K ratio on the front. This stands for nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. You may also hear these referred to as macro-nutrients. Nitrogen levels are the major factor in all plant growth.

Weed Control

The biggest issue that people always want to discuss when it comes to their lawn is weeds and how to get rid of them. Homeowners often have difficulty identifying weeds, which is a challenge because determining what a weed is remains entirely subjective.

The simplest definition of a weed is that it’s a plant growing where it’s not wanted. The most common weed plants we see are dandelions, broadleaf plantain, clover, wild violets, creeping Charlie, common purslane, and chickweed.

Certain herbicides do have their place in a low input lawn. Often, when beginning a lawn care program, spot spraying or even cover spraying of weeds is necessary to give your grass a fighting chance.

The best way to keep weeds out of your lawn is by having dense, healthy turf. The application of this is called integrated pest management, or IPM. A good IPM program is crucial to the success of low input lawn care, and will include aeration, seeding, good mowing, watering, and fertilization practices, potentially some minimal herbicide use.


Broad leaf weed control (cover or spot spray) and Pre- and Post-emergent crabgrass control
With proper lawn care service, weeds can be greatly reduced in your yard. Weeds have a hard time surviving in the healthy, dense turf. Added over time, with proper aeration, seeding, and fertilization programs, weeds can be greatly reduced from your yard.

Fungus Control
Turf diseases can develop on your lawn throughout the year. Most are a result of cultural practices within the specific conditions of your yard. Many turf diseases can be treated with fungicide, and/or mechanical practices.

Insect Control
Pesky insects and bug can cause lots of issues in a lawn. Our insecticide and grub control are meant to prevent or stop damage to your lawn before it goes any further.

Aeration and over-seeding go hand in hand and with Maier Tree & Lawn’s aeration and over-seeding process, we can further enhance your yard. Core aeration pulls plugs of soil from your lawn. This will lead to soil improvement by increasing oxygen to the soil and reducing thatch. It also helps to alleviate soil compaction which, in turn, promotes root growth and helps break down the thatch layer of your lawn. Always leave the plugs on the lawn after aeration; they will break down in a matter of weeks.

Seeding is a process that can go hand-in-hand with aeration. Seeding immediately following aeration is the most cost effective and easiest way of introducing new grass cultivars into your lawn. A seeding rotation will help fill in bare and thin spots and help ensure any patchy areas of your lawn are soon covered by lush, thick grass. This not only improves the appearance of your lawn but reduces the areas where weeds are likely to grow. It is important to use high-quality seed. Though there are many things important to your lawn’s health, it is still only as good as the varieties of grass growing there.

When you have a full stand of healthy grass, weeds have a harder time growing. For those stubborn weeds that still cause problems in your landscape, we offer broadleaf weed control. We strive to use the least amount of herbicide to effectively control your weeds. And we will only use products that are safe for people, pets, and trees.

Watering and mowing
While Maier Tree & Lawn can perform the majority of the tasks required to create and maintain a healthy, lush, beautiful lawn, there are a few tasks left for you, the homeowner. With quality mowing and watering, you can help optimize the appearance and performance of your lawn. Maier Tree & Lawn will leave you with plenty of tips to carry out these practices efficiently.

Watering and mowing are vital components of reducing weed cover. In general, weeds flourish in areas where grass has a more difficult time growing. This can include particularly dry or wet soil conditions. The exact amount of water your lawn needs varies greatly with soil and site conditions. On average, watering twice a week for 30 minutes should be sufficient. Watering this way helps your lawn develop a deeper root system, and increases its resistance to drought.


Mowing properly is also important for weed prevention and control. The majority of weeds will die from being mowed, but most annual and lower growing plants will survive mowing. Mowing at the correct height is incredibly important for both weed prevention and the health of your grass.

Never mow lower than 2 ½ inches; optimal mowing height for turf grass is between 3 and 3 ½ inches. High mowing fosters deep root growth for the grass and shades weed seeds in your lawn which prevents them from germinating. When mowing, never remove more than 1/3 of the grass blade at one time. If you take too much off the top, your grass plants will sacrifice root growth and use their resources to regrow as quickly as possible.

Finally, always use a sharp blade. If you aren’t sure how to sharpen your mower blade, you can check with the manufacturer or with the dealer. Sharp mower blades slice cleanly through grass, while dull blades rip and tear the ends. This damages the grass and provides sites for disease entry.

Planning and Prepping
Now it’s time to design your lawn program. You can do this on your own, or with the help of a professional, like those at Maier Tree & Lawn. Soil testing and site analysis are key in the design of your program. Used together, they provide a roadmap for caring for your lawn. At Maier Tree & Lawn we offer comprehensive soil testing which includes testing for various site conditions, expert analysis and recommendations.

Meeting your expectations is of the utmost importance to Maier Tree & Lawn. In all cases your priorities are the deciding factor in how you care for your lawn. There are endless possibilities for your lawn maintenance program. What they all have in common is responsible usage of all products and a commitment to building the lasting health of your lawn. Our services are available in Rochester, MN and surrounding areas. Contact Maier Tree & Lawn today to get started on your personalized lawn care plan.


Application One

Early spring application of pre-emergent weed control with fertilizer. Also spot broadleaf weed control application. This round of our organic based program uses a standard fertilizer.


Application Two

Early summer application of organic-based fertilizer with broad leaf weed control. based program uses a standard fertilizer.


Application Three

Summer application of organic based fertilizer with broadleaf weed control. based program uses a standard fertilizer.


Application Four

Application of organic based fertilizer with broadleaf weed control.



Early fall core aerate with a single pass of the machine to aerate the root zone of the grass.


Application Five

Late fall application of organic based fertilizer with broad leaf weed control. Serves as winte

Pricing for Multi-Step Lawn Care Packages
Prices are based on the square footage, topography, and access of your lawn. You can set in motion Maier Tree & Lawn’s quality lawn care services by simply contacting us. We will accurately measure your lawn, do an analysis (with an optional soil test if requested) and give you an itemized proposal. Maier Tree & Lawn’s lawn care solutions are green, price-competitive and provide long lasting benefits.

Maier Tree & Lawn cares for your lawn, with all its unique quirks. Whether you’re located in Rochester, Winona, Stewartville, Byron, or anywhere in-between, we have the tools, knowledge, and expertise to cater a plan to your specific needs. Contact us today to set up an annual lawncare plan for the upcoming season to experience the quality and value of Lawn care services from Maier Tree & Lawn!