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Prioritize Weed Control for Your Healthy Lawn

Unless your property resides in a bubble, you can’t realistically expect to control every aspect of your Rochester, MN, lawn. Uncontrollable variables exist at every turn and can manifest in any form from severe weather to pet or lawn mower damage. But with proper lawn care such as weed control and mitigation, it’s possible to guide the trajectory of your lawn toward consistent green success. At Maier Tree and Lawn, our lawn care professionals can help you follow a healthy path forward for your outdoor property.

By nature, weeds are often some of the sturdiest, quickest growing, and fastest spreading plants in your lawn that you probably haven’t planted or planned for. Some of the best-known Minnesota weeds include frequent visitors such as dandelions and crabgrass, but different types of thistle, fox tail, and more may also make regular appearances as well. In short, there is no shortage of possibilities when it comes to midwestern weed growth. And along with being a general eyesore, weed growth can lead to lawn care difficulties that may impede the health of your lawn.

Excessive weed growth can prevent your desired plants and grass from flourishing. Without weed control, undesirable weeds can overtake the grass, flowers, or plants that you actually want. Like any other plant, weeds need nutrients in order to survive. When they begin to overtake your lawn, there’s a good chance that they’re sucking essential water, minerals, and sunlight away from smaller or more delicate plants that may be struggling. And even if you spot weed growth in the early stages, without employing some expert lawn care techniques, it may be difficult to eradicate it on your own.

Depending on the ecosystem of your lawn, there may be several weed control avenues worth exploring. Some common lawn care techniques such as expert fertilization, aeration, and controlled sprays can all contribute to a weed-free lawn. But the technique that suits your property best may not be the same technique that suits your neighbor’s property. Requesting a weed control consultation and discussing appropriate lawn care options is an excellent place to start.

At Maier Tree and Lawn, we offer everything from weed spraying to aeration. Cultivating a thriving Rochester, MN, lawn that doesn’t allow for weed growth may not happen overnight, but with the right techniques you can take a step toward a weed-free future. For weed control options suited to your needs, call us today at (507) 286–8733 or contact us online for additional information.

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