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Pining for Pines: Novice Tree Care in Winona, MN

Being a resident of Winona, MN, means being familiar with a whole lot of trees. Even if you aren’t an avid tree lover, you probably spend an awful lot of time looking at them, being under them, and for some, annually considering which one to drag home for a week of jolly celebration. If you’re just picking out a tree that can support shiny lights for a few days, there really isn’t too much to worry about in terms of tree health. If you’re hoping to raise some pines of your own, picking up a few tips from the tree care experts at Maier Tree and Lawn is a great starting point.

Evaluating the health of any sort of tree can be a difficult process if you don’t have professional experience. An unusual spot may be a sign of sickness, or nothing at all. Pine tree care is no different, and can be more difficult because it’s hard to closely investigate a trunk surrounded by prickly needles. For a tree care novice, the most obvious signs of illness include dark brown patches, dry needles, and voids in the needle coverage. Beyond that, the causes of an imperfect pine can be subtle, or even undetectable.

The tree health experts at Maier Tree and Lawn have the experience and background to evaluate pines of any age and stage of health. If you’re new to tree care and you’d like to make sure your trees live long beyond their first year, consulting a professional is a great way to improve the longevity of your saplings. It can even give you a bit of an edge when picking out the most robust Christmas tree next time the holidays come around.

If you’re in the Winona, MN, area and concerned about the health of your pines, or interested in additional tree health tips, contact the tree care experts at Maier Tree and Lawn. We can be reached at (507) 454-7000, or by visiting our website here for more information.

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