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Arbor-Jet System

Nate Runke, our Plant Health Specialist, met today with the ArborJet founder to discuss our plans to treat EAB.  Using TreeAge through the ArborJet system looks like a very promising treatment that gets multiple years of protection and can treat trees that are already infected.  We are looking at all possible options but it appears we’ll have at least one good option…maybe more??

2 Replies to “Arbor-Jet System”

  1. How does the arborjet system work? Also what is the cost?

    • The system is a trunk injection. Holes are drilled into the trunk and the chemical, under pressure, is taken up into the tree. Research shows 2 years of treatment. It works good as a therapeutic treatment. Prophylactic treatments can be done with other chemicals without drilling holes. These are annual treatments. Because we don’t have EAB yet in Rochester, we have not priced out any trees for EAB. Similar treatments for other pests run in the neighborhood of $10 per inch of tree diameter.